Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Baby what a big surprise.....

  • Billionaire philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, the majority owner of The Atlantic, has donated over $1.2 million to former Vice President Joe Biden and other Democratic candidates and groups since 2019, Federal Election Commission records show.
  • Powell Jobs owns a 70% stake in The Atlantic, and she reportedly communicates often with its editor-in-chief, Jeffrey Goldberg.
  • Goldberg published an anonymously-sourced story Thursday alleging that President Donald Trump had denigrated fallen American soldiers.
  • Wow
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
this has to be satire right?
“The only real weakness is all these horrible things Trump has said and done in the past that people are pointing out”

Jesus. What an upside down works you live in.

Trumo should sue but he won’t because he knows he would lose and it would open him up to being deposed and he can’t stop lying long enough for that

Just because you believe "anonymous sources" doesn't mean everyone is so stupid.

I guess it never occurs to you that your masters are liars, even when they lie straight to your face.



Well-Known Member
Baby what a big surprise.....

  • Billionaire philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, the majority owner of The Atlantic, has donated over $1.2 million to former Vice President Joe Biden and other Democratic candidates and groups since 2019, Federal Election Commission records show.
  • Powell Jobs owns a 70% stake in The Atlantic, and she reportedly communicates often with its editor-in-chief, Jeffrey Goldberg.
  • Goldberg published an anonymously-sourced story Thursday alleging that President Donald Trump had denigrated fallen American soldiers.

Oh the desperation. Don’t like the story and the truth? Find some tenuous way to attack the messenger rather than admit you were wrong and supported a traitorous self centered piece of trash who has never put our country before his own wants.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Oh the desperation. Don’t like the story and the truth? Find some tenuous way to attack the messenger rather than admit you were wrong and supported a traitorous self centered piece of trash who has never put our country before his own wants.


Active Member
Find some tenuous way to attack the messenger ....

You do it ALL the time, you have NO FACTS ..... you spew OPINION as FACT, you name call and make insults when you get called out for your lack facts, dodge, lie, move the goal posts, deflect ...

..... rather than admit you were wrong and supported a traitorous ......

Traitor how exactly :sshrug: and try something besides the false Russian Collusion

..... self centered piece of trash who has never put our country before his own wants.

Yes Trump is a blow hard, a braggart, he is bombastic, quick to tweet off the cuff, but he calls a spade a spade ... and Trump has done plenty for this country.

YOU just don't like what Trump has done, so You lie and claim otherwise


PREMO Member
Here's How We Know The Atlantic's Hit Piece on Trump Is Pure Fiction

“The Atlantic Magazine is dying, like most magazines, so they make up a fake story in order to gain some relevance,” Trump tweeted on Friday. “Story already refuted, but this is what we are up against. Just like the Fake Dossier. You fight and fight, and then people realize it was a total fraud!”

Even CNN’s Brian Stelter seemed to acknowledge that the claims of anonymous sources aren’t as convincing.

“But it is also incumbent on the sources, on the people that are talking to [Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey] Goldberg, on the people that are talking to other outlets — the president’s denying it explicitly, so it’s put up or shut up time,” Stelter said. “Why aren’t these people coming forward and putting their names to these quotes?”

Perhaps because it’s a lot easier to lie when your name and reputation aren’t on the line. But there are at least five witnesses who have gone on the record disputing the allegations made in The Atlantic.


PREMO Member
Coincidence? Hours After The Atlantic's Hit Piece on Trump Came a Pre-Produced Commercial

Witnesses who were with the president that day – John Bolton included – said those words never crossed the president’s lips. Bolton said if Trump had said it he would have put it in his book.

The Democrats’ use of The Atlantic—the publication’s owner, a Biden “mega-donor”—plus allied groups to help Joe Biden was an obvious attempt to try to put a chink in Trump’s armor. It was a case study, clumsy and obvious though it may have been, of a real-time political hit, the objective of which seemed to be to peel off votes from … Republicans? It’s no secret that military might is not a Democrat issue, especially now with all the anti-police and anti-military riots on the streets.

Besides being a transparent multi-pronged hit job, it also points out one more thing: the recent switch by Democrats to blaming the riots on Trump wasn’t working.

Makes you wonder what they’ve got up their sleeves for the next 60 days. Write down your predictions in the comments section.


Well-Known Member
You do it ALL the time, you have NO FACTS ..... you spew OPINION as FACT, you name call and make insults when you get called out for your lack facts, dodge, lie, move the goal posts, deflect ...

Traitor how exactly :sshrug: and try something besides the false Russian Collusion

Yes Trump is a blow hard, a braggart, he is bombastic, quick to tweet off the cuff, but he calls a spade a spade ... and Trump has done plenty for this country.

YOU just don't like what Trump has done, so You lie and claim otherwise

Hundreds of people are lying ? Doctors? Scientists? Past presidents? Heads of state?
Just admit you were wrong and we can pretend this whole thing never happened.


This from the guy who “doesn’t defend or like Trump”. And “ calls him out for what I think he has done wrong”

We all heard his remarks about McCain which he now denies saying too.

How long until you start being pro choice because Trump told you to?

you guys have no bottom to which you won’t sink.

