Trudeau - ‘This Could Cost Him His Job’ [ Fascism Continues ]


the poor dad
It started here after Jan 6th 2021 when the fence when up around the Capitol and stayed there for months, and then when people were locked up and are still locked up without due process. This was the beginning. Legislation is already in the process to watch our bank accounts for any transactions over $600. We allowed the police and health dept officials shut down our businesses over a virus with very little pushback from the citizens. Our kids are still wearing face diapers in schools and what little pushback there is has had very little effect so far.

We the American people have allowed our government to rule over us for the last 2 years. I think Canada took notes from our lead and simply said hold my beer - we can do one better.


PREMO Member

Majority Of Democrats Back Trudeau’s Crackdown, Freezing Bank Accounts Of Truckers

A new poll from Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action and provided exclusively to The Daily Wire shows that 55% of likely general election voters disapprove of Trudeau’s handling of the protesters. Thirty-five percent approve of Trudeau’s heavy-handed tactics and 10% said they were unaware of what was happening north of the U.S. border.

Trafalgar Group surveyed 1080 likely general election voters from February 18-20 after Trudeau brought federal, provincial, and local law enforcement into Ottawa to forcibly clear out hundreds of protesters and dozens of vehicles from Parliament Hill and surrounding areas. The poll’s margin of error is 3%.

Democrats overwhelmingly favored Trudeau’s response with 65% approval to 17% disapproval. Republican responses were weighted even more heavily against Trudeau, however, with 87% of likely GOP voters disapproving to just 8% approving. Respondents who said they did not belong to either one of the two main parties cut against Trudeau’s crackdown with 74% disapproving versus 21% approving.


PREMO Member

Canadian Lawmakers Press Trudeau Officials On Frozen Bank Accounts: ‘Effectively Removing Them From Society’

Jacques claimed that law enforcement have stopped requesting bank accounts be frozen since the last of the protesters were cleared from Ottawa’s Parliament Hill on Monday, according to the National Post.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have denied using the data from crowdfunding sites such as GiveSendGo to target convoy supporters. The RCMP said in a Monday statement that they have only recommended action be taken against key figures identified in the protest and those protesters who refused to leave last week when ordered.

Jacques testified that action had been taken against 206 accounts. MPs critical of Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act pushed back against Jacques testimony saying that Canadians’ bank accounts were still being frozen.

“Some people’s accounts are being frozen right now,” NDP MP Daniel Blaikie told the assistant deputy Finance minister. “There’s the appearance that some people feel their accounts are being frozen as a result of the emergency orders, in some cases that does not cohere with what we’re hearing from government.”


PREMO Member

Trudeau Revokes Emergencies Act

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said that the unfreezing of bank accounts has already begun.

The move came ahead of the upcoming Senate vote on extending the power of the Emergencies Act for 30 days (or longer).

“The situation is no longer an emergency,” Trudeau said, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. “We are confident that existing laws and bylaws are now sufficient to keep people safe.”

Trudeau also said that the government will launch an inquiry within the next 60 days into the decision to invoke the Emergencies Act, which had never been put into force before.


PREMO Member

The Ottawa truck convoy has revealed the ugly side of freedom

Throughout the never-ending pandemic, we have watched our governments, provincial and federal, struggle to draw the lines on freedom in the right place – to echo the words of the Charter, to set limits that are “reasonable” and can be “justified in a free and democratic society.”

Inevitably, some people will disagree with where a particular government has drawn a particular limit, how long that limit should be maintained and how it should be enforced. If we care about our democracy and common future together, we will submit to those limits in the short run and use elections and courts to hold governments responsible in the longer run.

The danger is that people who disagree with particular limits on the exercise of rights that governments have drawn may become impatient and decide to take matters into their own hands, threatening the welfare of people around them and, more broadly, the constitutional framework that allows us to continue to live together.

The heady notion of freedom, defined as the unconstrained right to do what you want free of government limits, serves as a cloak for actions that harm women, men and children who are simply going about their business and trying to do the right thing. Freedom without limits slides imperceptibly into freedom to say and do what you want about people who don’t look like you or talk like you. Sadly, the Ottawa truckers’ convoy has revealed this ugly side of freedom.

Scholar Elisabeth Anker in her book Ugly Freedoms examines the historic use of freedom in America to justify discrimination, domination and avoidance of the law and regulation essential to a peaceful and prosperous society. The same, we now know, can happen in Canada.

As we move forward from the pandemic into the future, we need to understand the true nature of freedom under our Constitution.

Freedom is not absolute but subject to reasonable limits.

Freedom, misconstrued as license to do and say whatever one wants, is dangerous.

True freedom – freedom subject to reasonable limits that allow us to live together – is essential to a peaceful and prosperous future for us all. Let’s not allow the freedoms we cherish to become ugly freedoms.


