Today's man-bash


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What the hell is so freaking difficult about basic communication? And why do men seem to have this absolute phobia regarding it??

And I'm not even talking about one man in particular - it's ALL of them. :jameo:

When I ask you a question, it's not to be nosy or controlling. I'll actually be planning around your answer, and I can't read what passes for your mind.

Most of the time, I don't really care about the answer itself - I just want to know.

EXAMPLE (not my own personal example, but one many women can relate to):

"What time will you be home?" Duh, asshat, because I'd like to know whether to make dinner or if I shouldn't worry about it. Either is fine, I just want to know.

So if you don't ask, blow them off, they get there when they get there, you may or may not be there when they arrive, you make other dinner plans, whatever...THEN they get all pissed off. "Oh, I figured we'd have dinner together..." Well, then you should have told me when you'd be home, huh??

And any guy who's feeling a little defensive about my bash, THEN QUIT FRICKIN' BEING A NON-COMMUNICATIVE BONEHEAD!!! :mad:


Dream Stealer
I cannot convince SO that I do not give a flying crap about what time he actually comes home (if we have no prior plans) so when I ask he thinks he needs to tell me something I "want" to hear. Then when he doesn't meet that expectation...of course then I am mad because I planned for him being home an such and such dinner, or made other plans, or went to bed, what have you. So, he assumes that I am mad because I am unhappy with the time he choose. So next time..he doesn't tell me the correct time again..thinking he's avoiding me being mad..and he starts the whole thing over again.



Well-Known Member
What the hell is so freaking difficult about basic communication? And why do men seem to have this absolute phobia regarding it??

And I'm not even talking about one man in particular - it's ALL of them. :jameo:

When I ask you a question, it's not to be nosy or controlling. I'll actually be planning around your answer, and I can't read what passes for your mind.

Most of the time, I don't really care about the answer itself - I just want to know.

EXAMPLE (not my own personal example, but one many women can relate to):

"What time will you be home?" Duh, asshat, because I'd like to know whether to make dinner or if I shouldn't worry about it. Either is fine, I just want to know.

So if you don't ask, blow them off, they get there when they get there, you may or may not be there when they arrive, you make other dinner plans, whatever...THEN they get all pissed off. "Oh, I figured we'd have dinner together..." Well, then you should have told me when you'd be home, huh??

And any guy who's feeling a little defensive about my bash, THEN QUIT FRICKIN' BEING A NON-COMMUNICATIVE BONEHEAD!!! :mad:

Why not ask what time should I have dinner ready... rather than what time will you be home :smile:
Why not ask what time should I have dinner ready... rather than what time will you be home :smile:

Ohhh! Ooooh! Let me answer this one....

Because she isn't necessarily going to adjust her dinner making/eating schedule around him... she just wants to know if she should cook for 1 or 2 by finding out if he'll be home around the time she decides to make dinner. :smile:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
My BFF's husband took one of their four kids (5-month-old) to the doctor Saturday for something that appeared kind of scary. When they got home, BFF asked Husband about the visit. Husband says, "He's fine." BFF starts asking questions: "Does he know why it happened? Did he say how to prevent it?" You know, normal stuff. Husband gets all pissed off because she's "grilling" him when all she needs to know is that the kid is fine and why doesn't she trust him? :jameo: :cds:


My Sweetest Boy
Rob Becker (Defending the Caveman) explained all of this fairly well. Women have an allowance of 7,000 words per only 2,000 and they have to use them sparingly.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
What the hell is so freaking difficult about basic communication? And why do men seem to have this absolute phobia regarding it??

And I'm not even talking about one man in particular - it's ALL of them. :jameo:

When I ask you a question, it's not to be nosy or controlling. I'll actually be planning around your answer, and I can't read what passes for your mind.

Most of the time, I don't really care about the answer itself - I just want to know.

EXAMPLE (not my own personal example, but one many women can relate to):

"What time will you be home?" Duh, asshat, because I'd like to know whether to make dinner or if I shouldn't worry about it. Either is fine, I just want to know.

So if you don't ask, blow them off, they get there when they get there, you may or may not be there when they arrive, you make other dinner plans, whatever...THEN they get all pissed off. "Oh, I figured we'd have dinner together..." Well, then you should have told me when you'd be home, huh??

And any guy who's feeling a little defensive about my bash, THEN QUIT FRICKIN' BEING A NON-COMMUNICATIVE BONEHEAD!!! :mad:

AMEN Sistah...even the ones who say "I'm not like that" are JUST like that, when it suits their purpose. Then it's our fault.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My BFF's husband took one of their four kids (5-month-old) to the doctor Saturday for something that appeared kind of scary. When they got home, BFF asked Husband about the visit. Husband says, "He's fine." BFF starts asking questions: "Does he know why it happened? Did he say how to prevent it?" You know, normal stuff. Husband gets all pissed off because she's "grilling" him when all she needs to know is that the kid is fine and why doesn't she trust him? :jameo: :cds:

She take a sledgehammer to his bean?


Well-Known Member
Your husband doesn't sound very smart. :lol:
My husband isnt allowed to go out with out my permission :smile::whip:
Ohhh! Ooooh! Let me answer this one....

Because she isn't necessarily going to adjust her dinner making/eating schedule around him... she just wants to know if she should cook for 1 or 2 by finding out if he'll be home around the time she decides to make dinner. :smile:

Because he can answer the question as asked, or he can suck it!
Reverse physcology... it works :lol:
Makeup sex! :starcat:
