To all you folks


Would THIS face lie?
Sounds like a bunch of pu**ies on here now. All this kitten and man hug stuff goin on. I thought this thread started out as a tree cutting, beer drinkin, brush pilin up, cleanin up thread. Now there is litten talk and huggin amongst MEN. :yikes:


Well-Known Member
I really don't need help. We are well prepared, and take care of ourselves. My comment was showing how someone presents themselves on the forum. Baja belittles people here, but now he is a hero in real life, according to you. Don't get me wrong, I am glad you were helped, but you can't expect people to change their minds because of a single incident.


I already know the mistakes I made here, as in being too honest, not knowing that I would be road kill. You are included in the group that convolutes postings, and changes what the poster meant. You don't bother me a bit. Don't forget that I have tried to support the fact that your hub is fighting the stupid war, and I have wished you the best. Why exactly are you getting involved in this discussion? Please check the list boxes for nasty and attention, on your way out. For the life of me, all I can think is that your post made you feel better.


Shut the fukk up!

^ Sound Advice...

Exactly the responses expected with no surprises! :roflmao:
Sorry, no meltdowns, just opinions. I already confessed. You are definitely an sob, and it, now makes Baja, look like an angel. Good job! :yay:

You need to choke yourself

You handled that very well, Baja. Rather than take her attack you have acknowledged that she isn't well and have even offerer some insight to where she can get help. Thanks for being the bigger man... very respectful post...:yay:

:yawn: No hope for the helpless.

I think people don't like Baja cuz he can back up his mouth and doesn't run and hide behind a MPD. And he has always been nice to me! :love:



Well-Known Member
I really don't need help. We are well prepared, and take care of ourselves. My comment was showing how someone presents themselves on the forum. Baja belittles people here, but now he is a hero in real life, according to you. Don't get me wrong, I am glad you were helped, but you can't expect people to change their minds because of a single incident.

Oh Jesus ####ing Christ. I'm glad that I wasn't on here when this was posted. Kindly shut the #### up. Baja belittles you because you're a ####ing nutjob. Those of us that have had the pleasure of knowing him IRL, know that he's not a ####ing azzhole. But you are a ####ing wackjob. You took a perfectly decent thread of a forumite thanking another forumite for helping him in his time of need and made it about you. You, you, and always ####ing YOU. God, you are just ####ing obnoxious.


Well-Known Member
Oh Jesus ####ing Christ. I'm glad that I wasn't on here when this was posted. Kindly shut the #### up. Baja belittles you because you're a ####ing nutjob. Those of us that have had the pleasure of knowing him IRL, know that he's not a ####ing azzhole. But you are a ####ing wackjob. You took a perfectly decent thread of a forumite thanking another forumite for helping him in his time of need and made it about you. You, you, and always ####ing YOU. God, you are just ####ing obnoxious.

The non-sugar-coated version...

It almost hurts MY feelings to read this... Ouch. :dye: