Trump won’t help Puerto Rico


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
No one other than military or police need to posses high capacity automatic weapons. Period.

You stunning moron..nobody that legally owns a wildly expensive legal automatic firearm in this country has EVER been found to have committed a crime with one. Gawd you are dense.


And more people killed by heart attacks. And automobiles. What’s your point?

Trying to renter the conversation is idiotic.

No one other than military or police need to posses high capacity automatic weapons. Period. The creators of the 2nd amendment couldn’t and didn’t have anything in mind other than what was available at the time.

I suppose only you know what "renter a conversation" means.

People like you show a fundamental lack of understanding what the intent of 2D is.

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson

"Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American..." - Tench Coxe

What this means is the founders knew enough to realize that the people should be just as well armed as our military regardless of what weapons might exist. If all they had in those days were swords, muskets and cannons, then that's what the people should be armed with. Why would the founders want this? Because they knew if the military was superiorly armed, they could be used against the people to strip us of everything and rule over us rather than protect us. The people were meant to have the power, not the government. The 2nd was meant to govern the government, not the people. So, you're wrong in guessing that the founders "couldn’t and didn’t have anything in mind other than what was available at the time"; in fact that's irrelevant. Weapons that were or are available is irrelevant to how the founders felt the people should be armed.

But since you believe I'm too irresponsible (less so than cops or our military; which is rather ironic to me) to own semi-automatic weapons - or as you like to put it: I don't NEED those firearms - why don't you define for the country what we NEED in firearms? It's up to you... what are the limits in firearms the people should be allowed to own?
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
You have never criticized anything Trump has done.

In the face of people dying it is time to focus on that. People dying at the hands of police, catastrophe or a terrorist. A sane persons first response would be to help and stop the violence, save the injured and enact sensible gun control. Not scream about taxes or citizenship. But it is ok to be concerned about those things once immediate threats are gone.

In fact you ignored his sexism, racism, homophobia and misogyny enough to vote for him. You claim not to be racist but but i never see you complain when derogatory statement are made about people of color. Such as pavement apes and drakes which are thrown around by these degenerates all the time It doesn't take a religious person to know you are certainly not behaving in a christian manner. Picking and choosing what part of the bible you see fit. Do you also think its okay to keep slaves as the bible makes clear it is? Do you eat selfish? Wear mixed fiber? Or do you just choose whats important to you?
you haven't the first clue what a sane/rational/intelligent... person would do.


Well-Known Member
You have never criticized anything Trump has done.

Pure lie. I've done it with you specifically, let alone others.

In the face of people dying it is time to focus on that.

Then why did you stress their citizenship?

People dying at the hands of police, catastrophe or a terrorist. A sane persons first response would be to help and stop the violence, save the injured and enact sensible gun control. Not scream about taxes or citizenship. But it is ok to be concerned about those things once immediate threats are gone.

Like, when we started the conversation?

In fact you ignored his sexism, racism, homophobia and misogyny enough to vote for him.

He made a pretty sexist comment and I called him on it. I've seen him awarded by Jesse Jackson on race, but never seen him racist.

Never seen him homophobic or misogynistic.

You claim not to be racist but but i never see you complain when derogatory statement are made about people of color. Such as pavement apes and drakes which are thrown around by these degenerates all the time

I actually have called people like Hyjinx out on comments like that, but I also respect people's right to their opinion. You should try respecting people with whom you disagree.

It doesn't take a religious person to know you are certainly not behaving in a christian manner. Picking and choosing what part of the bible you see fit. Do you also think its okay to keep slaves as the bible makes clear it is? Do you eat selfish? Wear mixed fiber? Or do you just choose whats important to you?

Before I was married I ate some selfishes, but I think that was to be expected.


Well-Known Member
Pure lie. I've done it with you specifically, let alone others.

Then why did you stress their citizenship?

I didn’t. That was you

Like, when we started the conversation?

And you immediately brought up illegals voting and not the disaster at hand

He made a pretty sexist comment and I called him on it. I've seen him awarded by Jesse Jackson on race, but never seen him racist.

Never seen him homophobic or misogynistic.

