Today's man-bash


aka Mrs. Giant
Why do you want to know? :eyebrow:

Because I want to know where you are, who you are talking to, who you looked at, do you want another dog, what color do you like best, should we adopt a kitten, do you want to go shopping, may we go out to dinner, do you like my toenail color, may I have a baby goat, did you have a good day, do those people appreciate you, will you change the oil in the car, would you like another beer, would you like to watch real housewives of dc, what would you like for your birthday....and that's just the first five minutes. :shrug:


aka Mrs. Giant
Because I want to know where you are, who you are talking to, who you looked at, do you want another dog, what color do you like best, should we adopt a kitten, do you want to go shopping, may we go out to dinner, do you like my toenail color, may I have a baby goat, did you have a good day, do those people appreciate you, will you change the oil in the car, would you like another beer, would you like to watch real housewives of dc, what would you like for your birthday....and that's just the first five minutes. :shrug:

My poor husband. :poorbaby:


Nanny Pam

One day I held a 45 minute conversation (one sided, of course) till I realized he had his ear buds in and the ipod blasting. Then I also realized, that the conversation was about the same as all the others. He never heard word I said. :ohwell:

When you have a man, all you have is another child to raise. JMO

Nanny Pam

What on earth did you talk about for 45 minutes that required no feedback or input on the part of your victim?

just giving him updated cancer reports on our friends that have the big C. What's for dinner. How was your day? (no response, just a bobbing head) what the dogs did that was funny, blood sugar reports, daycare kids, know...all the normal carp.


It's not HaHa time....
Because I want to know where you are, who you are talking to, who you looked at, do you want another dog, what color do you like best, should we adopt a kitten, do you want to go shopping, may we go out to dinner, do you like my toenail color, may I have a baby goat, did you have a good day, do those people appreciate you, will you change the oil in the car, would you like another beer, would you like to watch real housewives of dc, what would you like for your birthday....and that's just the first five minutes. :shrug:

I was going to say the first 3 minutes maybe!! When you get going, you get going haha! It is too quiet without you here! :razz:
The typical man and typical woman have very different ideas about communicating - that's just how it is. For instance:

Typical man: I'm just gonna communicate the absolutely essential items - anything more is a waste of time and runs the risk that those essential items get lost in chaos.

Typical woman: I'm gonna communicate everything whether it matters or not - sure, some absolutely essential items might get lost in the chaos, but I'll have made up for that problem with quantity. The side benefit of this will be that, if I forgot to communicate something that was absolutely essential, I can always claim that I had mentioned it and you'll never know the difference.

Typical man: If I need or want you to know something, I'll be clear about it - I don't expect you to read my mind and I don't regard your ability to as a measure of how much you love me.

Typical woman: If I need or want you to know something, I'll beat around the bush about it to give you a chance to prove how much you love me by reading my mind and figuring it out. Why didn't I tell you that it made me mad when you didn't open that door for me 16 years ago? Well, what the hell did you think I meant when I said we should eat out instead of cooking dinner that night?

The typical results referred to above are not typical. Your mileage may vary. In some contexts, the reversing of 'man' and 'woman' in the above generalizations will have no effect on their accuracy and relevance.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The typical results referred to above are not typical.

You can say that again. :smack: More like:

How did your job interview go today?
Went well.
When will you know if they're going to make you an offer?
Huh? Oh, they made me an offer.
So...does that mean you got the job?
And when do they want you to start?
Next Monday.
:cds: :cds: :jameo: :jameo:

And yet they still can't figure out why we cut off their penises and burn them to death in their beds.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BUT! If the topic of football comes up, they will run their faces for hours about minutia you couldn't possibly care less about. Gotta drag day to day life stuff out of them, but they'll quote you stats and history of their favorite team until they turn blue and their tongue hangs out.