PREMO Member

The Ottawa trucker convoy is rooted in Canada’s settler colonial history

While the convoy’s supporters have characterized the protest as a peaceful movement, uninformed by “politics, race, religion, or any personal beliefs,” many supporters have been associated with or expressed racist, Islamophobic and white-supremacist views. When Tucker Carlson of Fox News interviewed Benjamin J. Dichter, cementing his place among the movement’s leaders, Dichter rambled and likened Canada’s western provinces to “a third-world country,” due, presumably, to immigration. In Ottawa, various reports captured maskless protesters brandishing Confederate, Nazi and “Trump 2024” flags. Police have launched dozens of criminal investigations and made at least 20 arrests, including for carrying weapons in a public place and assault.

The convoy has surprised onlookers in the United States and Canada, both because of the explicitly racist and violent perspectives of some of the organizers and because the action seems to violate norms of Canadian “politeness.” But the convoy represents the extension of a strain of Canadian history that has long masked itself behind “peacefulness” or “unity”: settler colonialism. It is not incidental that this latest expression of white supremacy is emerging amid a public health crisis. The history of Canadian settler colonialism and public health demonstrates how both overt white-supremacist claims and seemingly more inert nationalistic claims about “unity” and “freedom” both enable and erase ongoing harm to marginalized communities.


PREMO Member

PJ Media reached out to Scotia Bank to ask if they have put a $2,000 limit on withdrawals, as is being reported by customers on Twitter, but received no response by the time of publishing.

If it’s true that Canadians are panicking and withdrawing all their money from Canadian banks, then this is a huge story, and yet it’s one that the corporate media doesn’t seem interested in at all. There isn’t one report in any corporate press about any of this.

A post at The Last Refuge (which used to be The Conservative Treehouse) speculates that yes, it’s happening, and the powers that be don’t want you to know about it.

If I was a betting person, I would bet half my stake that something very serious is happening in the background of the Canadian financial system, and it appears the leaders inside government, as well as leaders in the international financial community, are reacting and trying to keep things quiet.

The writer suggests that Trudeau’s heavy-handed approach to citizen control was a big mistake. He alerted the public to the power of the bankers, and the bankers didn’t like that one bit.



PREMO Member

The Government From Hell

Our blue-collar benefactors now face the consequences of the scorched-earth policies adopted by the anointed class. Many have lost their rigs. Operating licenses have been revoked. Criminal charges have been laid. Bans on trucker commerce have proliferated. Bankruptcy looms for many. Livelihoods have been demolished. Families have been obliterated. Marriages are bound to collapse. And I suspect that suicides will mount as desperation sees no escape from ruination. In effect, Justin Trudeau declared war on those who kept the goods and services flowing through the ersatz pandemic and who enabled the populace to weather the government-induced travesty. Gratitude is not in the dwindling catalogue of common virtues. The casualties, though hidden by the Soviet-style media, are devastating.

Canadians mourn the death and destruction they read about in the press and view on television newscasts in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The media wax furious over the suffering of ordinary people in that far Republic. But not a word about the war unleashed on our most loyal and courageous citizens by an unmitigated despot and his suppliant minions, a disaster whose consequences are not yet fully known but are gloomily foreseeable. Just as there is no guarantee that the America of old will still be recognizable come the November midterms, so there is no assurance that the Canada we once knew will survive until the next election. Canada’s traditional mode of civic decorum has been supplanted by rancor and schadenfreude. What we are witnessing is the death of “eh.”

The fact is that the government from hell is working to transform a democratic nation into a police state and normalize totalitarian rule without having to mobilize the military and scramble its jet fighters. It moves subtly, insidiously, through legislation, decree, deception, legal subterfuge, financial penalties, and targeted defamation. It divides a country into sectarian belligerents, employs tested techniques of misinformation and disinformation, prevents the free expression of opinion (Bill C-11), and impoverishes and segregates its perceived adversaries. It manipulates a strategy of covert control which, in the long run, may be more effective than overt physical repression. It doesn’t need tanks; a few RCMP horses will do. Slander and sanctimony are excellent weapons.


PREMO Member

European MEPs Blast Canada's Trudeau

On Wednesday in Brussels, members of the European Parliament (MEP) torched Trudeau, with at least one MEP saying he shouldn’t be allowed to speak to the parliament due to his draconian, undemocratic actions.

MEP Christine Anderson of Belgium called Trudeau a “disgrace for any democracy.” To his face.

t would have been more appropriate for Mr. Trudeau — Prime Minister of Canada — to address this house according to article 144, an article which was specifically designed to debate violations of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, which is clearly the case with Mr. Trudeau.
Then again, a Prime Minister who openly admires the Chinese ‘basic dictatorship’, who tramples on fundamental rights by persecuting and criminalizing his own citizens as terrorists, just because they dared to stand up to his perverted concept of democracy, should not be allowed to speak in this house at all.

“Mr. Trudeau, you are a disgrace for any democracy,” Anderson concluded. “Please spare us your presence.”

Not to be outdone, Croatia’s Mislav Kolakusic delivered to Trudeau “perhaps the most humiliating international thrashing of his political career.”