You aren’t paying attention.

I actually have called people like Hyjinx out on comments like that, but I also respect people's right to their opinion. You should try respecting people with whom you disagree.
Calling someone a darkie or a pavement ape is not an opinion. Just like neonazis those people are not worth engaging in conversation. They have shown themselves incapable of empathy or common sense

Before I was married I ate some selfishes, but I think that was to be expected.

So you pick and choose what parts of the Bible to live by. Got it.


Well-Known Member
So you pick and choose what parts of the Bible to live by. Got it.

Got what? That's not true... I'm just not having a discussion on the Bible with a rabid atheist whose only intention is to twist words. I have no intention of defending or defining my faith with you, because you are a lost cause right now. It is my job to try and spread the Good News, but I know when it is futile, and you are futile in that area right now.

Do you remember me saying Trump's administration was no better IF it was found out to be using private e-mail? I do.
Do you remember me saying Trump was essentially starting a proxy war in the Ukraine with Russia? I do
Do you remember me saying Trump never should have said the crap about the NFL? I do
Do you remember me saying that Trump was abusing EO's, just like Obama? I do

So, sorry, it is you lying, not me.

I didn't, that was you

Actually, the first one to bring up their US citizenship was you

And you immediately brought up illegals voting and not the disaster at hand

On the 28th, when the cause of the disaster was over, there were many military ships, literally tons of supplies to help the damaged were on the island, and all calls of Trump doing nothing were already proven to be falsehoods.

You aren't paying attention

To lies, no I'm not. I actually listen to what he says. Can you name a single racist or misogynistic thing he's said? I fully know he was 100% wrong for the "grab 'em" comment, but can you show me where in any of his organizations he kept black, brown, yellow, red, or olive people down? Including the White House?

No, you can't.

Calling someone a darkie or a pavement ape is not an opinion. Just like neonazis those people are not worth engaging in conversation. They have shown themselves incapable of empathy or common sense

I agree those types of discussion - be they against whites in general, brown, black, red, yellow, olive, male, female, or whomever in general - are not worth engaging in conversation. They have their right to free speech, their right to be stupid. They are abusing the right, and they have the right to do that. I call it out in general, but if you stop to address every barking dog you will never advance in life. I'm all about advancing.

I don't know if you are aware, but you do not have to respond to every single person with whom you disagree. I vehemently disagree with words like darkie or pavement ape or cracker or bible-thumper. They're all grossly offensive.


Sap?????????? Please give us an answer. Since Americans are too irresponsible to own certain firearms, please tell us irresponsible Americans what firearms you would feel comfortable owning?


Well-Known Member
Ya know I consider myself a pretty charitable guy. But this situation in Puerto Rico is starting to piss me off.

How many millions of dollars worth of help is sitting on the docks and going to waste because it cannot be delivered because of a truck strike?
How many tax dollars are we spending with troops there and helicopters and a hospital ship? We are spending a fortune trying to help with their problems.
I am all for it. It is a terrible situation.

But I am getting damned sick and tired of spending all of the money and getting insults instead of gratitude.

Now Trump is speaking of wiping out a debt that the incompetent and idiotic government there has accumulated over the years.
Who does he think will have to pay that debt. The answer is the US taxpayer.
Now I am not so stupid that I cannot see that in the shape Puerto Rico is now in , it will be a long time before they can pay any debt.
But with the government they now have, they will just continue to rack up more indebtedness.
We need to spend what we have to spend to make the island livable, but at some point in time Puerto Rico has to take responsibility for their own problems.

Biggest problem too many Democrats.
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Well-Known Member
Ya know I consider myself a pretty charitable guy. But this situation in Puerto Rico is starting to piss me off.

How many millions of dollars worth of help is sitting on the docks and going to waste because it cannot be delivered because of a truck strike?
How many tax dollars are we spending with troops there and helicopters and a hospital ship? We are spending a fortune trying to help with their problems.
I am all for it. It is a terrible situation.

But I am getting damned sick and tired of spending all of the money and getting insults instead of gratitude.

