Today's speed traps - a new record!

John Z

if you will
K_Jo said:
I had a cop do that to me on 488 early one morning. I had the cruise control set to the speed limit. He rode my ass for a long time, then got in front of me and slowed down to about 35 so fast, I had to slam on the brakes. He drove well under the speed limit for a little while, then sped off. It was really weird and it made my neck hurt.

OMG, you got brake-checked by a police officer? :shocked:

On a side-note, I'm just tickled that a tread that I started has gone 10 pages. 95% of the time, when I post, the unwritten rule (no pun intended) is that the thread is to be left to die. Not to mention we have a member of the local constabulary (sp?) posting in this thread. Yowza! :diva:


My 401K is now a 201K
ccrc1 said:
"If I am directed into a residental neighborhood with a posted limit that is 25 mph, you may find yourself being stopped for doing 30!"

Would you please head over to Spruce Dr. in Towncreek and enforce the 25 mph there? Folks seem to think it's a 'shortcut' to avoid a couple of lights on Rt. 235....Esperanza Middle School is very close, the speed limit is 25 mph and I see punks and soccer mom's alike hauling azz down the street everyday. Most are going easily 45 mph.

Thanks for letting me vent :cussing:


I bowl overhand
SEABREEZE 1957 said:

Would you please head over to Spruce Dr. in Towncreek and enforce the 25 mph there? Folks seem to think it's a 'shortcut' to avoid a couple of lights on Rt. 235....Esperanza Middle School is very close, the speed limit is 25 mph and I see punks and soccer mom's alike hauling azz down the street everyday. Most are going easily 45 mph.

Thanks for letting me vent :cussing:
I'd ask them to come and check our street, but they'd catch me too.. although I don't think Dump Trucks and commercial vehicles should be doing 60 - 65 in a 35 zone.
BS Gal said:
I had a State Trooper on my butt on Chancellor's Run one day. I was doing the speed limit (given there was a State Trooper behind me) and she TAILGAITED me to the point that I was uncomfortable in that I thought she might rear-end me. I finally pulled off to the shoulder so she could pass and she proceeded to do it again to the person that was in front of me originally. I got her car # and called the State Police on the next working day. They told me she wasn't on patrol that day......Hmmmmmmm.
That is exactly what I'm talking about. They try to intimidate people into getting out of their way. If we were to do that it would be considered aggressive driving. Next time one does it to me they'll have a trailor hitch through their radiator. "What, you didn't see that dog?"


professional daydreamer
desertrat said:
That is exactly what I'm talking about. They try to intimidate people into getting out of their way. If we were to do that it would be considered aggressive driving.

I wonder if our resident po-lice officer will address this? That has happened to me, too.
elaine said:
I wonder if our resident po-lice officer will address this? That has happened to me, too.
Well he kind of said he talked to some of the younger, rookies about this "sort" of thing. It never actually happened to me, but I've been right there when it happened several times. Usually they act like people should let them have the left lane. In all cases it would have been no big deal to make a few lane changes and get around.


professional daydreamer
desertrat said:
Well he kind of said he talked to some of the younger, rookies about this "sort" of thing. It never actually happened to me, but I've been right there when it happened several times. Usually they act like people should let them have the left lane. In all cases it would have been no big deal to make a few lane changes and get around.

There not all rookies. If they are, they started late. They're just azzwipe, aggressive cops.
elaine said:
There not all rookies. If they are, they started late. They're just azzwipe, aggressive cops.
I know. I've seen a couple of them around for quite some time now. I think being aggressive is part of the personality that goes for that type of job. They just need to not bring it to the road during nomal transits.


24/7 Single Dad
desertrat said:
"What, you didn't see that dog?"
Squirrel works good for that. It's possible to do a search of registered dog owners in a given area and cause reasonible doubt about your story in court.

John Z

if you will
K_Jo said:
Is that a real thing? My sarcasometer is broken. :lol:

Are you asking whether "brake-checking" is a real term? Yes. It happens when somebody is tailgating somebody else, and the person in front slams on their brakes to show the person behind them a lesson.

I was serious in being surprised that this was practiced by a police cruiser.

Hmm, but that does bring up a memory. My friend was driving behind a cop on the way to work several years back, and the "rear" lights on the top of the car were illuminated briefly. My friend thought this was a sign from the cop to not follow so closely, lest ye be pulled over.


John Z said:
Are you asking whether "brake-checking" is a real term? Yes. It happens when somebody is tailgating somebody else, and the person in front slams on their brakes to show the person behind them a lesson.
"And what lesson would that be?
Perhaps BS Gal would like to share with us her unique style of how to reek havoc on our roadways? :whistle:


K_Jo said:
I had a cop do that to me early one morning. He rode my ass for a long time, then got in front of me and slowed down to fast, had to slam . He drove It really weird and it made my neck hurt.

True story! :popcorn:


lower life form
gumbo said:
"And what lesson would that be?
Perhaps BS Gal would like to share with us her unique style of how to reek havoc on our roadways? :whistle:
Good thought! I try to ignore people tailgating me, as much as possible. I just try to let them pass me as soon as possible.

John Z

if you will
gumbo said:
"And what lesson would that be? QUOTE]

Well, really the lesson is that two wrongs don't make a right. This is one way "road rage" escalates.

Let'w be careful out there folks. :razz:


My Freak!
Freakyfreak said:
Rt 234 50mph ..Retarded!
Rt 235 from California to Rt5..55mph . Retarded!

70MPH bumper to bumper during rush hour.Do that when you have the whole road to yourself..It's ticket time..Retarded!

Crossovers.. retards drive on left hand side of them all the time and cause major accidents...Do you see cops trying to detour that crap? Noooooooo they are sitting at the bottom of the hill where you pick up that extra 3 to 5 mph.

Speeding Cameras to patrol our cars,,.retarded....More retarded laws that where written by the insurance companies political puppets.

Click it or ticket..How retarded,,motorcyclist don't wear seat belts or have air bags..Safty my azz! It's another law past to keep them Insurance companies contributions coming in during election time.

DUI, DWI What a frickin retarded racket that is..Drink 2 beers and you're in a heap a trouble...More insurance company contributions.

55 MPH..Same Insurance company BS.

Wake up and see the real world. Politicians don't spend millions of dollars campaigning for a office that pays $150,000..Most of those campaign funds come from insurance companies and insurance companies are nothing more than odds makers.

Slow um down to a crawl, strap um in tight and arrest um for being out at night,,.That sure does increase the insurance companies odds.
OH YEA and give um lots of points so the insurance companies can afford to make bigger contributions next year.

This is the truth of the matter..And for the blind stupid retarded idiot that sent me red on this.......YOU ARE A----> :buttkiss: Pull your head out of your azz.

Thats all :snacks:


My 401K is now a 201K
Freakyfreak said:
This is the truth of the matter..And for the blind stupid retarded idiot that sent me red on this.......YOU ARE A----> :buttkiss: Pull your head out of your azz.

Thats all :snacks:

It honestly sounds like you have a beef with insurance companies. Why are you so bitter? :confused: