Eric Holder once called America a nation of cowards, when it comes to racial discussion.
What happens when Whites discuss race.
We make Vrai ashamed .
Her view is pretty inclusive when she says "You All".
We are not allowed to post of all the killings in the ghetto's on black on black crime.
We are not allowed to say Obama is incompetent. It ok when she says it , but she is ashamed when we say it.
Because we are racist and she isn't.
We are not allowed to point out all of the crimes, the riots, the black community has, nor can we point out that Hispanics are taking jobs from citizens, that they have no business being here if they came illegally, pr that drunken Hispanics are killing people on the roads.
She has no knowledge of our experiences or why we are racist in her mind,, she has judged us, and found us guilty.
And she is ashamed.
I don't consider myself racist, I judge each individual on the way they are, the way they live, and the stand they take.
She won't believe that,, and personally I don't care. I am willing to have a discussion on race, or homosexuals any time.
I know people of both persuasions , and like some of them and dislike others.,
I have homosexuality in my family and a niece who married a black. Most of us will have both in the family before too long.
Some call that progress.
To me Homosexuality is a sickness. I don't hate everyone with Cancer just because I hate Cancer.
I don't hate all blacks , just those who are like a cancer in the community.
I might add that all white hetero Christians are not a rallying cry away from lynching,or burning the homes of Non Christians, Non-hetero's or non whites or anyone else.
Damn Vrai you really got carried away on this post.