Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


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Gen. Michael Flynn discusses how our corrupt government is aiding Ukraine.

“Ukraine is at the very top - Human Trafficking, money laundering, drug trafficking and weapons trafficking - globally. This is what Ukraine does, and has done for many many years.

It has also been a place where people - particularly in the Biden administration - have wandered into and out of - to make millions and millions of dollars for their own selfish reasons.”

Full interview



PREMO Member


America’s infatuation with Ukraine and Zelensky (the Cocaine Comedian) is starting to wane, but most politicians and the public continue to believe the lie that Ukraine is an innocent country being bludgeoned by a communist Russia ruled by a dictator. Oh yeah. Don’t forget. Russia is suffering massive military and economic losses and just can’t live without U.S. investment and Europe’s technology. It is all nonsense, but if you are living in the United States and try to have a reasoned discussion with the fan boys and girls cheering for Ukraine, you would find more success talking to a brick wall.

But cracks are starting to show. One of my brilliant readers sent me the link to Michael Brendan Dougherty‘s latest in the National Review (a conservative icon in the magazine world), What Have We Bargained for in Ukraine? I encourage you to read the entire piece. More importantly, read the comments. That will give you some insight into the insanity that still reigns with regards to sending billions of dollars in money and materiel to Ukraine.

Here are the salient portions of the piece:

My friend and colleague Matthew Continetti writes that “securing America’s position and freedom’s future without direct intervention and for a rounding error in the federal budget is a strategic bargain. Ukraine needs more, not less, U.S. aid, and it needs it now.” In Commentary in November, Noah Rothman wrote that “Kyiv’s victories are our victories, too, insofar as they advance a core American national interest: preserving the stable European covenant that has blessed Western powers with the longest, most durable peace on the Continent in the modern age.”
This view holds that for pennies on the dollar, the U.S. has been able to preserve a democracy threatened by an authoritarian regime, cripple a rival military, strengthen the NATO alliance, prevent Vladimir Putin from an inevitable invasion of NATO territory, and scare off Xi Jinping from ever messing with Taiwan. . . .
Except, none of this is quite true. Crippling a rival military is only worthwhile when you have a strategic reason for doing so, and we conspicuously lack one. The NATO alliance’s duties have been radically expanded with no radical expansion in the share of the alliance’s burdens shouldered by Europe. Ukraine’s ultra-nationalist project is at odds with the democratic and liberal-internationalist values that are used to sell the conflict abroad. The conflict’s financial and moral costs to the U.S. have been growing for nearly a decade, and taking on Ukraine as a permanent dependent will grow them even more. The arc of the conflict is just as likely to encourage as to discourage Xi in his pursuit of Taiwan, given the ways in which our enmeshment in Europe will deplete our attention, resources, and will to be the world’s cop. And finally, no conflict in this blood-stained area of the globe is a mom-and-pop bingo game in which you can cash out your modest investments at any time; Vladimir Putin and Russia have a say in how this ends.


PREMO Member

Is the demand that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz green-light the export of Leopard 2 tanks more about hurting Germany than helping Ukraine?

From the Neue Zürcher Zeitung:

The Ukraine needs battle tanks to defend itself against the Russian onslaught. But Chancellor Olaf Scholz has hesitated to provide them. For this reason, he’s come under massive pressure from many allies. [German Defence Minister Boris] Pistorius explained why Germany is still hesitating with two sentences: There are good reasons for delivering the tanks, and good reasons against doing so. All arguments have to be weighed carefully …
When American Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin appeared before the press in Ramstein shortly after Pistorius, he was asked whether Germany was doing its part as a leading European power. Austin couldn’t help smiling, but then he replied that Germany was doing enough and that it was a “reliable ally”. He ought to know exactly what Pistorius meant, in speaking of good reasons for and good reasons against providing tanks to Ukraine. The reasons in favour are military in nature: Without tanks, the Ukraine cannot defend itself.


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Left-Wing Professor Suggests Tucker Carlson, ‘Trump Wing’ Of GOP Are Committing Treason For Opposing Ukraine Conflict

“Led by Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, the GOP’s Trump wing appears to be throwing its weight behind Putin. If Putin opts to wage war on our ally, Ukraine, such ‘aid and comfort’ to an ‘enemy’ would appear to become ‘treason’ as defined by Article III of the U.S. Constitution,” Laurence Tribe wrote early Monday morning in a now-deleted tweet.

Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution states:

Tribe’s tweet was aimed specifically at Carlson, who has dedicated multiple opening monologues to the issue of Russia and Ukraine, expressing his opposition to U.S. intervention in the conflict and prioritizing the problems at the U.S.-Mexico border over the Ukraine-Russia border.

“Is [intervention in Ukraine] what Republican voters want?” Carlson asked rhetorically in a segment earlier this month. “Let’s see. If you asked them, they’d probably say ‘Well, why don’t we send as much military equipment to the Texas border as we’ve sent to the Russian border?’ If someone said that out loud, then maybe the entire country could assess how grotesque Washington’s priorities are.”

Last I checked we are NOT at war with Russia
Biden and his family are getting rich from the conflict...End of story


Damned glad to meet you
I'm no commie, but the more unfiltered information I see from international news services, the more Putin looks like the adult in the room. Of course that's not much to brag about when you're dealing with the Biden administration.


PREMO Member

Putin Wants to Buy U.S. Weapons Biden Left in Afghanistan — But There's Even More

According to The Sun, a report on Telelgram (a social media platform popular with Russian milbloggers) claims:

Putin is overseeing negotiations with the Taliban to recognise the Taliban government. In return, the Russian leadership is offering a major arms and military equipment swap,” General SVR channel wrote.
“Putin reported that the Taliban possess weapons and equipment including those seized after coming to power in Afghanistan, that are scarce for the Russian Army at the front,” it further stated.

The Russian Ministry of Defense hasn’t commented on the rumor.

If I’m reading this correctly, this would be more of a weapons swap than a cash deal. The Taliban would give up its Western gear in exchange for diplomatic recognition and Russian weapons. Undoubtedly, ammo, spares, and replacements for Russian equipment would be easier for the Taliban to get hold of than for the Western stuff they have now.


Well-Known Member
If Ukraine gets to the point that they can take this war into Russia the sh1t is on.
Putin may indeed take this mess to a new level. One we cannot stop.


Well-Known Member

:lol: I know, I know... spank me.

now off to bed I go. 🛌