

They're out to get us
I just don't wanna get trashed when I've gotta work at 8 am the next morning... besides, I've never met you... you could be some scary creepy serial killer type who wants to get me drunk so he can drill a hole in my skull and pour draino in, hoping it doesn't kill me but instead makes me a brainless sex zombie.

He lives near miggy. If he tries to do that before the 3rd meeting (as he warned), her doggies will poop on his lawn. Then we'll see who's laughing.

I don't think you should watch that show "Fringe" anymore. Clearly it made you overly paranoid!


They're out to get us
I cannot read or watch scary crap like that... I watched an episode of Law & Order last night before going to bed... I woke up at 1 am screaming crying because I had a nightmare that me and another forumite :)gossip:) were kidnapped by terrorist and they were torchuring (sp) us :frown: :yikes: :bawl:

:poorbaby: It'll be ok we will protect you from the evil terrorists of St. Mary's county!


He lives near miggy. If he tries to do that before the 3rd meeting (as he warned), her doggies will poop on his lawn. Then we'll see who's laughing.

I don't think you should watch that show "Fringe" anymore. Clearly it made you overly paranoid!
I never would've watched it if SOMEONE hadn't reminded me that it was on :whistle:

:lmao: Alright, well as long as you can promise Miggy's dogs will poop on his lawn if he tries to make me a brainless sex zombie before the third meeting, it should be ok. :killingme


Active Member
I never would've watched it if SOMEONE hadn't reminded me that it was on :whistle:

:lmao: Alright, well as long as you can promise Miggy's dogs will poop on his lawn if he tries to make me a brainless sex zombie before the third meeting, it should be ok. :killingme

I dunno....migs dog likes me


Active Member
fur doggies do not, repeat, do NOT like her.

the person I bought my house from said she was talking to her and was like yeah I have to go inside to finish up a few things and she said she followed her right into the house...I was like yeah that's not happeneing to me