Tone Down the Rhetoric- Lower the Temperature


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
He had Maga signs in his yard and was registered Republican
:killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme

You are a COLOSSAL LYING SACK OF crap!!!

Neighbor says Trump shooter's family had no political signs in yard as parents' affiliations surface

Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was rarely seen in Pennsylvania neighborhood, say neighbors

BETHEL PARK, Pa. – Two neighbors of would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks dismissed the attention drawn to his political affiliation, saying the family appeared to never have campaign signs of any stripe in their Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, yard.

Amy, who spoke to reporters alongside Holly – a local GOP captain – attested that the media would be hard-pressed to find a neighbor who could vouch for any signs having been seen in the Crooks' yard.

"I give out the signs, and I've never given to that house, I'll tell you that," said Holly, who alluded to the fact Crooks was a registered Republican.

"I know who the Republicans are. I mean, he's not on the list," she said.

Crooks' mother, Mary, is registered as a Democrat, while his father is registered as a libertarian.



Well-Known Member
Evidently the difference between jokes and dire warnings escapes you. Please, tell me more about these stories. Which leading republican? What school shooting? If I know one thing, its that context matters. Do you think that the image above is actually a threat to do that to JB?

It's rhetoric

If you normalize going around screaming FJB and showing pics of him hog tied you think that is turning down the temperature?

You think it's responsible behavior for a presidential candidate ?

What about when you guys cheered the man who attacked Paul Pelosi?

Cheered for idiots urinating and shitting in the captiol while screaming " hang Pence"? and now call them patriots?

“It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But have to get over it, we have to move forward,” he added. Trump after the latest Iowa school shooting


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They just know that they don't have any way to stop it.

Ah, but they do. They specifically tell their employees to not stop shoplifters - to let them take what they want. There was at least one instance where a manager was fired for calling the police after a looting.

They can also be vocal about the looting and raise hell. But they're not doing that - they're just going, "Eh. Whaddaya gonna do..."

PCB doesn't have a problem with looting. A bunch of thugs from Birmingham tried that last year and cops from 3 counties showed up to, um, correct them. That's because we don't put up with that sh*t and store owners don't put up with it. They are crystal clear that they don't want you looting their stores and stealing.

In Democrat cities, however, it's a different story. By their extreme passivity they are signaling, "Hey, our stuff is free - come and get it." So why not just go get it?

The answer I'm looking for is "because you are part of a peer group that doesn't loot and steal." It's not your personal morality that keeps you from doing it, it's the collective morality and our little slice of society that doesn't condone that behavior. If everyone around you was taking stuff from stores, you would likely do the same. So would I. But you don't surround yourself with that element. Your friends and family are likely civilized and not people who'd fill a cart and walk out without paying.

It has nothing to do with the law, or what the store encourages. It's solely because if you walked into a store and took a bunch of stuff without paying, your friends and family would look down on you and likely ostracize you. And you would do the same to them.

You take *one* sample because that is what's socially acceptable. Even if the sample lady is urging you to stand there and eat everything on the tray, you make take a second sample and that will be it. If you stand there wolfing down all the samples, you run the risk of someone you know seeing you and disapproving of it, just like you would disapprove of me if I was standing there hogging all the samples. Even if there's no one else around, those peers stand on our shoulder whispering into our ear.

We are socially conditioned by our peers, and that is largely where our personal morality comes from.

And I was going somewhere with this but I got distracted and lost my train of thought... :lol:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It's rhetoric

If you normalize going around screaming FJB and showing pics of him hog tied you think that is turning down the temperature?

You think it's responsible behavior for a presidential candidate ?

What about when you guys cheered the man who attacked Paul Pelosi?

Cheered for idiots urinating and shitting in the captiol while screaming " hang Pence"? and now call them patriots?

“It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But have to get over it, we have to move forward,” he added. Trump after the latest Iowa school shooting
Why don't you tone down the LYING?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Where was he living ? :sshrug: with his parents ? sharing a house with others ?

LYING Disingenuous Sack of Shite

So What ...

PA is a CLOSED PRIMARY State ...

Democrat Party Leaders / DNC Encouraged followers to REGISTER AS REPUBLICAN to Vote in the Republican Primaries as spoilers
It was another lie.

There were no signs.



Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with the law, or what the store encourages. It's solely because if you walked into a store and took a bunch of stuff without paying, your friends and family would look down on you and likely ostracize you. And you would do the same to them.

You take *one* sample because that is what's socially acceptable. Even if the sample lady is urging you to stand there and eat everything on the tray, you make take a second sample and that will be it. If you stand there wolfing down all the samples, you run the risk of someone you know seeing you and disapproving of it, just like you would disapprove of me if I was standing there hogging all the samples. Even if there's no one else around, those peers stand on our shoulder whispering into our ear.