Freedom, the right to choose, the right to life, the right to health, the right to work for many of us are fundamental human rights for which millions of citizens of Europe and the world have laid down their lives.
Canada, once a symbol of the modern world, has become a symbol of civil rights violations under your quasi-liberal boot in recent months. We watched how you trample women with horses, how you block the bank accounts of single parents so that they can’t even pay their children’s education and medicine, that they can’t pay utilities, mortgages for their homes.

Speaking directly to Trudeau, Kolakusic said:

To you, these may be liberal methods; for many citizens of the world, it is a dictatorship of the worst kind. Rest assured that the citizens of the world, united, can stop any regime that wants to destroy the freedom of citizen, either by bombs or harmful pharmaceutical products.


Well-Known Member
Go directly to the line in front of the box car...they will take you to a place where you will have housing and work is available. Your belongings will be shipped to you. It is a decree that you must obey if you are a good citizen. It is for your own safety.

This simply chills my blood.


PREMO Member

Canadian Vax Mandate Wasn't Based on Science, Court Says

The documents, under seal by court order, have been released thanks to the efforts of two Canadians who refused the vaccine and were unable to travel to Britain to visit loved ones. The documents reveal a decision-making process regarding the travel mandate that only wacko, left-wing, woke radicals could invent.

  • No one in the COVID Recovery unit, including Jennifer Little, the director-general, had any formal education in epidemiology, medicine or public health.
  • Little, who has an undergraduate degree in literature from the University of Toronto, testified that there were 20 people in the unit. When Presvelos asked her whether anyone in the unit had any professional experience in public health, she said there was one person, Monique St.-Laurent. According to St.-Laurent’s LinkedIn profile, she appears to be a civil servant who briefly worked for the Public Health Agency of Canada. St.-Laurent is not a doctor, Little said.

An email exchange between the Public Health Agency of Canada and Transport Canada shows the scramble to come up with any kind of a justification to impose the travel mandate.

“To the extent that updated data exist or that there is clearer evidence of the safety benefit of vaccination on the users or other stakeholders of the transportation system, it would be helpful to assist Transport Canada supporting its measures,” McCrorie wrote.
Four days later, on October 22, McCrorie emailed Lumley-Myllari again: “Our requirements come in on October 30”—in just over a week—”so need something fairly soon.”
On October 28, Lumley-Myllari replied to McCrorie with a series of bullet points outlining the benefits, generally speaking, of the Covid vaccine. She did not address McCrorie’s question about the transportation system, noting that the Public Health Agency of Canada was updating its “Public health considerations” with regard to vaccine mandates.
Two days later, on October 30, the travel mandate took effect.

It should be noted that the lack of scientific basis for imposing the mandate does not mean there isn’t evidence that vaccines offer some protection against serious disease. They do; the evidence is overwhelming that, for those in vulnerable populations, the vaccines are effective at keeping people out of hospitals and saving lives.


PREMO Member
🔥 There’s an interesting lawsuit unfolding in Canada right now over that country’s draconian travel restrictions, and what is most fascinating is that they’ve finally gotten well into discovery. It may be the first major covid case to take depositions of high-ranking public officials and their cherry-picked experts, and it is starting to look JUST like what we always expected it would look like. I want to show you one recent example, because it reinforces what we’ve known about so-called covid “experts.”

The excerpt from a deposition transcript below is of Dr. M. Hodge, an “expert” the Canadian government principally relied on to pass its unprecedented travel mandates. Dr. Hodge holds a PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. In the excerpt below, the lawyer asks Hodge what studies or reports he relied on to craft his recommendation to ban unvaccinated Canadians from traveling.

Let me sum up Dr. Hodge’s testimony.

1) He said he didn’t use any reports or studies to craft his recommendation.

2) He admitted he did not even bother to ask if there were any studies or reports that he could use.

3) Over a year later, he’s still never found out if there even were any studies or reports that would have supported his recommendation, but he HOPES that those kinds of studies and reports exist.

That’s a professional expert for you. That one man, Dr. Hodge, probably caused more human misery than any single person in Canada’s entire history, and it was just because he felt like it. Then the government put the whole weight of official state violence behind this genius’s deranged opinion.

Over the last two years, I’ve written several long-form essays about experts. I am an expert in experts, as all litigating lawyers must be. We use experts ALL THE TIME, in any case where a scientific, medical, or professional opinion is needed as evidence in the case. There are always at least TWO experts. They say what they are paid to say. And they always say the exact opposite things.

During covid, all the government did was squelch the opposing experts and declare that that science was settled. People like Hodge should have to answer for what they’ve done.

This is how we will get to the bottom of the pandemic. The time of reckoning will come. It comes slowly, in fits and starts, but it is irresistible. Each deposition is a brick that is used to build the foundation for the next level of lawsuits with their own depositions, et cetera, ad infinitum.



PREMO Member

Justin Trudeau: Ukraine War 'Absolutely Accelerating' End of Fossil Fuels

Summary by Ground News

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday that the Ukraine conflict was helping to accelerate Canada's shift to renewable energy. Trudeau acknowledged that the Russian invasion had caused global demand to surge for Canadian sources of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and crude oil. However, he predicted that the net effect would be a faster phase-out of the Canadian oil and gas sector.