Lets face it, Trump will never change, buts lets not pretend his words are never fail magic and that he can do no wrong.
I've never said or even indicated that. What I do say is that the things that OUTRAGE!! the media and therefore the people who consume media don't even ping my radar. Other politicians have said WAY more offensive things and get a pass, but Trump makes a valid observation and the media programs its audience to become infuriated....over something that is the butt honest truth.
Don't you prefer if service men and women don't get captured by the enemy?
Don't you prefer not to see horribly maimed service members?
I do take issue with Trump calling his Generals a bunch of pussies - I'd call them a bunch of traitorous political commies and lock them in a federal prison for life.
Truth hurts and media consumers writhe in agony every time Trump opens his mouth...because that's what they're told to do.
OMG meatloaf!
TWO!!! scoops of ice cream!!
Trump's list of outrages just goes on and on and on.....