True or False? Horse women tend to be....



:duel: Blackmail huh! I must plot retaliation!:evil:

Did I mention that LOVELY two year old could end up in your barn for only a nominal fee? Hmmmm :lmao:

Is that the horse that wears red so we can't see his pretty face?


New Member
:duel: Blackmail huh! I must plot retaliation!:evil:

Did I mention that LOVELY two year old could end up in your barn for only a nominal fee? Hmmmm :lmao:

:duel:You may be blonde, but smart ,too!:yahoo:
Now how to have more money for horses, your hubby gave me the idea " I have the beer ... "damn kidlets need to go to bed early!:lmao:


Rocky Mountain High!!
:yikes: Now he knows! :whistle:

I would just like all to know that BigPops is the bestest and hotest horsie hubbie around! That is my PSA for today!

NOT. :nono:
guess ya haven't seen 'ole RC in uniform.
That's prolly a good thing :lol:
When ya do, be sure to tell him you're a horsie-person. works like a charm.


Does my butt look big?
NOT. :nono:
guess ya haven't seen 'ole RC in uniform.
That's prolly a good thing :lol:
When ya do, be sure to tell him you're a horsie-person. works like a charm.

He is fine looking and those eyes :chill: dont tell him I said so though...dont want to swell his head more then a state troopers is already..:lmao: