Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


PREMO Member

đŸ”„ Meanwhile, as it further “isolates” Russia, the U.S. has lost Africa, pushing most of that continent to the Russia-China axis. The New York Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “A ‘New Cold War’ Looms in Africa as U.S. Pushes Against Russian Gains.”

The article described U.S. efforts to court the tiny country of Chad:

The United States recently warned Chad’s president that Russian mercenaries were plotting to kill him and three senior aides and that Moscow was backing Chadian rebels massing in the neighboring Central African Republic. At the same time, Moscow is courting sympathizers inside Chad’s ruling elite, including cabinet ministers and a half brother of the president.

A helpful infographic recently published by the BBC shows how “isolated” Russia is becoming under U.S. sanctions:

Suddenly and unexpectedly, most of the world’s population is either siding with or leaning toward Russia. Not only that, but the clear worldwide momentum is running away from the West and toward Russia. In other words, it’s working great, State Department! Now we’re having to try to scrape up countries like Chad (population 17 million).

It sure looks a lot like it’s the U.S. becoming “isolated” rather than Putin. What’s that old saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? I can’t remember.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

đŸ”„ Meanwhile, as it further “isolates” Russia, the U.S. has lost Africa, pushing most of that continent to the Russia-China axis. The New York Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “A ‘New Cold War’ Looms in Africa as U.S. Pushes Against Russian Gains.”

The article described U.S. efforts to court the tiny country of Chad:

A helpful infographic recently published by the BBC shows how “isolated” Russia is becoming under U.S. sanctions:

Suddenly and unexpectedly, most of the world’s population is either siding with or leaning toward Russia. Not only that, but the clear worldwide momentum is running away from the West and toward Russia. In other words, it’s working great, State Department! Now we’re having to try to scrape up countries like Chad (population 17 million).

It sure looks a lot like it’s the U.S. becoming “isolated” rather than Putin. What’s that old saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? I can’t remember.
Part of me says good. Let Russia and China throw their money/resources away in Africa.


Well-Known Member

đŸ”„ Meanwhile, as it further “isolates” Russia, the U.S. has lost Africa, pushing most of that continent to the Russia-China axis. The New York Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “A ‘New Cold War’ Looms in Africa as U.S. Pushes Against Russian Gains.”

The article described U.S. efforts to court the tiny country of Chad:

A helpful infographic recently published by the BBC shows how “isolated” Russia is becoming under U.S. sanctions:

Suddenly and unexpectedly, most of the world’s population is either siding with or leaning toward Russia. Not only that, but the clear worldwide momentum is running away from the West and toward Russia. In other words, it’s working great, State Department! Now we’re having to try to scrape up countries like Chad (population 17 million).

It sure looks a lot like it’s the U.S. becoming “isolated” rather than Putin. What’s that old saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? I can’t remember.
The nations that SUPPORT Russia - are the single most authoritarian on the planet. Does it surprise anyone that THAT list includes Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, Belarus and Venezuela?

Remove CHINA from "Russia leaning" and the numbers change drastically regarding GDP and population. By GDP, without China, it's just a few percent.

Remaining neutral doesn't surprise me - why make a stance with no skin in the game?

What IMPRESSES me is most of Europe - they stand to lose a LOT - and they're notorious for capitulation - in everything.

This war - if it goes on for years - will cost Russia almost every fighting man they have and deplete their arssenal of usable equipment.

The key to "winning" this is convincing China one way or another that betting on Russia is money down the drain. China may be ideological but it's far more interested in the money. An investment that will never pay off - they'll ditch.


Well-Known Member
The nations that SUPPORT Russia - are the single most authoritarian on the planet. Does it surprise anyone that THAT list includes Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, Belarus and Venezuela?

Remove CHINA from "Russia leaning" and the numbers change drastically regarding GDP and population. By GDP, without China, it's just a few percent.

Remaining neutral doesn't surprise me - why make a stance with no skin in the game?

What IMPRESSES me is most of Europe - they stand to lose a LOT - and they're notorious for capitulation - in everything.

This war - if it goes on for years - will cost Russia almost every fighting man they have and deplete their arssenal of usable equipment.

The key to "winning" this is convincing China one way or another that betting on Russia is money down the drain. China may be ideological but it's far more interested in the money. An investment that will never pay off - they'll ditch.

China will attempt to broker a peace deal between the 2 before it reaches that point.


Well-Known Member
China will attempt to broker a peace deal between the 2 before it reaches that point.
They'll try - but unless Ukraine caves and gives them all the land Russia has taken - I don't see anything changing.

Russia got into this thinking it'd be a few weeks - now that they've lost so much, they won't leave without a "win" - which is to keep the Crimea and take eastern Ukraine. The only way this ends is for the Russian PEOPLE to suffer enough, they can just back out and say, enough.

I wonder what would happen if Ukraine started bombing RUSSIA itself? Invade Russia by passing through Belarus? It's easy for Russians to support a war that at most, costs economic hardship. They've done that. They will feel differently if it means their own cities and homes destroyed.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
China and Russia are why we should be building a Terawatt Gamma Laser on a moon base.

