To tell or not to tell, that is the question


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I would think people wouldn't lie and cheat because they have integrity and morals and wouldn't need the fear of people ratting them out in order to

Well, wouldn't THAT be nice? :lol:

Just because you find out your old man is having an affair doesn't mean you have to divorce him. But Mig made a great point about STDs. How would this woman feel if she goes to the gyno and finds out she has chlamydia or hepatitis or syphilis?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Well, wouldn't THAT be nice? :lol:

Just because you find out your old man is having an affair doesn't mean you have to divorce him. But Mig made a great point about STDs. How would this woman feel if she goes to the gyno and finds out she has chlamydia or hepatitis or syphilis?

...epiglottis! :jameo:



My Sweetest Boy
Well, wouldn't THAT be nice? :lol:

Just because you find out your old man is having an affair doesn't mean you have to divorce him. But Mig made a great point about STDs. How would this woman feel if she goes to the gyno and finds out she has chlamydia or hepatitis or syphilis?

Whateva..I gave my opinion. Now, I'm going out with my meal ticket and get something to eat. :biggrin:


New Member
I would give her husband like a week or so to tell her and come upfront about it. If he doesn't, than I would tell her. Tell her that you wanted to wait and see if he would be honest and if not, you wanted to be honest wit h her. She may get mad and embarrassed, but hey, thats all a part of life and atleast you were upfront and honest with her...bros before hoes(well in this case, hoes before bros lol)

This happened Friday night. I will see her tomorrow(if husband hasn't told and she is not embarrassed). Another issue is that I occasionally have to interact with the husband and now I will feel awkward.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Another issue is that I occasionally have to interact with the husband and now I will feel awkward.

He should feel embarrassed to face you, not the other way around. YOU didn't do anything to be embarrassed about.


New Member
If this scenario was the neighbors down the street that your kids played with and had them over for dinner and play cards occasionally, would you tell? If it were the neighbors down the street that you saw during the annual neighbohood cleanup day, would you tell?


Transam's wife
Have good female friend who we will name Gertrude. Saw her husband of 3 years who we will name Walter out with another woman this weekend kissing and rubing heavily. They are definitely still married. Walter had the look of death when he realized I saw him. Gertrude has heart of gold and they have 2 small children(under 2) together. It would crush her. Do you tell Gertrude what you saw? If Gertrude was out with another man do you tell Walter?

Asking general question here. If you saw best friend's spouse out cheating do you tell the best friend? If best friend was out cheating do you tell the spouse? If you were just so so friends or just knew who ther person was do you tell the spouse? At what point do you tell spouse and when do you keep out?

All I can say is that I had wish someone would have told me when the same thing was going on....I hated knowing but not having the proof.....
follow your heart and you will know what to do.


To tell or not to tell,... 02-18-2008 05:36 PM Happens all the time with these idiots

Guess someone knows about one or two cpls on here :shrug:


New Member
Women always tell. It is expected.

Someone did not like my comment. Red Karma ":loser:"

I stand by my comment. Women are more protective of each other. I dont have any problem with that. Husband probably will not expect Wifey to remain silent after his very public display....
Either way, I agree with Vrai. :popcorn:


I bowl overhand
Have good female friend who we will name Gertrude. Saw her husband of 3 years who we will name Walter out with another woman this weekend kissing and rubing heavily. They are definitely still married. Walter had the look of death when he realized I saw him. Gertrude has heart of gold and they have 2 small children(under 2) together. It would crush her. Do you tell Gertrude what you saw? If Gertrude was out with another man do you tell Walter?

Asking general question here. If you saw best friend's spouse out cheating do you tell the best friend? If best friend was out cheating do you tell the spouse? If you were just so so friends or just knew who ther person was do you tell the spouse? At what point do you tell spouse and when do you keep out?

Cut a picture out of a catalogue of something REALLY nice that you want..

Next time you see them together ask him how he's doing and hand him the picture.. MAYBE he'll get the hint.


Free to Fly
One of my daughter's friends saw her father making out with a woman he knew was not me and told her about it. How do you think that made my child feel? The thing is if the adults that knew he was cheating had told me what they knew before that happened I would have already been separated by then and my little girl would not have gotten such a verbal smack in the face.


If you saw best friend's spouse out cheating do you tell the best friend?

The answer is unequivocably yes.

I just so happen to have experience in this field, unfortunately.

I had a friend who had a cheating spouse. It so happened that Mrs. Toxick knew the cheating spouse from way back (small world), and ran into her from time to time. We ran into her running around on her husband. (She didn't see us, however).

At about the same time that we caught her, someone else also caught her, and told him everything. He didn't believe this person (who, in all fairness, is not the most reliable person in the world, and is a known drama starter), and stopped talking to them.

When this happened, I decided to hold my peace, because I didn't want to lose him as a friend.

When it all came to a head, he ended up finding out the truth, and later he asked me if I knew about her. I told him that I did. He asked me why I never told him. I explained that I would have told him, but he already knew the truth from someone else, and he didn't believe them.

It was at this point he said something that still rings in my ears: "Yeah, but I would have believed you."

And to this day, I kick myself when I reflect on that.

If it's your best friend, tell them.
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If it was a true friend and not just an aquaintance(sp) then I would tell them for sure.


New Member
I would have called her the minute I saw him. What if this guy decides to hurt you or something.


Back in the saddle
Speaking from experience, as the one who was cheated on.

Have proof to show your friend. While you want to trust your friends and believe that they are telling the truth. You want to believe your spouse 100 times more.


Speaking from experience, as the one who was cheated on.

Have proof to show your friend. While you want to trust your friends and believe that they are telling the truth. You want to believe your spouse 100 times more because you don't want to believe they would do this to you.
