Trump won’t help Puerto Rico


Well-Known Member
Well..except for the video of the union boss blathering on about it, you mean. I didn't read any of that other stuff you mentioned. Just me and my own lying eyes. ;-)

What video?

And had you read what I wrote, you'd know the local union had a planned strike well ahead of the hurricance, which was canceled. Do you think that video you mention could have been the union boss making those claims ahead of their planned strike weeks ago?


Well-Known Member
No there wasn't. There never was. The "conservative treehouse" and "gateway pundit" and other right wing sources were the only places (incorrectly) reporting a strike.

Well, considering no one has offered evidence there actually was a strike, and given the relative ease of looking up something like this, I don't feel I should, but I will.

The Huff Post did an interview with US Air Force Colonel Michael Valle where he said:

This was taken by the outlets I mentioned as a strike by the local Teamsters Union.

The IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters) released a statement debunking that claim:

In fact, on Sept. 29 (you'll notice this to be a day before the stories came out about a strike) the IBT was asking for help from CDL holders:

Remember Col. Valle? In the very same article the conservative "news" sources used to declare a strike, Col. Valle said:

CNBC said the same thing:

Those conservative "news" sources claim Frente Amplio is the local Teamsters. It's not. It's an independent PR truck driver's union who came out and said Frente Amplio had a planned strike before the hurricane because of greivances with the mayor. They called that strike off not after Hurricane Maria, but Hurricane Irma. (not sure how good your espanol is)

Thank you for providing something to back up your claim. I am willing to take it at face value and concede that there may not have been a formal strike. That doesn't entirely negate Hijinx's original post though. The fact is that there are millions of dollars worth of supplies and support being provided to PR and yet statements are being made that Trump (and thus implying the Fed. gov. in general) has done nothing to help out.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for providing something to back up your claim. I am willing to take it at face value and concede that there may not have been a formal strike. That doesn't entirely negate Hijinx's original post though. The fact is that there are millions of dollars worth of supplies and support being provided to PR and yet statements are being made that Trump (and thus implying the Fed. gov. in general) has done nothing to help out.

Statements will always be made, but that does't change the fact that Trump's not out driving the rigs, what did they expect?

We all know there are tons of aid and supplies at the ready and actively making it onto the island.

Hijinx made a claim that "millions of dollars worth of help is sitting on the docks and going to waste because it cannot be delivered because of a truck strike". That's not true and all I was replying to.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
And had you read what I wrote, you'd know the local union had a planned strike well ahead of the hurricance, which was canceled. Do you think that video you mention could have been the union boss making those claims ahead of their planned strike weeks ago?

Nope..the video was made by a local reporter when he was being interviewed and asked why the containers were continuing to pile up but no trucks were anywhere in sight. It was all in Spanish, of course.


Well-Known Member
Nope..the video was made by a local reporter when he was being interviewed and asked why the containers were continuing to pile up but no trucks were anywhere in sight. It was all in Spanish, of course.

given that I actually speak Spanish I would love to see the video. Any chance you have a link to it?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
given that I actually speak Spanish I would love to see the video. Any chance you have a link to it?

That video and several others (now including one "selfie video" of a couple truckers that defied the BS and drove anyway..and were obviously proud of themselves for doing so) are posted or shared on my friend's FB page. Another video I had not seen yet shows idle trucks and vans being "appropriated" by others for relief use. I'm trying to find a way to save a couple of them..I've saved pictures off of FB but not videos..

There was some "not very nice" commentary posted about that trucking union guy...seems he has made more than a few enemies along the way.


Well-Known Member
That video and several others (now including one "selfie video" of a couple truckers that defied the BS and drove anyway..and were obviously proud of themselves for doing so) are posted or shared on my friend's FB page. Another video I had not seen yet shows idle trucks and vans being "appropriated" by others for relief use. I'm trying to find a way to save a couple of them..I've saved pictures off of FB but not videos..

There was some "not very nice" commentary posted about that trucking union guy...seems he has made more than a few enemies along the way.

Is it a Lo Se Todo interview?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Is it a Lo Se Todo interview?

No idea. It was accompanied by this caption on FB

...este Sr se llama V#ctor Rodr#guez, es el presidente del frente amplio de camioneros. Ha dado instrucciones para q ningún camionero saque vagones de los puertos y mucho menos gasolina en P.R. A ti Victor, te hacemos responsable por el caos próximo a suceder en la Isla por tus caprichos pol#ticos en contra del Gobierno de turno. Eres un narco pol#tico, un vividor y buscon. Con la necesidad del Pueblo puertorriqueño no se juega, so CHARLATÁN!

Gente compartan esto para que llegue a todos los puertorriqueños fuera y dentro de la Isla.


Well-Known Member
Sap?????????? Please give us an answer. Since Americans are too irresponsible to own certain firearms, please tell us irresponsible Americans what firearms you would feel comfortable owning?

I already answered that question.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
So, there was no strike related to the supplies after the hurricanes. Glad that was cleared up.

..but not the same video.

Fail. ;-) Did you read the descriptions in Spanish I posted earlier? did not. Keep that shovel busy, kid.

And it's pretty apparent the clown backed it is also apparent from the other things posted from PR that some truckers decided to roll anyway and other idle trucks were simply commandeered.


Well-Known Member
..but not the same video.

Fail. ;-) Did you read the descriptions in Spanish I posted earlier? did not. Keep that shovel busy, kid.

And it's pretty apparent the clown backed it is also apparent from the other things posted from PR that some truckers decided to roll anyway and other idle trucks were simply commandeered.

So again your narrative fails. Now you are saying the strike didn't happen. You can't even keep your own lies straight.


I already answered that question.

Well, I missed it. Entertain me.

Let me ask you this too... Just a hypothetical, since I know assault rifles scare you to death and you'd never have one, but... If I gave you an AR are you responsible enough to not go around murdering people with it?