Today's 2 hr early dismissal...


All Up In Your Grill
I haven't read through this entire tread, but I agree with the points that Kwillia made in several posts. First of all, the state mandates that students attend school 180 days per year.

The teacher inservices and professional days are filled with curriulum mapping, software training, and department/team planning - none of which can take place during the course of a regular school day. Either the math department as a whole meets at one school, or the math department at one particular school meets; the 6th grade teachers may meet, etc. etc. Each inservice has different things planned for the teachers, and they may need to go somewhere other than their regularly assigned schools. Many of the teachers do not or cannot take off for these meetings because of their importance to the overall success of their academic school year. A whole crap load of technology was installed in the schools over the summer, and some teachers were never able to receive the proper training on these items. There are many software training workshops offered tomorrow to get teachers comfortable with new technology.

In addition, my own daughter is taking 3 ap classes and 1 block cluster class this year, plus two college classes. She had 3 summer assignments that she had to do over the summer as well. She often uses these extra days off to get caught up on assignments or get future assignments completed in advance.

Yeah, when they are younger, it is more of a burden because a lot of day care providers want off on Fair Day to take their own children, etc. But as they get older, these days off provide a much needed "recharge" to the students, and allow the teachers to prepare for the rest of the semester and to be sure that ALL teachers in a particular course/grade are teaching at the same level as their peers.

Plus, like Elle said, I used to be involved in 4-H as a kid and if they are involved in the fair (especially with livestock), Wednesday night and Thursday are probably busier than the other Fair Days, because they have to get all of their stuff transported to the Fairgrounds and set up for display Thursday night, beginning at 5pm. We STILL are a *rural* county.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mention the professional days. I said their breaks. Fall, christmas and spring and then comes summer. They do not work during those breaks.

wanna bet?

I am more than happy to invite you to my house during any of those breaks and then tell me I don't work during them.