Now Trump is speaking of wiping out a debt that the incompetent and idiotic government there has accumulated over the years.
Who does he think will have to pay that debt. The answer is the US taxpayer.
Now I am not so stupid that I cannot see that in the shape Puerto Rico is now in , it will be a long time before they can pay any debt.
But with the government they now have, they will just continue to rack up more indebtedness.
We need to spend what we have to spend to make the island livable, but at some point in time Puerto Rico has to take responsibility for their own problems.

Biggest problem too many Democrats.

There is no trucker strike.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
There is no trucker strike.

There certainly was at the beginning. One of my PR friends even posted video of the union boss declaring loudly how none of his drivers were going to move until the government met a bunch of (apparently old and outstanding) demands.

You've seen reports that they are rolling now? I would certainly hope so...


Well-Known Member
There certainly was at the beginning. One of my PR friends even posted video of the union boss declaring loudly how none of his drivers were going to move until the government met a bunch of (apparently old and outstanding) demands.

You've seen reports that they are rolling now? I would certainly hope so...

I think there's no "declared" strike, just a slow-down to the point of essentially nothing being done ("blue-flu" kind of thing).


Well-Known Member
There certainly was at the beginning. One of my PR friends even posted video of the union boss declaring loudly how none of his drivers were going to move until the government met a bunch of (apparently old and outstanding) demands.

You've seen reports that they are rolling now? I would certainly hope so...

No there wasn't. There never was. The "conservative treehouse" and "gateway pundit" and other right wing sources were the only places (incorrectly) reporting a strike.

care to provide any evidence to support that statement?

Well, considering no one has offered evidence there actually was a strike, and given the relative ease of looking up something like this, I don't feel I should, but I will.

The Huff Post did an interview with US Air Force Colonel Michael Valle where he said:
“It’s a lack of drivers for the transport trucks, the 18 wheelers. Supplies we have. Trucks we have. There are ships full of supplies backed up in the ports, waiting to have a vehicle to unload into. However, only 20% of the truck drivers show up to work. These are private citizens in Puerto Rico, paid by companies that are contracted by the government,” says Col. Valle.

This was taken by the outlets I mentioned as a strike by the local Teamsters Union.

The IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters) released a statement debunking that claim:
The Teamsters Union denounces reports from online, anti-union sources that stated Teamster truck drivers in Puerto Rico have refused to move supplies from the port as part of an effort to leverage wage increases from the government. These reports are false and have no basis in fact.

In fact, on Sept. 29 (you'll notice this to be a day before the stories came out about a strike) the IBT was asking for help from CDL holders:
There is currently a need for volunteer truck drivers who hold a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) to transport shipping containers from the port to distribution centers throughout the island. Additionally, the Teamsters Freight, Airline, Passenger Transport, Package, Public Services and Waste Divisions are contacting Teamster employers that operate in Puerto Rico and our local unions throughout the U.S. and Canada to identify avenues of support and volunteers.

At this time, it is unclear if there are trucks available to move the containers, fuel to operate the trucks or road access to the distribution centers. However, the labor movement is working on the ground in Puerto Rico to bring volunteers to meet specific needs.

Remember Col. Valle? In the very same article the conservative "news" sources used to declare a strike, Col. Valle said:
There should be zero blame on the drivers. They can’t get to work, the infrastructure is destroyed, they can’t get fuel themselves, and they can’t call us for help because there’s no communication.

CNBC said the same thing:

Those conservative "news" sources claim Frente Amplio is the local Teamsters. It's not. It's an independent PR truck driver's union who came out and said Frente Amplio had a planned strike before the hurricane because of greivances with the mayor. They called that strike off not after Hurricane Maria, but Hurricane Irma. (not sure how good your espanol is)


New Member
I would tend to believe that the PR truckers just plain didn't show up for work!

Some of them were probably taking care of their own issues due to the storm.

Some were probably just too lazy. I have seen first hand the work ethic on the island. Not much to be desired!


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Well, considering no one has offered evidence there actually was a strike,

Well..except for the video of the union boss blathering on about it, you mean. I didn't read any of that other stuff you mentioned. Just me and my own lying eyes. ;-)