Trump Trial


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Georgia Trump Indictment Struggles to Back Criminal Intention Claims

The indictment of former President Donald Trump in Georgia over his efforts to reverse the results of the 2020 election lacks evidence that he harbored the criminal intent necessary to be convicted.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis laid out her case on Aug. 14, detailing how President Trump and his alleged co-conspirators claimed fraud in the 2020 election in Georgia and elsewhere, how they arranged for an alternative slate of electors in Georgia and several other states, and how they tried to use this strategy to delay the counting of electoral votes by the vice president on Jan. 6, 2021.

Ms. Willis alleged that 41 crimes were committed by various persons in this effort. Of those alleged crimes, 11 list President Trump as the defendant, and most of those require various forms of criminal state of mind—the perpetrator needs to be aware that he’s doing something unlawful.

Despite its nearly 100 pages, the indictment fails to explain how Ms. Willis knows that President Trump acted with criminal intent, rather than executing a strategy that he believed was lawful.

The indictment centers on the overarching allegation that President Trump’s effort to reverse the election results amounted to a racketeering conspiracy.
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PREMO Member

Donald Trump's lawyers call on federal judge to overrule Special Counsel Jack Smith and DELAY his 2020 election interference trial until 2026 - AFTER he has chance to run for president again

  • Attorneys for former US President Donald Trump have requested an April 2026 trial date for his federal election interference case
  • Prosecutors, led by Special Counsel Jack Smith, have previously asked for a much earlier date of January 2024, ahead of the presidential elections
  • Judge Tanya Chutkan is set to rule on Trump's request on August 28


Well-Known Member
Again i make an assertion and back it up and all you do is bitch and moan with no facts links or proof.

it just proves you don't care about or even have access to the truth. You are bing lied to by Fox Newsmax and all the other idiots you subscribe to.

Have you even read any of the four indictments?
Why they are all BS and you know it
Why did they do nothing to Al Gore when he said the same thing when he lost.
Why are they not going after FJB for the documents in his garage.
Why did they not prosecute Killary when she destroyed evidence
Why do they not prosecute Hunter for all that he has done and it is all over the web.
Why not prosecute FJB there are videos of him admitting he is the big guy and took money from Burisma.
Can you tell me why and dont ask your Mom for the answers.


Well-Known Member
I have this feeling that I already know how Chutkin will rule.

If they wait for 2026 Trump will be President and Smith will be looking for a job.


PREMO Member
“We had Tish James, the New York attorney general, filing a civil fraud lawsuit against Trump for the non-fraud of a businessman paying back sophisticated Wall Street banks in full with interest,” he said. Remember, James also campaigned on the promise to get Trump before she even investigated the former president and came up with her treacly case.

“And then this Soros-funded Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg,” Davis continued, “indicted a former president for the first time in American history and the leading presidential candidate for president and a businessman for settling a nuisance claim. And then you have [special counsel] Jack Smith — it’s actually Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith — indicting President Trump for the Mar-a-Lago docs for the non-crime of the president having presidential documents in the office of the former president, funded by Congress with secure office space, federally funded office staff, security clearances, and Secret Service protection. And somehow that’s espionage.”

He compared the Trump case with Biden’s document stashes in five different locations — including one accessible by a Chinese official when Biden wasn’t allowed to keep documents as vice president.

“And finally number four and five. Jack Smith and Fani Willis indicting President Trump for the non-crime of a presidential candidate objecting to a presidential election,” Davis continued. They waited until now to bring the charges, Davis said, for the sole purpose of throwing a monkey wrench into the 2024 presidential race.

“They waited 30 months to bring these charges,” he said accusatorially. “And then they say to these judges, ‘We have to hurry up right in the middle of the Republican primary and presidential election season.’ That, right there, it makes it very clear that this lawfare and election interference. This is not about justice.”



PREMO Member

Former Federal Prosecutor Calls Fulton County Indictment Against Trump, Allies A Flawed Case

Although Georgia’s RICO Act allows prosecutors to connect various crimes committed by multiple defendants, former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York Andrew McCarthy wrote an opinion piece written for The Messenger pointing to “a giant hole” in the case due to “the lack of a clear crime to which Trump and his co-defendants can plausibly be said to have agreed.”

