Twitter Spats


PREMO Member

It's a flawless execution of a proven framework to troll the Left. The formula is as follows:

  1. Be a conservative.
  2. Make an overly confident, factually inaccurate statement that nearly any child who passed the fifth grade would know is wrong. (That should be the tell for people who are paying attention.)
  3. Wait for leftists to beclown themselves by missing the joke.
If you weren't paying attention that day, the French donated the Statue of Liberty to the United States. That's the joke.



PREMO Member

A.J. Delgado is big, BIG mad, everyone. The former advisor to Donald Trump's 2016 campaign (who was subsequently not hired by Trump and got big, big mad about that too) has spent all weekend getting hilariously ratioed for her defense of Harvard and protestations that she is a 'real Harvard' graduate.

All of this is fallout from the outstanding reporting done by Christopher Rufo, which brought down Harvard president Claudine Gay for plagiarism. Rufo has since been attacked by the media for some pretty ridiculous claims (including being a Russian spy, because ... of course), but one of the worst, and silliest, attacks is from other Harvard alumni that Rufo didn't really go to Harvard. Rufo is a graduate of the Harvard Extension School, which is a fully accredited part of Harvard University. Moreover, Rufo has always been public about this.

But it still made the likes of Delgado furious. So furious that she has apparently forgotten the first rule of holes.

On Saturday night, one of our favorite X accounts, @OrdnancePackard, tried to show Delgado how ridiculous she sounded with her elitist preening about 'real' Harvard vs. Harvard Extension School.

Ah, yes. Noted Constitutional scholar David Hogg, who continually gets lampooned for not knowing American history, not understanding the 2nd Amendment, and, well, basically not knowing anything, despite his four years at Harvard.

Then Delgado decided to dig her hole a little deeper with just an astoundingly oblivious tweet.

Oh, dear. This is NOT going to go well for you, Ms. Delgado.

Packard responded, not with emotions, but with facts about Hogg's 'qualifications' to be accepted at Harvard.



PREMO Member

X Responds Hilariously as Mika Brzezinski Promotes #AskFLOTUS Hashtag for Upcoming Interview

But now we can put all of that behind us and look forward to the most exciting news to happen in all of 2024. That's right, Mika Brzezinski is interviewing First Lady Jill Biden this week.

We'll pause for a moment to let the weight of this momentous event sink in.

Brzezinski promoted the event through her #KnowYourValue X account and hashtag (which is apparently a thing), and even added an exciting new hashtag to celebrate this Edward R. Murrow-level reporting: #AskFLOTUS.




PREMO Member

Rob Reiner Attacks Christian Trump Supporters: How Does Anyone Who Believes in Jesus Support Donald Trump?

Reiner’s post comes a day after MSNBC host Joy Reid used her show to publicly attack white evangelical Christians in Iowa, describing them as “overrepresented” and saying Trump’s success in Monday’s caucus was due to them.

As Breitbart News reported, Rob Reiner is producing a new documentary God and Country, which seeks to keep the left’s favorite new boogeyman “Christian nationalism” in the cultural conversation heading into the November elections.

God and Country, which opens in cinemas February, aims to frame religious conservatives as a threat to democracy.

“Christian nationalism” has quickly become the left’s new buzzword to distract and scare its voter base into submission, with Democrat strategists and influencers trying to make it ubiquitous on the airwaves and social media.


PREMO Member
It's been a long time since most people have had occasion to think about the 'Progressive... American Social Justice organization Sojourners'. The weirdo 'Christian' publication has been around a long time, having been founded by 'theologian' Jim Wallis in 1971... Wallis's name may be familiar to some for his role as 'spiritual advisor' to former President Barack Obama, which should tell you all you need to know about his religious bonafides given the sorts of 'spiritual' types with whom Obama tends to surround himself. Wallis seems to have finally stepped down from helming Sojourners and turned the reigns over to Adam Russell Taylor in 2020, but if this article is anything to go by it would appear that Taylor doesn't have any better grasp on the history or tenets of Christianity than Wallis did. Take a look:
