Trump Trial


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Judge Engoron Bars Trump, Trump Family Members From Transferring Assets without Notifying Appointed Court Monitor – Former Clinton Judge Barbara Jones

Far-left Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron barred Trump and Trump’s family members from transferring assets or creating new entities without notifying an appointed court monitor on day 4 of Letitia James’ Stalinist show trial.

The independent court monitor, Barbara Jones, is a former federal judge appointed by Bill Clinton.

Nothing to see here, move along.

ABC News reported:

As the questioning of witnesses continues, Judge Engoron has issued an order outlining the next steps to dissolve Trump’s companies in New York.
Engoron last week found that Trump and his adult sons used fraudulent documents to conduct business, and ordered the cancellation of his business certificates in the state. Trump appealed that ruling yesterday.
In today’s order, Engoron asks the defendants to provide a list of “entities controlled or beneficially owned by Donald J. Trump” — and the other co-defendants — to the Hon. Barbara S. Jones, the independent monitor overseeing Trump’s business activities.
Trump is also required to notify Jones of any new business applications or changes to preexisting entities.
The order also gives the parties 30 days to recommend a receiver to oversee the dissolution of Trump’s corporate assets. However both parties previously suggested that they plan to recommend Jones for that position.


PREMO Member
The judge in Donald Trump's civil trial in New York raised eyebrows, especially for anybody who has ever bought property in South Florida.

A New York judge ruled last week that former President Donald Trump inflated the value of his Mar-a-Lago estate by an eye-popping 2,300%.
That finding, part of shocking ruling that found Trump and his adult sons liable for fraud, was just one of multiple examples in which Judge Arthur Engoron found the Trump real estate empire to have been grossly inflated in value.
But the Mar-a-Lago finding in particular is raising eyebrows among real estate and legal experts because of the metric Judge Engoron relied on: the county tax assessor’s appraisal value.
“From 2011-2021, the Palm Beach County Assessor appraised the market value of Mar-a-Lago at between $18 million and $27.6 million,” Engoron wrote in his ruling.

But the judge used the tax assessor's valuations from about a decade ago, however, the whole idea was so the Left could get some attempted mockery mileage out of that.

New York Attorney General Letitia James is running with it:



Power with Control
Ah, heres the place for this image.....
mar a lago.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ah, heres the place for this image..... View attachment 173008
If you go further down the peninsula, there's UNDEVELOPED LAND worth 10 times that.

I can't tell from the site, but it looks like Mar-A-Lago includes land across the road and on the beach itself. Since the resort is described as stretching from one end to the other end, it makes sense that it is also part of Mar-A-Lago.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Replacement requires system to be no longer covered by manufacturer's warranty. Please provide Make, Model and Serial Number for warranty check.

If system is under warranty, Deskside will need to perform warranty repair process with Vendor.

It's worth as much $$$$$$$$$ as it would take for someone to get Trump to part with it.


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday the Times ran a related story headlined, “Trump Seeks Dismissal of Federal Election Case, Claiming Immunity.” The sub-headline explained “Donald Trump’s lawyers asked a judge to throw out charges that he conspired to overturn the 2020 election, arguing that a president could not be criminally prosecuted for official acts.”

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Yesterday, Trump’s lawyers filed a 52-page motion seeking to dismiss the D.C. “insurrection” case — a federal indictment accusing Trump of conspiring to “subvert” the 2020 election — because the charges relate to official actions he took as president, and therefore, under long-established law, Trump should be "absolutely immune from prosecution."

If they are right — and I think they are — it would also justify dismissal of the Georgia case against Trump as well.

The Times correctly pointed out that the doctrine that a president cannot be prosecuted for actions undertaken in his official capacity as commander in chief has never been tested. “Here, 234 years of unbroken historical practice — from 1789 until 2023 — provide compelling evidence that the power to indict a former president for his official acts does not exist,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in their motion. “No prosecutor, whether state, local, or federal, has this authority; and none has sought to exercise it until now.”

The short version is that courts and government agencies have always held that the proper recourse against a President for official presidential acts is impeachment, not prosecution. This is not putting a President “above the law,” it is preventing a vast ocean of politically-motivated nuisance prosecutions that would dog every single president and make it impossible for him to do the job.