Racketeering conspiracy charges typically apply to mafia-type criminal organizations that engage in offenses you would see in an episode of “The Sopranos.” But because conspiracy charges require an agreement with two or more people to violate a criminal statute, McCarthy said that if there is no agreement about committing a crime, there is no conspiracy.

In the indictment, Willis alleges that Trump and the co-conspirators tried to keep the former president in power after the 2020 election results claimed otherwise by explicitly attempting to “change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump.” Yet trying to reverse the election results without sharing an “overarching objective” is technically not a crime, McCarthy said.

He further alleges Willis is attempting to get around proof of the objective by using tautology in the charges, specifically noting on page 14 of the indictment that this was a “conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump.”

“That is, the lawful objective of changing the election outcome somehow becomes unlawful because she invokes the apparently talismanic word ‘unlawful,'” McCarthy wrote. “But there is no crime of unlawfully trying to change an election outcome — not in Georgia law nor any other American law.”

McCarthy also said the RICO charge doesn’t fit the Georgia case because Trump and the co-defendants “did not intend or desire to belong to a group, or even see themselves as a group.”

“Their objective allegedly was to maintain Trump in power, not to participate in an enterprise,” he wrote.

Democratic State Representative Tonya Miller of Georgia, also a former prosecutor in Fulton County, told MSNBC on Sunday that the word “enterprise” under state law is defined broadly and includes one or more persons, legal or illegal businesses, and government agencies.


PREMO Member
Fulton County, Ga., Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee signed off on an order on Monday, setting Donald Trump’s bond at $200,000 and ordering the former president to refrain from intimidating witnesses or his co-defendants as he awaits trial on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election. (Read the order below).

Trump’s bail conditions are very strict and specific. Trump is forbidden to “intimidate any person known to him or her to be a codefendant or witness in this case or to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice.” That includes no direct or indirect threats against codefendants, witnesses, victims, the unindicted coconspirators, or “against the community or to any property in the community.”

“The above shall include, but are not limited to, posts on social media or reposts of posts made by another individual on social media,” the order continued.

Trump is also barred from communicating “in any way, directly or indirectly,” with codefendants or witnesses about the case except through their legal counsel.

Trump and his 18 codefendants have until noon on Friday to surrender to Fulton County authorities.



PREMO Member

One MAGA juror can ruin it all

61% of primary voters also believe that Trump would definitely beat Biden, which the pollsters acknowledge is likely due to the fact that they believe he won the last election and has the advantage of a Bizarro World form of incumbency. They believe his lies that the Trump presidency was the most successful of all time and they want more of it. (His overall record is actually very mixed and his handling of the pandemic, his greatest challenge, was a historic failure.)

77% believe that the indictments against Trump are politically motivated and 62% say they plan to vote for him in the primary. His closest rival is DeSantis at 16%. But according to this article in The Atlantic by Russell Berman, there is some evidence that a change in the way that question is worded challenges the conventional wisdom that Trump is actually being helped by the indictments. Still, taking that into consideration only adds up to about 1.6% points which is trivial considering Trump's lead.


PREMO Member

*UPDATE*: Georgia Judge Approves October 2023 Trial Date for One Trump Co-Defendant

She wants to try to prosecute 19 defendants in less than two months. Good luck. It takes forever to put together a big case against one defendant.

UPDATE 5:37PM: Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAffee approves of the October 2023 trial date for Kenneth John Chesebro. It does NOT apply to Trump or the other defendants:

A Georgia judge approved a rapid trial date for one of former President Donald Trump’s co-defendants in the Fulton County case related to the 2020 election.
Judge Scott McAfee ordered a trial date for Oct. 23 for Kenneth Chesebro, who filed a motion for a speedy trial. That leaves just two months for arraignment, evidence discovery, motions and pretrial conferences.

The Oct. 23 trial date, however, only applies to Chesebro. “At this time, these deadlines do not apply to any co-defendant,” Judge McAfee’s order states.
Chesebro faces seven charges, including a violation of the Georgia’s RICO Act—the Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organizations Act.