You're really just a hateful, ignorant fool. You have this obsessive belief that if you support Trump in any one or two or three things, it's everything. All or nothing? It seems even if I outlined all the things I like and don't like about Trump it will in one ear and out the other. For you, it is all or nothing for Trump. Because he says things you don't like, he is to be hated on every level. You know what that's called don't you? Bigotry!

Bolton denied it was said, and you just dismiss it. Bolton was there, and that's not good enough for you. With all the crap that has been fabricated against Trump you still believe the nonsense is true. You people keep the Russia collusion narrative alive even though Mueller said there was was not there there. You want it to be true, therefore it is.

I never said I don't like or defend Trump. I certainly don't defend him on everything. He says a lot of things that make me cringe. That doesn't demand I hate the guy. I disagree with Obama on nearly every level and never harbored any hate for him. Hate is a juvenile and feral reaction to others. That's just not who I am.

All that said, anyone who has reasonably watched how Trump deals with our military can conclude that this whole thing is complete crap. I served through Clinton and know what contempt towards our military looks like, and it's not Trump. This story is two years old and gets dredged up 2 months before the election? You're trying to sell me a bridge to swampland. The one thing I'm certain of is, there will be a lot more of this nonsense. And they will all be anonymous sources. You people on the left are relentless in your desire to destroy people you hate, and deflect from being able to talk about the real issues affecting our lives.


Well-Known Member
I say Trump needs to file suit against The Atlantic. Sue them into oblivion; sue them until they have to fold that rag. I think Scott Adams is exactly right; this is a devastating attack at the only real weakness Trump has, which is having those bone spur deferals and not having served in the military, along with the perception that he has in the past attacked John McCain as a "loser," and has gone after Gold Star families/parents (as though that makes them immune to criticism).

Key-rist. I can really understand how H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds," adapted into radio broadcast in 1938, caused such widespread panic. What was that line from "Men in Black"?

Isn't there a story out that Biden received several deferments also .?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Isn't there a story out that Biden received several deferments also .?
He received 5 deferrals and was disqualified from service in 1971 after rule changes that made early asthma disqualifying. Not a really big deal for me. A bigger deal is ol' Joe's "racial jungle" comments and not wanting his kids in that jungle.
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Active Member
Hundreds of people are lying ? Doctors? Scientists? Past presidents? Heads of state?

WTF are you talking about ..... what doctors, scientists, former presidents and heads of state have to do with this fake news

you are deflecting as usual ....

Just admit you were wrong and we can pretend this whole thing never happened.

NO You Are LYING As Usual

John Bolton - Trump hater stated Trump NEVER said these things ........

So Jason Leopold and the US Navy are lying



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oh the desperation. Don’t like the story and the truth? Find some tenuous way to attack the messenger rather than admit you were wrong and supported a traitorous self centered piece of trash who has never put our country before his own wants.

Do you get paid to be this brainwashed or do you do it for free?


Well-Known Member
You're really just a hateful, ignorant fool. You have this obsessive belief that if you support Trump in any one or two or three things, it's everything. All or nothing? It seems even if I outlined all the things I like and don't like about Trump it will in one ear and out the other. For you, it is all or nothing for Trump. Because he says things you don't like, he is to be hated on every level. You know what that's called don't you? Bigotry!

Bolton denied it was said, and you just dismiss it. Bolton was there, and that's not good enough for you. With all the crap that has been fabricated against Trump you still believe the nonsense is true. You people keep the Russia collusion narrative alive even though Mueller said there was was not there there. You want it to be true, therefore it is.

I never said I don't like or defend Trump. I certainly don't defend him on everything. He says a lot of things that make me cringe. That doesn't demand I hate the guy. I disagree with Obama on nearly every level and never harbored any hate for him. Hate is a juvenile and feral reaction to others. That's just not who I am.

All that said, anyone who has reasonably watched how Trump deals with our military can conclude that this whole thing is complete crap. I served through Clinton and know what contempt towards our military looks like, and it's not Trump. This story is two years old and gets dredged up 2 months before the election? You're trying to sell me a bridge to swampland. The one thing I'm certain of is, there will be a lot more of this nonsense. And they will all be anonymous sources. You people on the left are relentless in your desire to destroy people you hate, and deflect from being able to talk about the real issues affecting our lives.

Like when he repeatedly dodged the draft? Or insulted gold star families? Or made fun of McCain for being a POW?

ask anyone in the military and his support has cratered. When did he do anything to show his support for the military ?

It’s no longer an issue of a difference of opinion or politics. Trump has shown on every level he is an evil, hateful man who only cares about himself. If you support him you can’t dismiss his behavior.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Like when he repeatedly dodged the draft? Or insulted gold star families? Or made fun of McCain for being a POW?

ask anyone in the military and his support has cratered. When did he do anything to show his support for the military ?

It’s no longer an issue of a difference of opinion or politics. Trump has shown on every level he is an evil, hateful man who only cares about himself. If you support him you can’t dismiss his behavior.
How can you be so wrong, so manic? Are you bi-polar?


Well-Known Member
Crabcatcher! You should go to the Trump boat parade today! Get in your Biden stickered kayak and join in the fun! You'll surely have a SPLASH of a time..👍
