Years ago when the Navy sent their Stealth Ship to the mouth of St. Jerome's Creek to investigate something that fell out of space was quite interesting. They launched multiple smaller craft, about 30 feet or more from under it. It certainly was a wild looking ship. They were likely trying horizonal mapping of the bottom of the Bay to see if they can find anything. Ironcially, the night after the Stealth Ship went back to Norfolk, some type of entity did shine some strange rotating lights through room darkening shades late at night like the shades did not exist. It projected the lights on to a wall in my house. The lights were various different colors. However, it didn't last long. It was very brief. When you try to look to see what it was doing it, it disappeared. It is almost like "it knew ahead of time" that I was getting ready to look. The next day, "which exists to this day" there are two odd circles, one larger one smaller which essentially make an 8 on my property. The eight is etched in the ground. Nothing grows there for some reason. I wanted to see if it is radioactive. But, no Fire Department in the County has the ablity to detect radiation for some reason. It is strange that nothing grows there after all these years. In fact, the whole chain of events was strange. I never reported it. It is what it is. It didn't damage anything other than the ground. So, no big deal. Also, some idiot in his power boat with multiple engines decided he wanted to approach the Stealth Ship. He probably wanted some pictures. The Stealth Ship warned him many times on the VHF radio to stay away. He continued to ignore the warning. I watched the Stealth ship open fire on the boat with what appeared to be a 50 Cal. machine gun. The water went flying up in air directly off of the bow of the boat. At that time, the boat decided to turn around and leave the Stealth Ship alone.