Today's man-bash

Quick fix, Tox... I was going to ask if an eyeroll was something you could expect to find on a sushi bar...:lol:


What the hell is so freaking difficult about basic communication? And why do men seem to have this absolute phobia regarding it??

And I'm not even talking about one man in particular - it's ALL of them. :jameo:

When I ask you a question, it's not to be nosy or controlling. I'll actually be planning around your answer, and I can't read what passes for your mind.

Most of the time, I don't really care about the answer itself - I just want to know.

EXAMPLE (not my own personal example, but one many women can relate to):

"What time will you be home?" Duh, asshat, because I'd like to know whether to make dinner or if I shouldn't worry about it. Either is fine, I just want to know.

So if you don't ask, blow them off, they get there when they get there, you may or may not be there when they arrive, you make other dinner plans, whatever...THEN they get all pissed off. "Oh, I figured we'd have dinner together..." Well, then you should have told me when you'd be home, huh??

And any guy who's feeling a little defensive about my bash, THEN QUIT FRICKIN' BEING A NON-COMMUNICATIVE BONEHEAD!!! :mad:
Be there at 4:30. What are you making for dinner? :biggrin: See, I'm real simple and easy to understand. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Whenever I'd ask the ex when he'd be home he'd answer "when I get there". I just do whatever I wanted for dinner and he could feed himself. I got to use his answer one night in bed. It was hilarious. He never used that answer again with me. :smile:


Rob Becker (Defending the Caveman) explained all of this fairly well. Women have an allowance of 7,000 words per only 2,000 and they have to use them sparingly.
I have to leave now. I've used up my 2000 words already. :doh:


USMC 1983-1995
I always have supper ready between 5:30 and 6:30. MY eating requirement ( I have a suppressed appetite so I have to schedule my meals). He calls everyday when he's leaving, asks if I need anything (I usually don't but sometimes I ask for him to stop and get something just to spin his wheels :lmao:). If he's running late he calls cause he knows I have to eat.