Set up a geographic pattern to saturate within their borders, eradicating every living thing.


Well-Known Member
If history proves itself correct again and we want to be on the "Winning" side of a war the democrats need to be voted out. They have no clue on how to manage chaos. They create it like pros, managing what they've signed onto is a skill they have never mastered.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

If history proves itself correct again and we want to be on the "Winning" side of a war the democrats need to be voted out. They have no clue on how to manage chaos. They create it like pros, managing what they've signed onto is a skill they have never mastered.

Of course they know how to control it. They created the chaos to begin with, set the stage. And even if it gets out of hand, they do not care because it is all part of the unfolding chaos. They just sit back and watch what happens with not a care in the world, except for themselves. It's what psychopaths do after all.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
China and Russia are why we should be building a Terawatt Gamma Laser on a moon base.

Set up a geographic pattern to saturate within their borders, eradicating every living thing.
OK... I see that upset Gilligan.

We'll try to be sure we preserve the Pandas and Polar Bears.


PREMO Member
🚀 Bloomberg ran a story yesterday headlined, “US Fears a War-Weary World May Embrace China’s Ukraine Peace Bid.” The sub-headline explained, “US left on sidelines as China-Russia ‘bro-fest’ cements ties; Some uncomfortable realities of Xi’s visit to Putin in Moscow.”

According to an anonymous official, the Biden Administration is worried that if it opposes China’s 12-point peace plan, folks might conclude that America is only interested in war. For some reason.

How could they possible get THAT idea? Especially with the U.S. having done everything it could possibly do to inflame the conflict, right down to assassinating Russia’s hyper-expensive undersea gas pipeline? Isn’t the world grateful?

Bloomberg noticed, as I have, that the momentum seems to be shifting away from the pro-war Western coalition towards a new Russia-China axis:

China has shrugged off US sanctions over its companies’ partnership with Russia, bought oil from Iran’s regime in defiance of western demands and helped orchestrate a diplomatic detente between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Major global economies such as India and Brazil are refusing to choose between China and the West, arguing they don’t want a new Cold War.
And a week ago, Honduras began the process of giving up its diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favor of economic links with China.

But don’t worry. Joe Biden is playing five-dimensional chess! Once every other country in the world has finally allied with Russia and China, then WE will switch to the Russia-China side too, and be back on top. Or something like that.

You’ll see. It’s going to be great.



PREMO Member
🚀 Even ChatGPT says the United States overthrew Ukraine’s democratically-elected government in 2014:

You know what Proxy War defenders say about 2014? That the secret coup using CIA-incited widespread protests was justified! Justified because 
 wait for it .. because of RUSSIAN MEDDLING IN THE ELECTION. Sound familiar? That’s right, they deployed the same psyop here during Trump’s Presidency. Now the Ukrainians have a government clawed together by deep state lobster Victoria Nuland. How’s that working out? How many dead and displaced?

Well, someone asked Microsoft’s AI about the consequences of the 2014 coup. And the answer wasn’t pretty. It’s a long, ugly list.

These examples show why AI will never survive. Sooner or later, the Deep State is will assassinate it in its electronic crib. At some point soon, all we’ll get is government-approved pabulum and nobody will pay any attention to what the computer thinks.



PREMO Member

‘Top secret’ US documents on Ukraine leak: What they reveal on war plan

Secret documents which detailed US and NATO's plans to help prepare Ukraine for an offensive against Russia in the spring were widely shared on social media platforms, the New York Times reported as the Pentagon said that it is assessing the security breach.

"We are aware of the reports of social media posts, and the Department is reviewing the matter," Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said as per the New York Times. The documents contained charts and details of weapons deliveries, army strength and other information, the report claimed. Although, the information is at least five weeks old, it added.


PREMO Member

Leaked Pentagon Documents Reveal Extent of U.S. Penetration Into Russian Intelligence

The problem with this leak, however, is that now Moscow knows of the infiltration, and Putin’s minions will presumably do everything in their power to stop the flow of information. While the U.S. has been able to warn Ukraine about imminent attacks and the strategies of the Russian military, those reports may soon come to an end:

The leak has the potential to do real damage to Ukraine’s war effort by exposing which Russian agencies the United States knows the most about, giving Moscow a potential opportunity to cut off the sources of information. Current and former officials say it is too soon to know the extent of the damage, but if Russia is able to determine how the United States collects its information and cuts off that flow, it may have an effect on the battlefield in Ukraine.

The FBI is launching an investigation into the sources of the leaks, which some are saying exaggerate the Ukrainian death toll while downplaying Russian casualties. An advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Mykhailo Podolyak, claims the leaks are Russian disinformation:

The published data are related exclusively to the information and operational game that the Russians started in order to introduce confusion, seize the initiative and discredit the very idea of offensive. It is obvious.