Decades ago in Nixon v. Fitzgerald, the Supreme Court ruled that a president has absolute immunity from civil liability for any acts within the ‘outer perimeter’ of his official responsibilities. This well-established immunity doctrine has never been tested in a criminal case, because no president has ever been subjected to the relentless prosecution now facing President Trump. Yesterday’s motion persuasively argued that the Fitzgerald case’s reasoning about civil cases should equally apply to criminal cases.

The Constitution’s text indirectly supports the same conclusion. Article I’s Impeachment Clause provides that, although the impeachment proceedings don’t carry any criminal punishment (other than removal from office), a fully-impeached president "shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.” By providing that a president who is impeached and convicted in the Senate may subsequently be criminally indicted, the Constitution obviously implies that a president cannot be criminally prosecuted for his official acts absent initial impeachment and conviction.

It’s a great strategy. The predictable denial of this motion to dismiss by Trump’s trial judge will probably be immediately appealable. So it could go right to the unfriendly D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and from there, to the U.S. Supreme Court, which would almost certainly take up the case. And a favorable ruling from the Supremes would resolve Trump’s Georgia case as well.

Well played, team Trump.



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JUST OUT: President Trump’s Recorded Statement During NYC Deposition Was Just Released – AND IT’S LIT! — TRUMP NEVER BACKS DOWN!

New footage of Donald Trump legal statement during his New York City deposition is chilling to watch: We’ve never seen Trump like this!

What they are doing to President Trump is unconstitutional and disgusting to watch!

Here is President Trump reading his statement during the bogus case brought against him by Letitia James.

Trump never backs down. That’s why we love this man.

And that’s why the Marxists hate him.

The Office of Letitia James released the video earlier this week from his deposition on August 22, 2022.



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New York Appellate Judge Smacks Down Far-Left Judge Engoron, Pauses Dissolving Trump Org.

A New York Appellate Judge on Friday smacked down far-left Judge Arthur Engoron and paused his order to dissolve Trump Org.

Last week Judge Engoron issued an order to rescind Trump’s business licenses as punishment in Letitia James civil lawsuit. Engoron effectively ordered the dissolution of Trump Org.

“Engoron ordered that some of Trump’s business licenses be rescinded as punishment, making it difficult or impossible for them to do business in New York, and said he would continue to have an independent monitor oversee Trump Organization operations.” – AP reported last week.


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“The March 4, 2023 trial date in the District of Columbia, and the underlying schedule in that case, currently require President Trump and his lawyers to be in two places at once,” Trump’s lawyers wrote, according to CBS News. “And, months after the Office’s representation to the Court, discovery is not complete in this case—including with respect to the classified documents at issue in more than 25% of the [Espionage Act] counts in the Superseding Indictment.”

Of course, this was Jack Smith’s plan all along. Make it impossible for Trump’s lawyers to navigate between Washington DC and Florida by scheduling court dates on top of each other.

The attorneys said the classification reviews and most basic discovery have not been handed over by DOJ prosecutors.

“These are not mere ‘complaints.’ The Special Counsel’s Office has not provided some of the most basic discovery in the case,” the attorneys wrote. “Given the current schedule, we cannot understate the prejudice to President Trump arising from his lack of access to these critical materials months after they should have been produced.”

Blanche and Kise, who previously sought security clearances to review classified material in this case, argued the special counsel hadn’t even provided basic arrangements for handling the classified documents.

“The Special Counsel’s Office has failed to make very basic arrangements in this District for the handling of the relevant classified information, the holding of necessary CIPA hearings, and the production of related work products by the court and counsel,” the lawyers wrote in the 12-page filing.

Judge Aileen Cannon temporarily paused litigation in the classified documents case on Friday. The trial is scheduled to begin May 20.


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Jack Smith Seeks Special Procedures to ‘Protect’ Safety of Jurors in DC Case Against Trump

In August Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

Jack Smith’s prosecutors are seeking special protections for the safety of jurors as they try to gag Trump in the middle of a presidential election.

Biden’s dirty DOJ once again cited Trump’s social media posts as their argument for the need for special procedures to protect the jurors.

“Given the particular sensitivities of this case, stemming both from heightened public interest and the defendant’s record of using social media to attack others, the Court should impose certain limited restrictions on the ability of the parties to conduct research on potential jurors during jury selection and trial and to use juror research,” prosecutors Molly Gaston and Thomas Windom argued, according to Politico.


PREMO Member

Judge Prohibits Trump From Speaking Out Against Prosecutors, Others

Judge Chutkan said she wouldn't impose restrictions on statements he makes about Washington, or criticism of the government, including the Biden administration and the Department of Justice (DOJ). However, President Trump will be prohibited from posting statements attacking special counsel Jack Smith, his staff, Judge Chutkan's staff and other court personnel, and the families of any of these people.

He is also limited in part about what he can say about potential witnesses; for example, he may make posts about former Vice President Mike Pence, but not in regard to underlying events connected to his case.


After the decision, a spokesperson for President Trump issued a statement: "Today's decision is an absolute abomination and another partisan knife stuck in the heart of our Democracy by Crooked Joe Biden, who was granted the right to muzzle his political opponent, the leading candidate for the Presidency in 2024, and the most popular political leader in America, President Donald J. Trump. President Trump will continue to fight for our Constitution, the American people's right to support him, and to keep our country free of the chains of weaponized and targeted law enforcement."

The prosecutors are arguing that President Trump is unfairly influencing the jury pool and had proposed a gag order that would limit what he can comment on related to the case and what kind of polling he can do in Washington, D.C. President Trump's attorneys argued that the proposed order is not at all "narrowly tailored" and violates his First Amendment rights.


Well-Known Member

Judge Prohibits Trump From Speaking Out Against Prosecutors, Others

Judge Chutkan said she wouldn't impose restrictions on statements he makes about Washington, or criticism of the government, including the Biden administration and the Department of Justice (DOJ). However, President Trump will be prohibited from posting statements attacking special counsel Jack Smith, his staff, Judge Chutkan's staff and other court personnel, and the families of any of these people.

He is also limited in part about what he can say about potential witnesses; for example, he may make posts about former Vice President Mike Pence, but not in regard to underlying events connected to his case.


After the decision, a spokesperson for President Trump issued a statement: "Today's decision is an absolute abomination and another partisan knife stuck in the heart of our Democracy by Crooked Joe Biden, who was granted the right to muzzle his political opponent, the leading candidate for the Presidency in 2024, and the most popular political leader in America, President Donald J. Trump. President Trump will continue to fight for our Constitution, the American people's right to support him, and to keep our country free of the chains of weaponized and targeted law enforcement."

The prosecutors are arguing that President Trump is unfairly influencing the jury pool and had proposed a gag order that would limit what he can comment on related to the case and what kind of polling he can do in Washington, D.C. President Trump's attorneys argued that the proposed order is not at all "narrowly tailored" and violates his First Amendment rights.
What jury pool? In Washington DC? LMAO that isn't a jury pool it's a cess pool.


PREMO Member
🔥 The Washington Post ran an enthusiastic story yesterday headlined, “Judge Chutkan issues limited gag order for Trump in D.C. Jan. 6 case.


Yesterday, U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, an Jamaican-born Obama appointee presiding over the Trump January 6th election interference case, issued an oral restraining order directed at Donald Trump. None of “the parties” — meaning Trump — may publicly comment about Special Counsel Jack Smith, Smith’s staff, court staff (presumably including Judge Chutkan), or “potential witnesses” in the case.

The judge’s gag order included a laundry list of stuff the parties may not say or do. They can’t call things the “best ever.” They may not upload any long social media posts about the case IN ALL CAPS. The parties are limited to a maximum of three exclamation marks (“!”) per twitter post. They can’t refer to the United States as a “third-world hellhole” or a “hellhole” of any kind. And they specifically aren’t allowed to give the judge derogatory nicknames like “Judge Chumpy” or “Judge Chubarker.”

Haha, just kidding. Nobody’s actually seen the order yet, the judge announced her ruling in court yesterday and promised a written order soon. To be honest, Judge Chutkan’s order sounds very carefully parsed, appearing balanced, obviously trying to avoid a Ukraine-sized minefield of First Amendment issues more potentially explosive than defective, depleted-uranium cluster bombs (made in the U.S.A.).

Judge Chutkan coolly explained, “This is not about whether I like the language Mr. Trump uses. This is about language which presents a danger to the administration of justice.”

There are two Constitutional issues at play. The first issue is Trump’s right to Free Speech under the First Amendment, enhanced in this case because it features the political trial of a running candidate during a presidential campaign close to elections who is also a former President.

In that sense, it’s First Amendment to the tenth power.

But there’s a competing right — the right to a fair trial under the Sixth Amendment, which courts have interpreted as giving them a lot of leeway in controlling parties’ out-of-court conduct. Recently, for example, you may recall Sam Bankman-Fried was stuffed back in the slammer after the judge found Sam tweeting around trying to tamper with witnesses. No more social media for Sam. Or liberty either.

Similarly, Judge Chutkan claimed her order was to keep Trump from launching a “pre trial smear campaign” that poses a “danger to the administration of justice.” She was presumably referring to the potential jury pool and to witnesses.

Saying this case is unique is like saying Joe Biden sleeps a lot during the daytime. Duh.

Trump plans to appeal to the DC Circuit, which hates him and hopes he will fall into a collapsing black hole somewhere. Social media partisans and trolls see the issue as black and white: either that the appeal is a lock or it doesn’t have any chance. I think the truth is no one has any idea what’s going to happen, although I’d lean slightly toward the Supreme Court upholding the order or maybe just tinkering around its borders, because the case is really all about judges’ authority to control parties who come before their courts.

The truth is the entire case — not the gag order — needs to be thrown out.

Going forward, my guess is the Judge will be reluctant to pull the trigger on any real sanctions, and will probably lay in wait, like judges do, for a really egregious violation to pull the trigger. But one thing is clear: Judge Chutkan instantly manufactured a whole industry of salivating liberal pundits who just can’t wait for Trump to violate the order so they can jump up and down pointing at him with long, witchy fingers of blame.

Witchy fingers of blame like those of former Obama spokesliar Jen Psaki, who appeared on MSNBC last night claiming Trump had already violated the order. Watch:

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CLIP: Jen Psaki eager to recruit Republican heavyweight Chris Christie to condemn Trump (2:07).

After Trump made some after-Court remarks last night, obviously trying his hardest to comply with the order, referring obliquely to “a judge” that “doesn’t like me” who issued “an order,” media pitbull Jen Psaki pounced, rounding up cumbrous longshot candidate Chris Christie for bipartisan cover:

PSAKI: “Did he already violate the gag order by complaining about Judge Chutkan?"

CHRISTIE: "He probably didn't violate the gag order but he will. We know he will.”

That might be the first time I agree with Chris Christie. There is no doubt Trump will eventually violate that order. Probably some time today before lunch.



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Woman Arrested and Banned from Court After Disturbance at Trump NY City Trial

During the civil trial of former President Donald Trump on Wednesday, a court employee was arrested after attempting to approach the former President.

According to a spokesperson for the New York government, during the trial, the woman, Jenny Hannigan, “Disrupted the session, stood up, and walked towards the front of the court, shouting at Trump, indicating that she wanted to assist him.”



PREMO Member

How the gag order against Donald Trump goes too far

Although I often wish that Donald Trump would shut up, he has a constitutional right not to. A federal judge went too far in restricting his free expression Monday when she imposed a gag order on the former president.

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over the Washington prosecution of Trump for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, ordered him to refrain from rhetoric targeting prosecutors and court personnel as well as inflammatory statements about likely witnesses.

Chutkan issued the order in response to a motion from special counsel Jack Smith. Trump has said on social media that Smith is “deranged,” that the judge is “a radical Obama hack” and that the court system is “rigged.” He has also attacked potential witnesses such as former Vice President Mike Pence.

“This is not about whether I like the language Mr. Trump uses,” Chutkan said in announcing her decision from the bench. “This is about language that presents a danger to the administration of justice.” She added that Trump’s presidential candidacy “does not give him carte blanche” to threaten public servants. The judge said that “1st Amendment protections yield to the administration of justice and to the protection of witnesses.”

I certainly understand Chutkan’s desire to limit such speech, and this is obviously a unique case with no similar precedents. But basic 1st Amendment principles cast serious doubt on the judge’s order.