Tiger Woods Seriously Injured In Car Crash


Supper's Ready
Anything is possible, but I don't see any reason to be suspicious about something like that. Maybe he swerved to avoid something, or reached down to pick up something he dropped, who knows? But, I don't think a low speed accident as you are pulling out of your driveway is indicative of any significant impropriety. Stuff happens.

I suspect the notion that 'charges are pending' is much ado about nothing. There was an accident - charges are pending until they aren't. I doubt any charges that result will amount to much. Maybe something relating to destroying the fire hydrant?

Them dang water hazards will get you every time.


I bowl overhand
Went right from the driveway into the rough..

I wonder if he was teed off when he realized what he did..


Dancing Up A Storm
The Escalade is going to need some work done on it! Fire hydrants are none too gentle with 'em! The tree? It was probably just branching out to him. :lmao:


Supper's Ready
At work today, after they announced he was released, we started making a few jokes. One guy said "I thought Tiger was a good driver? :shrug: "

Then we commented on how the media will keep a story like this going without any good information and the questions they come up with, the so-called experts they bring on, etc. just to keep it on.

Another guy made the comment "well, they could call [John] and get his expertise (one of our office guys). After all, he lived in Florida years ago and watches Tiger play all the time" :lol:

A few minutes later, the media went back to this story (after the distracted pilots story) and said "we'll be bringing on someone who knows Tiger very well right after the break". No kidding, [John's] phone rang. We almost died laughing. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
At work today, after they announced he was released, we started making a few jokes. One guy said "I thought Tiger was a good driver? :shrug: "

Then we commented on how the media will keep a story like this going without any good information and the questions they come up with, the so-called experts they bring on, etc. just to keep it on.

Another guy made the comment "well, they could call [John] and get his expertise (one of our office guys). After all, he lived in Florida years ago and watches Tiger play all the time" :lol:

A few minutes later, the media went back to this story (after the distracted pilots story) and said "we'll be bringing on someone who knows Tiger very well right after the break". No kidding, [John's] phone rang. We almost died laughing. :lol:



Football addict
He has been. Apparently he suffered from facial lacerations; that's all that cnn can report on with regards to injuries.
Oh, facial lacerations. How dramatic.

It can be like Phantom of the Greens. Tiger moving hole to hole in stealth formation swooning his way to that special dame while setting elaborate golf traps for his male counterparts along the way.


Football addict
It appears he wasn't just putt putting around. :ohwell:

On a more serious note though... this is a very suspicious incident. Alcohol was a not a factor. It doesn't say no other substance was a factor.

I blame Clinton Portis.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Police chief: Woods' wife helped after accident

Woods' vehicle hit a fire hydrant and a tree in his neighbor's yard after he pulled out of his driveway at 2:25 a.m.

Windermere police chief Daniel Saylor told The Associated Press that officers found the 33-year-old PGA star laying in the street with his wife, Elin, hovering over him.

She told officers she was in the house when she heard the accident and "came out and broke the back window with a golf club," he said. "She supposedly got him out and laid him on the ground. He was in and out of consciousness when my guys got there."

He said Woods had lacerations to his upper and lower lips, and blood in his mouth; officers treated Woods for about 10 minutes until an ambulance arrived.

:bs: My man was running for his life from a pissed off baby momma wielding a lob wedge. In a panic, he pranged the ride off of everything in sight as she was smashing up the wheels from the back to front, just like Jaws ate up the Orca and Quint. Then, after the airbags deployed and he finally stopped running into things, she caught up, drug his ass out and beat his ####ing ass for him.

Dazed, yeah. Beat up, yeah. You would be too, if a mad Swede took to you with the tools of the trade.
