Trump Trial


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"Donald Trump has received ample warning from this Court as to the possible repercussions of violating the gag order. He specifically acknowledged that he understood and would abide by it. Accordingly, issuing yet another warning is no longer appropriate; this Court is way beyond the 'warning' stage," he wrote.

Justice Engoron had issued the gag order on Oct. 3, the second day of the trial, after President Trump made a post about the judge's clerk. Within hours, the post was deleted. But on Friday morning, the judge said in court that he found out the post had still been up on President Trump's campaign website for 17 days.

"Despite this order, last night I learned the offending post was never removed from a website. This is a blatant violation of the gag order. I made it clear [that] failure to comply will result in serious sanctions," he said, according to media reports.

The judge said he had emailed the attorneys Thursday night, and it was deleted after that.



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NYC Activist Judge Fines President Donald Trump $5,000 For Visibility of Tweet Made Prior to Gag Order​

October 20, 2023 | Sundance | 303 Comments

In the New York case against President Trump’s business operations, far left Judge Arthur Engoron previously issued a gag order forbidding President Trump from criticism of any court employee. Today, Judge Engoron levied a $5,000 fine against President Trump because a Truth Social media post made prior to the order was visible on the Trump campaign website.


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Mark Meadows Tells Special Counsel He Warned Trump About 2020 Election Claims After Getting Immunity

Sources with knowledge of the matter told ABC News about Meadows’ cooperation with the prosecution.

Former President Donald Trump's final chief of staff in the White House, Mark Meadows, has spoken with special counsel Jack Smith's team at least three times this year, including once before a federal grand jury, which came only after Smith granted Meadows immunity to testify under oath, according to sources familiar with the matter.
The sources said Meadows informed Smith's team that he repeatedly told Trump in the weeks after the 2020 presidential election that the allegations of significant voting fraud coming to them were baseless, a striking break from Trump's prolific rhetoric regarding the election.
According to the sources, Meadows also told the federal investigators Trump was being "dishonest" with the public when he first claimed to have won the election only hours after polls closed on Nov. 3, 2020, before final results were in.
"Obviously we didn't win," a source quoted Meadows as telling Smith's team in hindsight.
Trump has called Meadows, one of the former president's closest and highest-ranking aides in the White House, a "special friend" and "a great chief of staff -- as good as it gets."

Meadows is also facing charges in Georgia related to alleged efforts to overturn the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.


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ACLU Supports Trump's Fight Against DC Judge's Gag Order

To be clear, the ACLU agrees with Jack Smith that Trump is a danger to the Republic but the ACLU is standing up for Trump’s First Amendment right to lash out on Truth Social. And, others have a right to hear what he has to say.

Trump had a partial gag order imposed on him by Judge Chutkan on October 17 to keep him from making statements against Special Counsel Jack Smith, his staff, witnesses, and court personnel. Chutkan said Trump can criticize the Justice Department in general terms and can post his opinion that the case against him is politically motivated. But, she said, Trump cannot attack prosecutors or court staff on social media.

Trump appealed the gag order, arguing that his First Amendment rights are being violated with the gag order. Chutkan issued a stay on the gag order pending Trump’s appeal. Trump went right back to posting on Truth Social about Smith and the witnesses.

The ACLU isn’t siding with Trump because it agrees with Trump’s grievances. It is doing so because while the First Amendment doesn’t protect incitements to violence or threats, the gag order is not justified. Prosecutors have not shown that Trump’s speech will threaten the administration of justice.

The ACLU argues Chutkan’s order is too vague on its ban on “targeting” the special counsel, potential witnesses, and the “substance of their testimony” because it could be read such that Trump would violate the order by merely mentioning those people.
The civil rights group also suggests the order is too broad because it covers Smith, a public official, and the “substance” of any witnesses’ testimony, which will be highly relevant to the 2024 presidential campaign. Trump has a commanding lead in polls of the 2024 Republican presidential primary.
“No modern-day president did more damage to civil liberties and civil rights than President Trump, but if we allow his free speech rights to be abridged, we know that other unpopular voices — even ones we agree with — will also be silenced,” said Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the ACLU. “As much as we disagreed with Donald Trump’s policies, everyone is entitled to the same First Amendment protection against gag orders that are too broad and too vague.”


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HE HAS GONE CRAZY IN HIS HATRED OF “TRUMP” – President Trump Absolutely DESTROYS Lawless NYC Judge Engoron After Case Collapses

Engoron is the same bizarre and unhinged judge who opened the garbage trial against Donald Trump and his business empire by giggling to the cameras.

The case never should have been filed. This is lawfare at its worst. The prosecution even had the gall to suggest that Mar-a-Lago, one of the most expensive properties in the world, was only worth $18 million. This judge and this lawsuit is a sick joke.

It appears the only criminal activity in the case was by Letitia James after she misrepresented the numbers and filed an outrageously dishonest suit against Trump and his business empire with no evidence.


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Judge in Donald Trump's election interference case reimposes a gag order on the former president: Trump declares her ruling is 'not constitutional'

  • U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan is presiding over Donald Trump's trial on charges of trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat
  • She imposed a gag order on him on October 16, barring him from attacking witnesses, prosecutors and court staff
  • On October 20, the gag order was lifted after Trump's lawyers argued it was vaguely worded, unmanageable and unfair: on Sunday it was reinstated


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Do Former Presidents Have Immunity from Criminal Prosecution? Trump's Lawyers Say Yes; They May be Right

The foundation of Trump’s motion is that there should be absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for former Presidents related to their official duties while in office. Smith’s Opposition argues that any such prohibition would run contrary to the axiomatic principle that “no man is above the law.”

Here is the problem – the law as established in the 230-plus years since the adoption of the Constitution provides no clear answer to this question. No subsequent administration has ever prosecuted the leader of the opposition political party who occupied the Office of the Presidency prior to that Administration. That is something that tends to only happen in Banana Republics, to prevent the predecessor from attempting to regain office in the next scheduled election.

So, regardless of what either side claims in their pleadings, the question of immunity of a former President from criminal prosecution for actions taken while in office is novel and presents an “issue of first impression” for the Courts to resolve. Any claim to the contrary is legally ignorant or expresses a bias as to what the outcome should be. The question has never been answered, because it has never before been an issue that needed an answer.

So, which side has the better argument as to whether such an immunity should be found to exist?

Smith has said that “no man is above the law” – and that’s just about it. That might seem a bit flip on my part, but in an Opposition that has 42 pages of “argument,” I count that phrase being used six times in the first nine pages alone.


What Trump argues is that the reasons for giving a former President absolute immunity from civil damage lawsuits apply equally in answering the question as to whether a former President should have immunity from criminal prosecution. The Supreme Court did say in Fitzgerald that the public interest in allowing civil damage suits is not as significant as the public interest in criminal prosecutions, such that the societal costs of granting such immunity – individuals in the future would not be able to sue ex-Presidents for money -- does not outweigh the benefits of granting such immunity.

“The President's unique status under the Constitution distinguishes him from other executive officials. Because of the singular importance of the President's duties, diversion of his energies by concern with private lawsuits would raise unique risks to the effective functioning of government…. a President must concern himself with matters likely to "arouse the most intense feelings." Yet, as our decisions have recognized, it is in precisely such cases that there exists the greatest public interest in providing an official "the maximum ability to deal fearlessly and impartially with" the duties of his office…. This concern is compelling where the officeholder must make the most sensitive and far-reaching decisions entrusted to any official under our constitutional system. Nor can the sheer prominence of the President's office be ignored. In view of the visibility of his office and the effect of his actions on countless people, the President would be an easily identifiable target for suits for civil damages. [FN omitted] Cognizance of this personal vulnerability frequently could distract a President from his public duties, to the detriment of not only the President and his office but also the Nation that the Presidency was designed to serve.”

The Court did say that the public has a greater interest in criminal prosecutions than in civil damages lawsuits, and that fact played a role in not allowing Fitzgerald to pursue his case against Nixon personally. But the same interests in granting immunity – laid out in the text above – applies in both situations, and the Supreme Court did not suggest that the case for immunity would be less compelling if the issue before it involved a criminal prosecution.

There are now state prosecutors who campaigned for their offices on a pledge to “Get Trump.” Two in New York and one in Georgia have brought civil and criminal cases against him – one involving events and actions taking place while he was President.

A federal Special Counsel, on behalf of the Justice Department, has crafted novel and legally suspect theories of criminality never before employed as part of two cases in different federal courts. The aura of criminality around the leader of the political opposition – and likely nominee for the Office of President in the 2024 election -- has been fabricated by a grand jury process involving the one-sided presentation of “evidence” and legal argument behind closed doors, with no exculpatory or contradictory evidence being required to be presented.

We now have the specter of a “gag order” – with a threat of detention if violated – limiting that candidate’s ability to speak to the electorate on the campaign trail about the charges against him, those leveling accusations of criminal conduct, and the governmental actors using the levers of government authority in a manner that interferes with the electoral process. This is all taking place for the first time in our history, with the candidate now rising in the polls -- potentially as a backlash against what is taking place.

The harm this creates is that in the future, while in office and executing his/her duties, Presidents will now need to consider the possibility that after leaving office some politically motivated state or federal prosecutor will use the exercise of Presidential authority as a basis to fabricate a politically motivated criminal case. Entertaining such considerations in real time is now a necessity, not an abstraction.

This could create a “chilling effect” on the willingness of future Presidents to take bold action of a kind often involved in Presidential decision-making. Having the protection of immunity would eliminate such concerns, which is exactly the calculation adopted by the Supreme Court in Fitzgerald.

There was no textual basis in the Constitution or in the common law for finding such immunity to exist in Fitzgerald. The same situation is now present in U.S. v. Trump, and it is of no consequence that Smith shouts from the rooftop of the federal courthouse in Washington D.C. that there is no historical basis to afford former President Trump immunity here.


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'Absolutely Unprecedented': Trump Gag Orders Test Judges' Powers

Posting to Truth Social on Oct. 30, President Trump derided Judge Chutkan as a "TRUE TRUMP HATER" who was "incapable of giving me a fair trial." He also noted her appointment by President Barack Obama, harkening back to his prior criticism the Department of Justice (DOJ) cited while requesting a gag order.

During the previous week, on Oct. 25, New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron levied the former president with $10,000 in fines for allegedly violating a gag order on him speaking about one of the court's law clerks. Mr. Trump's attorney, Chris Kise, denied that his client's comments outside of the courtroom were referring to the clerk but said they were instead directed at Mr. Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, who had testified that day, The Associated Press reported. Judge Engeron kept the fine in place.


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Jeffrey Clark’s Lawyers Demand Fani Willis’ ‘Grotesque Abuse Of Prosecutorial Power’ Be Dismissed

“There is zero allegation or evidence that Mr. Clark directed any purposeful activity into the State of Georgia,” the lawyers wrote. “The inquiry ought to end there. But it gets worse: there are zero specific allegations or evidence that Mr. Clark agreed with any resident defendant to do anything. An arm-waving general and conclusory allegation that all defendants conspired to unlawfully overturn the 2020 election is not sufficient to meet the threshold due process requirements for establishing personal jurisdiction.”

Willis’ attempt to “punish a thought crime with the full penal and coercive power of the State” by indicting Clark, former President Donald Trump, and 17 others, Clark’s lawyers wrote, has forced the U.S. into a constitutional crisis unlike anything this nation has ever seen before.

“So here we are: this District Attorney seeks to imprison the leading presidential candidate of her opposite political party, to the acclaim of those baying for his destruction. She has dragged all of us not just into the outskirts of dangerous constitutional territory but into the maelstrom of a full-blown constitutional collapse,” the special plea states.

Clark’s association with former President Donald Trump, who nominated Clark first as assistant attorney general of the Environment and Natural Resources Division and later as acting assistant attorney general for the Civil Division, made him one of the 19 “co-conspirator” targets in Democrats’ wide-ranging election indictment in Fulton County, Georgia.


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DC Appeals Court Overrules Judge Chutkan Gag Order​

November 3, 2023 | Sundance | 105 Comments

A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has lifted District Judge Tanya Chutkan’s gag order prohibiting Trump from criticizing the special counsel, Jack Smith, or “any foreseeable witness” in the case. [2-Page Opinion Here] In my opinion, it was the generalized “foreseeable witness” part of the Chutkan order that became the central issue for the appellate court. Jack Smith could name anyone as a potential witness, just to silence the accused.

President Trump’s team previously indicated in their filing to the appeals court that they are prepared to seek immediate relief at the Supreme Court. However, at least now, that approach will not be needed as the DC Appellate Court has blocked the gag order.

It is a win for Donald Trump amid a highly political DC Circuit.​

If the appeals court had ruled to uphold the gag order, they would have opened the door for the U.S. Supreme Court to weigh in and potentially overturn the lower rulings. Therefore, appeals court was most likely not willing to see their own credibility rest on the language of a motion written by Judge Chutkan.

In the ruling, the appeals court will accept briefings and oral arguments prior to making their own ruling on the matter. That will make any advancement to the Supreme Court much less likely to succeed. There’s a bit of court credibility and preservation playing out in this dynamic.


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Angry Arthur: NY Judge Gags Trump Lawyers from Discussing ‘Confidential Communications’ of Activist Court Clerk

“Serious sanctions” will be brought against the legal team if they violate the order, said Engoron, who is overseeing the civil lawsuit New York Attorney General Letitia James has brought against Trump and his eldest sons.

He specifically named Trump lawyers Christopher Kise, Clifford Robert, and Alina Habba, writing that they “have made, on the record, repeated, inappropriate remarks about my Principal Law Clerk, falsely accusing her of bias against them and of improperly influencing the ongoing bench trial.”

He continued:

Defendants’ attorneys have made long speeches alleging that it is improper for a judge to consult with a law clerk during ongoing proceedings, and that the passing of notes from a judge to a law clerk, or vice-versa, constitutes an improper “appearance of impropriety” in this case. These arguments have no basis.

Politico reporter Erica Orden wrote that earlier, “Kise complained about Greenfield’s habit of passing notes to Engoron during proceedings, suggesting she is improperly influencing his decisions.”

The justice also noted that the order blankets references to his staff, but not him, and cited harassing and threatening messages his court has received:

Since the commencement of this bench trial, my chambers have been inundated with hundreds of harassing and threating phone calls, voicemails, emails, letters, and packages. The First Amendment right of defendants and their attorneys to comment on my staff is far and away outweighed by the need to protect them from threats and physical harm.



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Donald Trump is testifying today in the fraud case brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James. The presiding judge has already held Trump liable. Trump’s testimony is going about as you would expect:

Donald Trump’s courtroom decorum has began to break down as the former president began yelling and attacking the judge and the attorney general from the witness stand.
Trump had been testifying for the past roughly two hours in hushed tones until he became visibly agitated, speaking loudly saying that the Justice Arthur Engoron and New York Attorney General Letitia James were “trying to hurt” him.
The real estate tycoon called James a “political hack,” accusing her of using “this case to become governor” and successfully using it for her current post.

That is all true. James ran for office on a platform of “getting” Donald Trump.

Trump’s personal attorney, Alina Habba, ranted against the judge overseeing the case while speaking to TV cameras outside court during the lunch break.
“I was told to sit down today. I was yelled at and I’ve had a judge, who is unhinged, slamming a table. Let me be very clear: I don’t tolerate that in my life. I’m not going to tolerate it here,” she said.
Habba also brought up Trump’s polling numbers in the 2024 presidential race, and claimed the country was “falling apart.”
Earlier, Habba stood up and interrupted the proceedings, telling Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron he was there to listen to what Trump had to say and arguing her client should be allowed to give long answers.
“I am not here to listen to what he has to say!” the judge said as he told Habba to “sit down.”

I think I understand what the judge meant, but the way it came out was unfortunate.

Judge Arthur Engoron threatened to throw Donald Trump off the witness stand if he doesn’t stop making speeches from it.
“Mr. Kise, that was a simple yes-or-no question,” Engoron said of Trump being asked about the accuracy of his 2014 financial statement.
“We got another speech,” the judge said. “I beseech you to control him if you can. If you can’t, I will. I will excuse him and use every negative inference that I can.”
Trump lawyer Alina Habba argued that her client should be able to give long answers like Michael Cohen did on the stand two weeks ago. Habba also said AG lawyer Kevin Wallace should ask “better questions.”
But Engoron bellowed at Habba to “sit down.”
Trump then interjected: “This is a very unfair trial, very unfair. And I hope the public is watching.”

So Trump is giving speeches and, as the judge said, trying to turn his appearance into a political rally. What did he think was going to happen? Is there any conceivable reason why Judge Engeron, or the Attorney General, should have expected anything different?

The problem that Engeron and Letitia James have is that this is transparently a political prosecution. There must have been hundreds of thousands of occasions, during the time period covered by this case, when business people gave banks statements of their financial condition. Based on my experience, I think there were many, many instances where borrowers overstated their net worth. How many of those instances have been prosecuted by the Attorney General, other than Donald Trump? None, is my guess.


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Trump had active security clearance when Jack Smith indicted him in documents case…

The sham classified documents case that Jack Smith is spearheading against President Trump has encountered couple of very significant setbacks in recent days—setbacks so severe, they have the potential to derail the entire case. President Trump says he has evidence that the Biden administration colluded with various federal agencies to arm Jack Smith with the ammunition for his indictment. Furthermore, he has disclosed an additional bombshell that could once again shake the foundation of the case.

The paperwork shows that President Trump maintained an active security clearance at the very time when Jack Smith indicted him in the documents case—a fact the Biden regime was well aware of.

Independent investigative journalist Julie Kelly disclosed the specifics in her post on platform X. Here’s what Julie said:

And then this tidbit. A few weeks after the indictment was handed down, someone at Biden’s DOE noticed Trump still had security clearance for that agency and sent a memo saying his clearance should be removed.