We are socially conditioned by our peers, and that is largely where our personal morality comes from.
This isn't my first discussion on the evolution of morality. I think I first came across the idea in the late 80's. I think the person referred to it as tribal evolution or somesuch. I think I may have read an essay as a boy by Mark Twain which purports that we follow morality simply because society says so. (Ah! "What Is Man?").

This morning, I talked to my son. I bought three boxes of fruit rollups which he was to SHARE with his two sisters. He wasted no time eating a whole box. I told him - you're done. You are not to have anymore or I'll put my foot up your ass. This is to SHARE. I am trying to get him to understand (he has a cognitive disability) self-control and ethics. When he takes more than his fair share, he is INJURING those entitled to it.

Of course, I add the boot up his ass remark as incentive. Sooner or later, he may recognize the wisdom. I get that you believe ethics and morality stem from societal acceptance, but that is the way an animal learns. Humans reach a point where after careful consideration, they are able to project themselves into others and see how it would feel if they were in the other person's shoes. A toddler - and a puppy - learn because you slap their hand - a grown-up who can be reasoned with, can learn "how would I like to be treated?". This concept usually begins somewhere around 7 or 8 years old.

The tribal ethics argument goes that all morality derives from a collective idea that the larger group benefits if we don't steal from each other or screw each other's mates or kill their children. The "group" benefits even if the individual may incur a setback. I reject that notion, categorically. It is in our nature to be selfish. But this is my belief - our Creator has imbued us with not only a knowledge of right and wrong - BUT ALSO a desire to do what is right. Hence, you have people doing demonstrably bad things, but they try to justify it as RIGHT, rather than giggle over their evil-ness.

And even THIS - is oversimplification. Human behavior is complex. People will often behave a certain way, because they sense they have little choice, otherwise. If you'd lived in Nazi Germany - would you have gone along and declared Jews were evil and should be killed - or would you silently let it happen, because you feared for your life? Nevertheless, there were brave souls who KNEW it was wrong, who fought it WITHIN Germany.

I do not see store owners in Democratic cities out front waving their merchandise and declaring it is free. I DO believe they have given up on fighting it.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
So he couldn't possibly have posted a sign in his parents yard?
THERE WERE ZERO signs posted in their yard.


Neighbor says Trump shooter's family had no political signs in yard as parents' affiliations surface

Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was rarely seen in Pennsylvania neighborhood, say neighbors

BETHEL PARK, Pa. – Two neighbors of would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks dismissed the attention drawn to his political affiliation, saying the family appeared to never have campaign signs of any stripe in their Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, yard.

Amy, who spoke to reporters alongside Holly – a local GOP captain – attested that the media would be hard-pressed to find a neighbor who could vouch for any signs having been seen in the Crooks' yard.

"I give out the signs, and I've never given to that house, I'll tell you that," said Holly, who alluded to the fact Crooks was a registered Republican.

"I know who the Republicans are. I mean, he's not on the list," she said.

Crooks' mother, Mary, is registered as a Democrat, while his father is registered as a libertarian.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
THERE WERE ZERO signs posted in their yard.


Neighbor says Trump shooter's family had no political signs in yard as parents' affiliations surface

Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was rarely seen in Pennsylvania neighborhood, say neighbors

BETHEL PARK, Pa. – Two neighbors of would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks dismissed the attention drawn to his political affiliation, saying the family appeared to never have campaign signs of any stripe in their Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, yard.

Amy, who spoke to reporters alongside Holly – a local GOP captain – attested that the media would be hard-pressed to find a neighbor who could vouch for any signs having been seen in the Crooks' yard.

"I give out the signs, and I've never given to that house, I'll tell you that," said Holly, who alluded to the fact Crooks was a registered Republican.

"I know who the Republicans are. I mean, he's not on the list," she said.

Crooks' mother, Mary, is registered as a Democrat, while his father is registered as a libertarian.

Nice try Kyle, but everyone knows the yard was plastered in Trump signs.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I know this thread started to discuss the rhetoric that resulted in the assassination attempt on Trump, so this my not be the best thread for this and I may catch so hell for this, but....

Listening to Trump's rally speech in Charlotte, are my wife and I the only ones a little turned off when Trump makes up names for people? Was it necessary to call Kamala, 'Lying Kamala?' Saying she lied is one thing, calling her names is something else. Even Laura Ingraham is put off by it.
I know the base cheers at the names, but they are already voting for him. Sounds too 'school yard' to us.

Kamala's (kamma-la, not ka-mala) record is enough campaign material any opponent would ever need. I just wish Trump had not reverted back to his pre-shooting self already.
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PREMO Member
Was it necessary to call Kamala, 'Lying Kamala?'

Is he incorrect ?

Is Creepy Uncle Joe NOT Crooked ?

It's quick, it's easy ... you do not have to mention EVERY TIME you mention KH what she lied about

Progressive Media / Politicians have been SAYING WORSE about Trump for 8 yrs ....
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