Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I like the TDS fan fiction reference.

I betcha sappy, tranny and Chrissy could come up with their own fantasy novel given a little motivation.
Didn't Corbett H. Thigpen and Hervey M. Cleckley already do that?


What do publications have to gain by making up these stories? They have to know there is just too much out there to refute it, making them just look like hateful fools.

And then you pinheads from the left jump on it like flies on doo doo thinking this is the end of Trump. :crazy:


Well-Known Member
What do publications have to gain by making up these stories? They have to know there is just too much out there to refute it, making them just look like hateful fools.

And then you pinheads from the left jump on it like flies on doo doo thinking this is the end of Trump. :crazy:

This from the guy who “doesn’t defend or like Trump”. And “ calls him out for what I think he has done wrong”

We all heard his remarks about McCain which he now denies saying too.

How long until you start being pro choice because Trump told you to?

you guys have no bottom to which you won’t sink.


Well-Known Member
Anonymous sources being quickly debunked, lying about something they claimed happened two years ago. Total bs. Yr quite the sucker, Tranny.
I hope so. I mean, it's not like she's good for anything else.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, meltdown alert.....

This is why you're always accusing everyone of being so angry - you're projecting. Just like a good little Leftist.

It's only a matter of time before all you cultists implode - literally - when your wiring overheats from contradictory programming. You should set up a webcam.
And stay away from laundry appliances.


Well-Known Member
yeah its called coordination ...... the story comes out and within 15 hrs 3 gold star families are interviewed and a story written

The Atlantic vetted the story, 3 Gold Star Families in 15 hrs ....... yeah sure ok

🤣 Your Judgement on what or who is Awful



It is all FAKE NEWS the Trip was cancelled

View attachment 151212

How did they get ahold of an FOUO document? Also, lining it out doesn't change the classification.


Active Member
We all heard his remarks about McCain which he now denies saying too.

Context You Disingenuous Troll ....... McCain was a loser because he LOST an Election

- which was Trumps Point - Progressives have been trying spin it Trump called him a loser because he was a POW


Well-Known Member
I say Trump needs to file suit against The Atlantic. Sue them into oblivion; sue them until they have to fold that rag. I think Scott Adams is exactly right; this is a devastating attack at the only real weakness Trump has, which is having those bone spur deferals and not having served in the military, along with the perception that he has in the past attacked John McCain as a "loser," and has gone after Gold Star families/parents (as though that makes them immune to criticism).

Key-rist. I can really understand how H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds," adapted into radio broadcast in 1938, caused such widespread panic. What was that line from "Men in Black"?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well it’s since been confirmed with multiple sources ( even Fox News) so you might want to be mad at Trump. Not twitter.

What sources? Name them. Because all I've heard is "anonymous, anonymous, and anonymous".

Meanwhile numerous real people who were actually there - one of whom wrote a Trump hatebook - say it's bullshit.

So name the sources.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I say Trump needs to file suit against The Atlantic.

I completely agree. Force them to reveal their source and jail them until they do.

Anyone with brain cells (read: not Democrats) knows this story is bullshit. The fake virus didn't work, the riots didn't work, now they're publishing blatantly fake stories to try and get Trump out of there.

Meanwhile Joe Biden sleepwalks through his "rallies" and talks like he's on a combo of Ambien and Prozac. There cannot possibly be a sentient human being in America who looks at that guy and goes, "Yeah, man, that's who I want running this country."

Watch for more of this garbage going into the election. Democrats can't win on policy because they're too retarded to have one. Their one and only issue is, "Gimme power! "
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Well-Known Member
Yea, Vrai. I'm not taking into account the years of Kyle and I's interactions.

I'm totally projecting. :dork:

It's really amazing that you "moderate" this forum and have seemingly no idea what actually happens here or why someone would even have an opinion like mine. I mean, this forum is filled with happy-go-lucky, level-headed adults willing to discuss policy issues using facts and data. This forum certainly isn't a place where those who the "moderator" agrees with are given a pass. This forum certainly isn't a place where nasty and disparaging remarks are called out uniformly. No, no. That's not the case at all, is it? It's always everyone else that's the problem, and it's always the Democrats and those you disagree with. There's a reason that you know I'm a Libertarian (and have been my entire 9+ years on here) yet join in on the "your Democrat/leftist/progbot buddies". There's a reason you get so damned defensive when asked basic questions.

I appreciate that you respect me enough to expect something from me that you don't expect from yourself, nor none of your pals on here, but you can quit acting like you moderate some sort of forum that values adult discussion.

If only Democrats are the nasty ones, what are your excuses?
And now a word from our sponsor.....


Well-Known Member
I completely agree. Force them to reveal their source and jail them until they do.

Anyone with brain cells (read: not Democrats) knows this story is bullshit. The fake virus didn't work, the riots didn't work, now they're publishing blatantly fake stories to try and get Trump out of there.

Meanwhile Joe Biden sleepwalks through his "rallies" and talks like he's on a combo of Ambien and Prozac. There cannot possibly be a sentient human being in America who looks at that guy and goes, "Yeah, man, that's who I want running this country."

Watch for more of this garbage going into the election. Democrats can't win on policy because they're too retarded to have one. Their one and only issue is, "Gimme power! "
You forgot............. russia Russia RUSSIA!


Well-Known Member
This from the guy who “doesn’t defend or like Trump”. And “ calls him out for what I think he has done wrong”

I say Trump needs to file suit against The Atlantic. Sue them into oblivion; sue them until they have to fold that rag. I think Scott Adams is exactly right; this is a devastating attack at the only real weakness Trump has, which is having those bone spur deferals and not having served in the military, along with the perception that he has in the past attacked John McCain as a "loser," and has gone after Gold Star families/parents (as though that makes them immune to criticism).

Key-rist. I can really understand how H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds," adapted into radio broadcast in 1938, caused such widespread panic. What was that line from "Men in Black"?

this has to be satire right?
“The only real weakness is all these horrible things Trump has said and done in the past that people are pointing out”

Jesus. What an upside down works you live in.

Trumo should sue but he won’t because he knows he would lose and it would open him up to being deposed and he can’t stop lying long enough for that