***Previous reporting…

Chesebro, a Trump legal advisor, faces seven charges. He filed the speedy trial motion on Wednesday.

The trial had a March 4, 2024, start date. But maybe, and this is my opinion, Willis’s ego got the best of her and said, “Okay, you’re on, Chesebro.”

Except for one thing. That means the trial is less than two months away. This is a huge case.

I found an article at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that shares my feelings:

The aggressive filing from Chesebro — the legal equivalent of throwing a bomb into the case — could create a massive headache for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and attorneys for the other 18 defendants in the case. It could force Willis to try Chesebro by the end of December and scuttle her plans to prosecute all 19 defendants together.
“State law, if requested by a defendant, sets a firm time limit in which to have a fair trial,” said attorney Scott Grubman, who is defending Chesebro with attorney Manny Arora. “Mr. Chesebro has given his official notice that he intends to avail himself of that right. Mr. Chesebro maintains his innocence and remains confident as the legal process continues.”

I wonder if Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAffee, the judge assigned to the case, will accept the proposal.


the poor dad
The mugshot that will win him the election - he means business!



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PREMO Member

My only disagreement is I think the Dem machine is doing everything in their power to ensure Trump is the Rep nominee. I say that because in polling (and the Dems love their polling) Biden very narrowly beats Trump in the General. Especially if Dems can keep abortion on front of Ind women.


PREMO Member

President Trump SLAMS Far Left DC Judge, Jack Smith and January 6 Committee “Lowlifes” – Will Appeal January 6 Trial Date Set for March 4, ONE DAY Before Super Tuesday

Earlier this month, Trump was hit with four counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the hearing this morning and far-left Judge Chutkan’s set trial date. Trump-hater Tanya Chutkan worked at the same law office as Hunter Biden and donated over $3,000 to Barack Obama from 2008-2012.

The Judge only gave Trump’s legal team a two-month extension on prosecutors’ requested January 2 trial. Trump’s attorneys requested an April 2026 trial date.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Joe Biden’s White House Counsel’s office quietly met with Special Counsel Jack Smith’s aides just weeks before the leading presidential candidate was indicted on 37 charges related to classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago. President Trump called this “an absolute No No!”


PREMO Member
A perfect example of that truism was provided this week by Axios’ Mike Allen, who claimed Monday that Georgia Democrat prosecutor Fani Willis included an “Easter egg” in her I’m-a-very-serious-lawyer indictment. Allen said that a specific portion of the documents had “a twist” that “could spoil” Trump’s legal team’s effort to have the entire case moved to federal court, a move that could possibly secure him a more favorable jury (as opposed to the pool of “marginalized, underserved and disadvantaged” voters he would surely get in Fulton County).


Whether this is a federal or local-level issue is beside the point. I didn’t even remember that letter to Raffensperger, which was also published in a fundraising email put out by Trump’s Save America PAC. And because of that media rule mentioned above, I went back to find exactly what it said. Naturally, what it actually said is not the way it was portrayed by the indictment nor the way it was portrayed by Fani Willis’ fangirls in the media.

The letter said that new evidence of “Large scale Voter Fraud” in Georgia had been reported in a local newspaper called the Georgia Star News, with an attached article claiming that more than 40,000 absentee ballots counted in DeKalb County were improperly tallied because they had not been documented upon their receipt by the appropriate official, as required by state election rules. “I would respectfully request that your department check this,” Trump wrote in the letter, “and, if true, along with many other claims of voter fraud and voter irregularities, start the process of decertifying the Election, or whatever the correct legal remedy is, and announce the true winner.”

None of that context is in the indictment, nor the Times article, nor the Axios report. And it’s essentially the same request from Trump that he delivered in the now infamous “perfect phone call” he made to Raffensperger and other Georgia election officials in January 2021.

The media enjoy short-handing that hourlong conversation as an effort by Trump to get the secretary of state to fabricate votes. The New York Times ominously wrote at the time that the president “pressured Georgia’s Republican secretary of state to ‘find’ him enough votes to overturn the presidential election and vaguely threatened him with ‘a criminal offense.'”
