To all you folks


In My Opinion
You liked her after having met her. Sorry, but I am confused.

No one liked Hank here, but now after meeting him, people think he's adorable.


When I met her in person I was somewhat lucky.
I had not followed any of the stuff that had been going on and was totally clueless, so we met without my having any preconcieved thoughts about who she was.
She seemed like a nice enough person at the time.

But when I heard about various things and went back and read over the posts, I can certainly see how she has come about her forum reputation.

I choose to just stay out of it and watch.

I left one for you Hank.. even though nobody cares.:killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No one liked Hank here, but now after meeting him, people think he's adorable.

Not everybody. :yawn:

KooKoo could have gotten a fresh start after meeting all of us and acting reasonably sane. But not two days later she came on and started back with the nasty posts and being ugly to the Meet & Greet crowd, poor her, blah blah blah. She said something ####ty to Bann and me both. This was AFTER we met her at Vera's.

And I'm not even going to pretend - I never liked her and almost left when she showed up. In fact I did beat it out of there the second I'd finished my dinner. She used to sit up all night getting drunk and sending me nasty PMs telling me what a POS she thought I was, then she wanted me to make nice with her? Uh no. I was polite and avoided her, and I think that's more than she deserved after the way she behaved.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
You liked her after having met her. Sorry, but I am confused.

No one liked Hank here, but now after meeting him, people think he's adorable.


What the heck! We're all adults here. I was sitting with BelvaK, her husband, & Foxhound and thought we should all go over & introduce ourselves. So that's what we did. We asked if he had any Teeshirts. I think we surprised him but he chuckled, and asked "who are you on the forums?! He couldn't have been more personable. We liked a lot of his teeshirts and I even patronized his business by buying 2.

:shrug: When people are nice - why shouldn't we say so?!


Well-Known Member


There is & shall always be specific info that is not for any others "Without a Need to Know". Trust is earned, neva a given.
After readin a few of these posts, a lot that was (?) played off was damn true.
Smart ones saw it, others, that`s their prob.
If ya Listen ya Learn (a heck of a lot). If ya fart it off, don`t go whining as if Y. Some very smart ppl do their homework extensively as not to err, if it comes to a personal meet a/o any confrontation. Knowing b4hand 1 can ctrl the outcome.

Do you have to pay all over again for a new username?


Well-Known Member
Wow, this really got out of hand. I dont understand why anyone would make a negative comment about someone doing something good. Honestly Mamatutu, If you dont care for Baja, why would you continue to comment about him when it clearly has nothing to do with you? I think you doth protest to much!!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

What the heck! We're all adults here. I was sitting with BelvaK, her husband, & Foxhound and thought we should all go over & introduce ourselves. So that's what we did. We asked if he had any Teeshirts. I think we surprised him but he chuckled, and asked "who are you on the forums?! He couldn't have been more personable. We liked a lot of his teeshirts and I even patronized his business by buying 2.

:shrug: When people are nice - why shouldn't we say so?!

I haven't a problem with anyone saying someone is nice. My post was to bcp and I gave him Hank as example.


In My Opinion
I haven't a problem with anyone saying someone is nice. My post was to bcp and I gave him Hank as example.

I think Hank and I have called a truce on our animosity toward one another.

I see what he does now and am finding it rather amusing.


Well-Known Member
I think Hank and I have called a truce on our animosity toward one another.

I see what he does now and am finding it rather amusing.

Yeah, I understand. Thanks for explaining things. Some of your post make me cringe but I like when you post like this. You take time to explain nicely.