And any day now, the Biden administration will announce an agreement with Iran that will enable Iran to take in billions of dollars for its oil. Yet another victory for Biden, the Democrats and the environmentalists. This agreement, brokered -- incredibly -- by Russian diplomats, will enable Iran to sponsor worldwide terror, resuscitate Iran's economy and continue its quest for nuclear bombs.
But none of this matters to Biden, the Democratic Party, The New York Times or any other left-wing institution -- so strong is the grip of the environmentalist cult and so influential are the uber-wealthy environmentalists who support the Left. They would rather see Ukraine destroyed, the potential for a nuclear war and the decimation of the world economy than allow fracking, drilling or even an oil pipeline between Canada and the United States.
Concern for the environment is a good thing, but the environmentalist movement is not.
Environmentalists use the environment to create a social revolution just as communists used workers to create a social revolution.
Its activists are fanatics.
Its consequences are nihilism.
Environmentalists are, intentionally or not, in collusion with Putin to undermine America and the West.