Today's man-bash


Salt Life
Vrai, I'm gonna' have to take the guys' side in all of this. Hubby and I often travel from St Mary's to Waldorf in complete silence. I don't want to chit chat, I want to drive. :lol:
Vrai, I'm gonna' have to take the guys' side in all of this. Hubby and I often travel from St Mary's to Waldorf in complete silence. I don't want to chit chat, I want to drive. :lol:
He's not quiet because he wants to be. He's quiet because he's watching his life pass before his eyes as you drive.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Vrai, I'm gonna' have to take the guys' side in all of this. Hubby and I often travel from St Mary's to Waldorf in complete silence. I don't want to chit chat, I want to drive. :lol:

I'm not talking about chit chat and face running. I'm talking about basic communication. Not for entertainment purposes, but for information.

So what did the doctor say about Junior's gaping head wound?
He'll be fine.
Is there any medication he's supposed to be taking?
Uh, yeah.
I see. And did you get a prescription for said medication?
And did you fill this prescription at the pharmacy?
Did you want to tell me about the dosage instructions?

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Vrai, I'm gonna' have to take the guys' side in all of this. Hubby and I often travel from St Mary's to Waldorf in complete silence. I don't want to chit chat, I want to drive. :lol:

You are comfortable when you can enjoy the silences along with the talking.

The world would be happier if people had the same capacity to be silent that they have to speak.


I'm not talking about chit chat and face running. I'm talking about basic communication. Not for entertainment purposes, but for information.

So what did the doctor say about Junior's gaping head wound?
He'll be fine.
Is there any medication he's supposed to be taking?
Uh, yeah.
I see. And did you get a prescription for said medication?
And did you fill this prescription at the pharmacy?
Did you want to tell me about the dosage instructions?


Amount of F##Ks given, 0
you know i think its funny when u call a guys name like 3 times and he doesnt answer you then by the 4 time he does and he is like WHAT! why are you yelling lol :lmao:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm not talking about chit chat and face running. I'm talking about basic communication. Not for entertainment purposes, but for information.

So what did the doctor say about Junior's gaping head wound?
He'll be fine.
Is there any medication he's supposed to be taking?
Uh, yeah.
I see. And did you get a prescription for said medication?
And did you fill this prescription at the pharmacy?
No, I thought I'd let him suffer so he can learn to man up.:rolleyes:
Did you want to tell me about the dosage instructions?
Why? Can't you read?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

In the time that that conversation takes place, with at least one person ending up pissed, the man could have simply said, "I took Junior to the doctor - says he's fine, nothing to worry about. He has some meds and has to take 3 a day after meals until they're gone. I just gave him his first dose."

10 seconds, over, everyone's happy, and we can all go back to ignoring each other. :lol:


New Member
I'm not talking about chit chat and face running. I'm talking about basic communication. Not for entertainment purposes, but for information.

So what did the doctor say about Junior's gaping head wound?
He'll be fine.
Is there any medication he's supposed to be taking?
Uh, yeah.
I see. And did you get a prescription for said medication?
And did you fill this prescription at the pharmacy?
Did you want to tell me about the dosage instructions?

why would you even go through all of that knowing what it will be....ask about Jr...look to see if there is a prescription bag in hand...take it and read instructions. much easier.


BUT! If the topic of football comes up, they will run their faces for hours about minutia you couldn't possibly care less about. Gotta drag day to day life stuff out of them, but they'll quote you stats and history of their favorite team until they turn blue and their tongue hangs out.



Hot Flash
Me: "What is that noise?"

Him: "I'm not sure."

Me: "Are you on the rumble strips?"

Him: "No."

Me: "I think it's our car."

Him: "I think it's the tire."

I can't say the conversation would have been any different with a woman.

I can usually expect a yes or no answer to any question with him. :lol:

This situation was possibly different.


What the hell is so freaking difficult about basic communication? And why do men seem to have this absolute phobia regarding it??

And I'm not even talking about one man in particular - it's ALL of them. :jameo:

When I ask you a question, it's not to be nosy or controlling. I'll actually be planning around your answer, and I can't read what passes for your mind.

Most of the time, I don't really care about the answer itself - I just want to know.

EXAMPLE (not my own personal example, but one many women can relate to):

"What time will you be home?" Duh, asshat, because I'd like to know whether to make dinner or if I shouldn't worry about it. Either is fine, I just want to know.

So if you don't ask, blow them off, they get there when they get there, you may or may not be there when they arrive, you make other dinner plans, whatever...THEN they get all pissed off. "Oh, I figured we'd have dinner together..." Well, then you should have told me when you'd be home, huh??

And any guy who's feeling a little defensive about my bash, THEN QUIT FRICKIN' BEING A NON-COMMUNICATIVE BONEHEAD!!! :mad:

Thats why I have a dog now !.she loves me for what " I " am thank you!


Active Member
I have him pick the menu for the whole week. That way, I don't have to hear the make whatever and our converstions start as soon as he walks into the house. Boy, ever complaining about patients, staff, the driver infront(not paying attention)/behind(almost hitting him). All the while I'll tell him about the kids day/my day,etc.


Hot Flash
I have him pick the menu for the whole week. That way, I don't have to hear the make whatever and our converstions start as soon as he walks into the house. Boy, ever complaining about patients, staff, the driver infront(not paying attention)/behind(almost hitting him). All the while I'll tell him about the kids day/my day,etc.

Are you a Shah?