Trading sex for food


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
as was stated quite profoundly by a highly regarded philosopher of the 70s... "If her daddy is rich take her out for a meal. If her daddy is poor do whatever you feel."

Everything of value I learned in life, I learned from Mungo Jerry. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think that the meal is a type of aphrodisiac. I mean it’s romantic, both standing in line, maybe deciding to share a #4, having her seductively carry the tray to the table by the ball crawl. Laughing flirtatiously as she picks a curly black hair out of the sammich. Drinking the cigarette butt tasting sweet tea from the same straw. Who wouldn’t expect too :smoochy: after that. :yay:

Wanna go out? :flowers:


I think that the meal is a type of aphrodisiac. I mean it’s romantic, both standing in line, maybe deciding to share a #4, having her seductively carry the tray to the table by the ball crawl. Laughing flirtatiously as she picks a curly black hair out of the sammich. Drinking the cigarette butt tasting sweet tea from the same straw. Who wouldn’t expect too :smoochy: after that. :yay:

E. L. James?

Izzat you?


Registered User
What I find interesting is that during the dating phase, the men provide the food. After marriage (or marriage like partnerships), the woman provides the food.

So does this mean I am feeding my husband to have :smoochy: with me?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My serious relationship pattern doesn't follow the traditional norms.

First husband: we were high school sweeties and I think we were actually married before he picked up a check at a restaurant.

Shack up partner: I don't think we ever had a "date". We met, became friends, hung out all the time at his place or mine, declared our intentions one night, he moved in a few days later.

Second husband: he bought brunch on our first date, but I already knew that there was going to be some physical contact in his future. The actual date was just a formality. We were fairly twitterpated by that point.

Current commitment: I've known him for 30 years, then went from 0-60 in a 6-hour timeframe. After a week's grace period we acknowledged that this was it and...that was that.

I've never had a serious beau who started out by us dating a few times to get to know one another, then a kiss, then run the bases, then blah blah blah. I've always known them pretty well before any formal dating happened.


my war
And yet if some guy just handed you the $50 instead of using it to buy you dinner, that would be considered whorish. Dating is sooooo confusing....

I paid our check... I think you might owe me a little somethin' somethin'.... :coffee:


Lawful neutral
Current commitment: I've known him for 30 years, then went from 0-60 in a 6-hour timeframe. After a week's grace period we acknowledged that this was it and...that was that.

Speaking of that, shouldn't you be on the back nine right now? :tap:


What I find interesting is that during the dating phase, the men provide the food. After marriage (or marriage like partnerships), the woman provides the food.

So does this mean I am feeding my husband to have :smoochy: with me?

Does he provide the main paycheck? If so, he's still paying, but now he's paying you are expected to provide more than just :smoochy:

Remember what I said about knowing your role...:wench:



Registered User
Does he provide the main paycheck? If so, he's still paying, but now he's paying you are expected to provide more than just :smoochy:

Remember what I said about knowing your role...:wench:


I know my role VERY well. And trust me, he pays...a lot...and probably more than he bargained for! 'Cause I am a very high maintenance woman. Poor guy.
But I do make sure he stays happy and well fed.