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Unhinged Judge Engoron Under Scrutiny for Allegedly Posting Half-Naked Photos of Himself to High School Alumni Newsletter He Controls

Engoron, a Wheatley alumnus from 1967, is responsible for curating the Wheatley Alumni Association Newsletter, which updates and connects past graduates with memories, news, and obituaries.

According to a post on Marco Polo’s X account, Judge Engoron has used this platform to share more than just school spirit.

The newsletter, in its 51st edition, features a variety of alumni-related content, from heartfelt memorials to lighthearted class reunion announcements.

It was in this very issue that Judge Engoron chose to include a “BonusTorsoPhoto,” a peculiar addition that showcased a malnourished torso, presumed to be his own. This unconventional editorial choice has left many questioning the appropriateness of such content in a school alumni newsletter.



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Ms. Stefanik listed several items she believed pointed to bias, beginning a year ago, before the trial, when the judge told President Trump's attorney that President Trump was "just a bad guy."

She also accused him of ignoring an appellate court's ruling that set a statute of limitations on the case, smiling for the pool cameras, and the summary judgment he made before the trial began.

"And Judge Engoron has made it crystal clear he doesn’t care what the defendant or his attorneys have to say," Ms. Stefanik added, including a snapshot of just a few of the blows exchanged between defense attorneys and the judge, which were especially pronounced the day President Trump testified.

While on the witness stand, President Trump gave long and detailed answers about his properties, which the judge seemed not to like. He told his lawyers to "control" their client, and when attorney Chris Kise tried to explain the "extraordinary circumstances" they were in that might warrant these detailed answered, the judge said he was "not here to listen to what you [President Trump] have to say."

Justice Engoron told defense attorney Alina Habba, “I am not here to hear what he has to say, now sit down!” when she protested, and when Mr. Kise said he would file a motion for directed verdict, the judge said, "You better not, Chris!"


Ms. Stefanik also weighed in on the trail evidence and ruling, arguing that no evidence was presented on trial to suggest fraud, and in fact "disputed material evidence" suggested the opposite.

"The defendant paid back the sophisticated Wall Street banks, on time, in full, with interest, as agreed. No insurance company paid a penny. And these banks and insurance companies, supposedly defrauded, continue to do business with the defendant," she wrote.

Indeed, two banks had done their own analyses of President Trump's net worth, as revealed in testimonies, and for some development projects the bank had courted President Trump's business, not the other way around. It was also revealed that the accounting firm Trump Organization had long worked with dropped the business as a client after being informed by the attorney general's office of the investigation, and wrote in their parting letter that they had not done any independent analyses or audits, and did not know of any fraud.

At the center of the case are the statements of financial condition Trump Organization prepared every year, which lists President Trump's total net worth and a summary balance sheet of his asset's values, which is not a standard document and was used as a marketing piece when he did deals.

Trump Organization had valued Mar-a-Lago between $426 million and $612 million in these statements, while Ms. James and the judge valued it at $18 million to $27.6 million, prompting ridicule from President Trump, who says the property could be worth more than $1 billion, a sentiment echoed by prominent real estate figures. One agent told the Associated Press the judge's claim was "ludicrous."

However, the judge had dismissed a sworn affidavit from Lawrence Moens, the top Palm Beach luxury broker, who said if he had the opportunity to market Mar-a-Lago, it would be sold to someone with "net worths in the multiple billions," the likes of Elon Musk, kings, emperors, and heads of state. Justice Engoron called the statement an "unsubstantiated dream," but admitted testimony from an expert on the attorney general's side who helped come up with the $250 million disgorgement figure, suggesting banks lost out on more than $100 million in interest because the financial statements were inflated.



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Trump Lawyer Alina Habba Slams NY Attorney General Letitia James for Going After Trump ‘While the City is Falling Apart’

“She sits there. She sits there, usually takes a couple of notes, and then when there’s a moment to go out to the press, she does her press,” Habba said of James attending the New York Supreme Court trial in which she accused Trump of overvaluing his properties in order to get more favorable bank loans.

Habba added:

She is only there on high-profile days. She does not come any other day. But she’s been there so much while the city is falling apart. But it’s quite telling as to what her priorities are as attorney general. And when you take that oath of office, your priority should not be yourself. Your priority should not be your politics. And it should not be trying to achieve a self-interested mission. It should be about taking care of the city.

What we see … is a politically-motivated AG, who said she was going to get Trump and has been sitting there on the sidelines, like she’s eating popcorn watching the show. And it’s disturbing.

“Again, it just goes to point this is a politically-motivated witch hunt, my clients would call it and, and her behavior is incredibly telling,” she added.