Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


PREMO Member

Why conservatives oppose the war

Patrick Buchanan has retired at 84 after a long and influential career as a writer, TV commentator and presidential advisor (Nixon, Ford and Reagan). He saw through George H.W. Bush and later opposed the Gulf War. He opposes the blank check Washington has given Zelensky in this war.

“For us, the greatest stake in this Russia-Ukraine war is not who ends up in control of Luhansk, Donetsk or Kherson, but that we not be drawn into a military conflict that would put us on the escalator to a war with Russia, a world war and perhaps a nuclear war.

“Nothing in Eastern or Central Europe is worth a major U.S. war with Russia that could go nuclear and cost millions of American lives.”

That last sentence is heresy to the hysterical hawks, but the line rings true for conservatives who, after initial rah-rah support for Ukraine, are having second thoughts.



PREMO Member

All is not well for Ukraine

Western reports parroting Ukraine’s propaganda belied by Kiev’s urgent call for better weapons as indications grow it is losing the war

The delivery of tanks, advanced air defense systems and potentially long-range ground-launched bombs may be a response to Ukraine’s dire requests, but it also brings with it a new load of problems.

These hastily and urgently provided supplies indicate that all is not well in Kiev and that it is closer than ever to losing the war with Russia. These are not one-to-one replacements for equipment lost: Most of the delivered supplies aim to shift the fortunes of the war in favor of Ukraine.


President Volodymyr Zelensky knows full well he has arrested most of his political opponents and silenced the media he dislikes, including some instances where his opponents have allegedly been liquidated by Ukraine’s secret police, the SBU.

But that won’t protect him or his colleagues if people in Kiev start to understand that Ukrainian defenses are folding.

Despite claims to be a democracy, Ukraine is actually an authoritarian country that has blocked out real news and throttled any opposition. But because of social media, the messages will get through anyway and Zelensky and his team have a lot to fear.

It appears the US is placing its hope of reversing the battlefield situation on the new armor systems being sent to Ukraine. The US has put huge pressure on Germany to deliver its creaky Leopard II tanks and to allow Poland to ship the Leopards it has.


PREMO Member

Every Dollar The U.S. Throws At Ukraine Zaps Resources From Our Own Depleted Military

Earlier this week, The New York Times reported on the Ukrainian government’s recent shake-up to fight corruption. “The dismissals appeared to reflect Mr. Zelensky’s goal of reassuring Ukraine’s allies — which are sending billions of dollars in military aid — that his government would show zero tolerance for graft as it prepares for a possible new offensive by Moscow,” according to the Times. Why did it take Volodymyr Zelensky 11 months to address the corruption issue? There have been signs of the problem for many months now.

Ukrainian-born Rep. Victoria Spartz, R-Ind., who at the beginning of the invasion was very supportive of Ukraine, more recently began to question Zelensky’s administration. Spartz wanted to have greater oversight on American aid to Ukraine, for which she was criticized by many in both parties.

With the recent removal of several officials, it appears there were grounds for questioning where the funds were being spent in Ukraine. The United States has been by far the largest supporter of military aid to that country, despite the European Union having similar GDP and 100 million more in population. Military equipment is the most important aid to keeping Ukraine’s military armed and fighting, which might be why Zelensky is trying to address corruption now.

With Republicans having control of the House of Representatives, several Republicans want greater oversight of the money being sent to Ukraine. It is unfortunate that it took a change in House leadership to make sure American taxpayer money is being spent properly overseas.


PREMO Member

Zelensky's Great Purge continues, launching police raid against oligarch who fell out of favor with Biden Admin

Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky just sicced his secret police (Ukraine’s SBU) on Igor Kolomoisky, a billionaire oligarch who was once wholly responsible for financing the Ukrainian president’s rise to power. The significance of the story — regarding Zelensky turning on his longtime patron and Kolomoisky’s other significant ties — was entirely buried by foreign and state media, with most merely referring to the situation as another in a series of “anti-corruption” actions.



PREMO Member

How Russia dodges oil sanctions on an industrial scale

Russia’s exports, which last year counted for more than 10% of globally traded volumes, took a hit after Europe’s salvo in December. Two months on, though, they have recovered to levels last seen in June. The volume of oil on water, which climbs when the market jams up, is back to normal. As expected, China and India are picking up most of the embargoed barrels. Yet there is a surprise: the volume of cargo with unknown destinations has jumped. Russian oil, once easy to track, is now being moved through more shadowy channels.

Some trade still uses the same Greek shippers, British insurers, and Dutch and Japanese banks that have long ruled the industry. This channel survives thanks to the price cap enforced by the West in December. That month, as European firms paused to consider the paperwork involved, the share of western Russian crude handled by them collapsed, from 60% to 13%. The legal trudge now done, the share has recovered to 36%. But it seems likely to drop off again. On January 1st the world’s biggest reinsurers, which insure insurers, decided to no longer cover shipping from Russian ports. Western insurers must now either exit the business or pass on the extra costs resulting from the increased risk.

At the other end of the spectrum lies the “black” trade, tried and tested by producers such as Iran and Venezuela. Battered tankers as much as half a century old sail to clandestine customers with their transponders off. They are renamed and repainted, sometimes several times a journey. They often transit via busy terminals where their crude is blended with others, making it harder to detect. Recently, several huge tankers formerly anchored in the Gulf were spotted taking cargo from smaller Russian ships off Gibraltar. Oman and the United Arab Emirates (uae), which imported more Russian oil in the first ten months of 2022 than in the previous three years combined, seem to have blended and re-sold some to Europe. Malaysia is exporting twice as much crude to China as it can produce. Much of it is probably Iranian, but ship-watchers suspect a few Russian barrels have snuck in, too.


Well-Known Member
I have said it here before I once again repeat it.
The war in Ukraine and the deaths of thousands of Ukraine and Russian soldiers is the direct fault of people who voted for Joe Biden.
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Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Remember the good old days when Republicans were the ones benefiting from foreign military actions.