Trump won’t help Puerto Rico

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
:yay: Boom . Lack of diesel.

Yet, the huge shipments of supplies that have finally reached the island aren't getting transported out of the ports as a lack of diesel, and truckers who can't drive to their jobs, aren't able to transport the cargo to the areas that need it.

A myriad of issues, beyond a lack of diesel, are stopping the supply chain. Destroyed roadways are hazards for drivers, and even if truckers had gas, their jobs can't get a hold of them to report to work as cell phone towers remain down.

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Trump's fault.....

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Get a life.

I just spent 10 days in the Keys helping my neighbors, friends and fixing my issues........pretty bad down there also....never heard a bitch....

I didn't see on foreign ship on the horizon.....

You need to get out of your mothers basement.....

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
It's funny that the liberals are blaming Trump's slow to act on the Jones's Act. It was a liberal Union Act to protect US Mariner Unions......just sayin'.....


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I just spent 10 days in the Keys helping my neighbors, friends and fixing my issues........pretty bad down there also....never heard a bitch....

I didn't see on foreign ship on the horizon.....

You need to get out of your mothers basement.....

I just got a report and some pictures from my step son in Marathon not 10 minutes ago. His place actually survived relatively intact but they've been told not to expect power for a long time to come. He said most dwellings in his immediate neighborhood were destroyed. He's headed overseas on a job assignment for a month soon..which he's counting as a blessing.


PREMO Member
:yay: Boom . Lack of diesel.

Yet, the huge shipments of supplies that have finally reached the island aren't getting transported out of the ports as a lack of diesel, and truckers who can't drive to their jobs, aren't able to transport the cargo to the areas that need it.

A myriad of issues, beyond a lack of diesel, are stopping the supply chain. Destroyed roadways are hazards for drivers, and even if truckers had gas, their jobs can't get a hold of them to report to work as cell phone towers remain down.

BOOM so the was little point in a wavier for the Jones ACT ya know with 10,000 sea containers stacked up on the docks

except ya know Progressive Whining about Trump

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
I just got a report and some pictures from my step son in Marathon not 10 minutes ago. His place actually survived relatively intact but they've been told not to expect power for a long time to come. He said most dwellings in his immediate neighborhood were destroyed. He's headed overseas on a job assignment for a month soon..which he's counting as a blessing.

It was pretty bad, fortunately nothing like PR......


Well-Known Member
:yay: Boom . Lack of diesel.

Yet, the huge shipments of supplies that have finally reached the island aren't getting transported out of the ports as a lack of diesel, and truckers who can't drive to their jobs, aren't able to transport the cargo to the areas that need it.

A myriad of issues, beyond a lack of diesel, are stopping the supply chain. Destroyed roadways are hazards for drivers, and even if truckers had gas, their jobs can't get a hold of them to report to work as cell phone towers remain down.

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did you just stop reading after the single phrase that supported your position. There was a second line there.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Just posted by one of my Puerto Rican friends (it's FB translated..hence the awkward phrasing):

... this sir is named Victor Rodriguez, is the president of the broad front of truckers. He has given instructions for no trucker to take wagon wagons and much less gasoline in p.r. to you Victor, we hold you responsible for the chaos next to the island because of your political whims against the shift government. You're a political drug dealer, a playboy and hustler. With the need for the Puerto Rican people, they don't play!

People share this to get all Puerto Ricans out and inside the island. .

"broad front of truckers" is the local truck operators union. This Rodriguez character that apparently heads it up is using the disaster as an opportunity to grab power and other concessions from the government of PR and not allowing the truckers to roll until his demands are met.

No wonder the loading docks are full of containers and empty of trucks.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't *my* propaganda, dude. I simply posted what the DHS said about it. I understand that reading comprehension isn't your forte, but at least try and make an effort.

My reading comprehension is fine. Yours is the problem since in the statement I made when I posted this article was “Trumps excuse about infrastructure holds no water”. Stop being paranoid. I wasn’t talking about you directly psycho


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
In case you need more proof Trumps behavior is racially motivated

Did Texans or Floridians have to sign promissory notes before they got evacuated?

These are American citizens

Can't read, huh?

The State Department is not requiring anyone evacuated from hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico to sign promissory notes reimbursing the government for travel costs.

But the State policy does not apply to the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico, a spokeswoman for the department said.