Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


Well-Known Member
If China decided to invade North Korea - I wouldn't be against arming the Koreans, especially if they showed the resolve to resist them for a year. If they invaded Vietnam, there's no question I'd be on the Vietnamese side.

In Ukraine, to me it's not a matter of good triumphing over evil. This is not fighting back oppression from evil overlords. This is a really big evil overlord trying to conquer a somewhat less evil overlord - except that in the process, MILLIONS of innocent people get slaughtered in the process. I don't care if you disbelieve some of the atrocities - and many may be exaggerated - some of them are trickling back from the Russian troops themselves, and some of the reports of atrocities and war crimes have come from deserters from the Russian army who never expected to be in a war in the first place.

We're fighting a war with Russia with Ukrainians as our proxy, depleting THEIR resources faster than they can recover. Frankly, they're lucky that Ukraine has never had the means to invade BACK, because if that happened, I imagine it'd be a generation before both sides would recover.

THAT - plus the fact that Russia has been rattling its sabers for decades since the fall of the USSR, and they clearly have been pulling stunts to try and re-conquer all of them. They've provoked Georgia and in the North, tried to instigate trouble in the Baltic states (they're NATO now, so not lately). There's now two regions of Georgia they're trying to regain. They'd like to retake all of their former land around the Black Sea and they want Moldova - and make Ukraine land-locked.

I'd like to see their asses kicked. They've been shooting and bombing unarmed civilians. This is textbook Russian behavior - and I'd like to see it punished.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

If China decided to invade North Korea - I wouldn't be against arming the Koreans, especially if they showed the resolve to resist them for a year. If they invaded Vietnam, there's no question I'd be on the Vietnamese side.

In Ukraine, to me it's not a matter of good triumphing over evil. This is not fighting back oppression from evil overlords. This is a really big evil overlord trying to conquer a somewhat less evil overlord - except that in the process, MILLIONS of innocent people get slaughtered in the process. I don't care if you disbelieve some of the atrocities - and many may be exaggerated - some of them are trickling back from the Russian troops themselves, and some of the reports of atrocities and war crimes have come from deserters from the Russian army who never expected to be in a war in the first place.

We're fighting a war with Russia with Ukrainians as our proxy, depleting THEIR resources faster than they can recover. Frankly, they're lucky that Ukraine has never had the means to invade BACK, because if that happened, I imagine it'd be a generation before both sides would recover.

THAT - plus the fact that Russia has been rattling its sabers for decades since the fall of the USSR, and they clearly have been pulling stunts to try and re-conquer all of them. They've provoked Georgia and in the North, tried to instigate trouble in the Baltic states (they're NATO now, so not lately). There's now two regions of Georgia they're trying to regain. They'd like to retake all of their former land around the Black Sea and they want Moldova - and make Ukraine land-locked.

I'd like to see their asses kicked. They've been shooting and bombing unarmed civilians. This is textbook Russian behavior - and I'd like to see it punished.

Yeah, right. The propaganda permeates from you. Seems that someone else has been "rattling its sabers for decades since the fall of the USSR". And it hasn't been Russia. I seem to recall a promise made where NATO wouldn't move an inch after the fall of the Warsaw bloc.



PREMO Member

Target toothbrush guy says Elon Musk must immediately be arrested and tried for treason

As Twitchy reported earlier this week, CNN analyst Adam Kinzinger, apparently forgetting he has no political power anymore, hinted that SpaceX’s status as a government contractor ought to be looked at because SpaceX had taken steps to prevent Ukraine’s military from using the company’s Starlink satellite internet service for controlling drones in the region during the country’s war with Russia. Elon Musk fired up free Starlink internet access for Ukraine soon after Russia’s invasion, but SpaceX’s CEO said at a conference this week that it was “never meant to be weaponized.”

David Leavitt, best known for calling the cops on a Target manager because they wouldn’t sell him an electric toothbrush for a penny, says that if this is true, Elon Musk needs to be arrested immediately and tried for treason. Treason? For not assisting in Ukraine’s war against Russia with military aid?



Well-Known Member
Environmental disaster in Ohio and Biden shows up in Ukraine to give them more money.

Forget DC & PR. Ukraine is our 51st state.


Well-Known Member
I suppose the U.S. has our weapons manufacturers working overtime trying to replace the weapons and armament we are sending to the Ukraine. has our own military got anything left to fight with?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I suppose the U.S. has our weapons manufacturers working overtime trying to replace the weapons and armament we are sending to the Ukraine. has our own military got anything left to fight with?
My son is in the National Guard. He tells me some months, they run out of money for fuel. The NG funds come out of a different pot of money than the DOD, but I'm sure it's very similar.

What annoyed me about the navy was the end of year push to spend all the budgeted money that was left over. Buy stuff you didn't need so you got at least that amount of funds the next year. But months before they didn't allow you to spend money for things that needed replacing because they were pinching pennies to make their numbers look good.


Well-Known Member
Yes: If they don't spend that money their budget will be cut the next year.
It's a pretty dumb situation, but that's the way it is.