Ken King, I think I will pay attention to the last sentence on each of your posts. Just so you know, I am just a happy guy so I guess you are out of luck. Sorry bout that.
The Maryland Motor Vehicle code is not the only set of laws that govern our operation. Court Decisions and Maryland Rules and Regulations apply as well.
Stop looking for a debate and think for just a second now.
If a policeman was not allowed to pace a speeding motorist, without first turning on his siren (audible device), do you really think that Judges in all 24 Maryland counties would be finding people guilty for speeding every day, for citations where the police have issued those citations based on pacing the violator? Don't you think that some legal beagle would have figured that out long ago? The higher courts have determined that the police have need to exert some privileges to manage/maintain and enforce traffic on the highways.
Now I want to be perfecty clear (jeez I am starting to sound like a politician) in my explaination. This does not protect the officer should his operation of the emergency vehicle cause a collsion. He is to operate the vehicle with due care and safety for others. If he does not, he will be found at fault in the collision and disiplined accordingly.
As I said before, I would be happy to try to answer legitimate questions, but I will pass on the debate banter. So far most of the "questions" have been asked to initiate a debate.
Those of you who sent me messages, thank you for the kind words. I am just learning how to negotiate this site, so I am unsure how I answer you back, but I will figure it out eventually.
Ken King, again I am sorry I could not bring a little sunshine to your day!