PREMO Member

đŸ”„ We now know more about the identity of the Pentagon leaker: whoever it was had to be RACIST. The Wall Street Journal ran a long-form followup article on the disclosures yesterday headlined, “New Details on Intelligence Leak Show It Circulated for Weeks Before Raising Alarm”. The sub-headline — which was repeated in the article’s first sentence — explained “The secret documents were first posted in January to a small group on a messaging channel that trafficked in memes, jokes and racist talk.”

Racists! It figures.

In addition to insurrection, the Biden Administration is also bringing back TREASON. According to the Journal, the leak investigation is one of the FBI’s top priorities as investigators diligently review who could’ve accessed the information, and coldly calculate who might’ve had a motive to make it public. “The FBI is approaching this as if someone has committed a treasonous act,” said Joshua Skule, a former FBI senior executive who is now the president of the government contracting firm Bow Wave, and who was quoted for the story.


Meanwhile, Minecrafters have been on a digital shredding spree, frantically deleting their servers and messages faster than Obama officials preparing to move out of the White House. They saw what happened to J6 Trump supporters and they know what’s coming.



PREMO Member
🚀 Wait. Just wait. The New York Times ran a shocking story yesterday headlined, “Leaked Documents Suggest Ukrainian Air Defense Is in Peril if Not Reinforced.” The sub-headline explained, “A huge influx of munitions is needed to keep Russia’s air force from changing the course of the war, according to U.S. officials and newly leaked Pentagon documents.”

Now, this is extremely weird. Corporate media has been PROMISING that Ukraine was literally on the brink of winning the war any second now. How could this have happened?

The article is really a primer on why Joe Biden needs to Venmo tons more cash, U.S. anti-aircraft weapons, and missile defense systems to Ukraine, like yesterday. Zelensky has already sold, I mean used up, the last batch of gear.

You see how this game works, don’t you? Whenever we send billions of untraceable cash and packaged for shipping war materiĂ©l to Ukraine, they run chipper stories glowingly assuring the public it was all worth it, because NOW the Ukrainians are REALLY going to put Putin in his place, just watch.

But then whenever they need to excavate billions more out of the U.S. treasury, corporate media runs articles like this one, hysterically fretting that Ukraine is on the very verge of imminent defeat.

Victory-defeat-cash, victory-defeat-cash, and so on and on it goes, endlessly recycled, and it will keep on doing that until somebody wises up.



PREMO Member
According to Hersh, Zelenskyy has been using Uncle Sam’s war bucks to buy diesel fuel, which is critical to keeping the tanks and trucks and launchers chugging along Eastern Europe’s muddy roads. That much is unsurprising. Apparently diesel can fetch a pretty price in a war zone, and Hersh reminded us that the DoD previously shelled out over $400 a gallon in Afghanistan to keep that war’s machines humming.

Here’s the narrative-bending plot twist: according to Hersh’s sources, Zelenskyy has been buying diesel at massively-inflated wartime prices 
 from the RUSSIANS.

Didn’t see that one coming, did you?

This wacky twist raises a myriad of answerless questions. Why would Zelenskyy trade with the same evil empire and the war criminals besieging “his” country? Why would Russia sell diesel to the Ukrainians when it would be better to let them to run dry?

It’s almost like this whole thing is a big fat “Wag the Dog” charade or something.

But wait, there’s more. I doubt you’re surprised, but Hersh says his sources in the intelligence community say it is well known that Zelenskyy has — in one year — skimmed off $400 MILLION DOLLARS for himself by doing the old invoice switcheroo with the diesel payments — a classic creative accounting tactic going back to the Civil War — and peddling US weapons to terrorists on the dark web’s version of eBay.

“Zelensky’s been buying discount diesel from the Russians,” one knowledgeable American intelligence official told me. “And who’s paying for the gas and oil? We are. Putin and his oligarchs are making millions.”​

Many government ministries in Kiev have been literally “competing,” I was told, to set up front companies for export contracts for weapons and ammunition with private arms dealers around the world, all of which provide kickbacks.​

Another whistleblower described a clandestine January rendezvous between CIA Director William Burns and President Zelenskyy — to better coordinate the grifting. Like a 1950’s mob boss, Burns whined that Zelenskyy was pocketing more than his fair share, angering a pack of Zelenskyy’s generals, who feel like all the president’s greedy grasping was reducing their own shares. Burns specifically griped about three dozen generals who were being way too obvious about the scam, cruising around Kiev in swanky high-end luxury sports cars, hanging around with bikini models, and flaunting ridiculous fur coats and ostentatious gold neck chains.

Zelenskyy quieted the controversy by publicly firing the top ten worst offenders, which also conveniently resolved his problem of their complaints about his own avarice.

Top to bottom, the whole thing is a gigantic sunglassed, track-suited criminal enterprise robbing the U.S. taxpayer blind and greatly inconveniencing millions of average Ukrainians.

In case you think I’ve been a lone voice crying in the wilderness about the opaque, mendacious Biden Administration, apparently there are signs of life in our intelligence community who’ve noticed the same thing. And they know a LOT more than I do. Hersh reported on internal agency disgust about Biden’s lying officials:

Another divisive issue, I have been repeatedly told in my recent reporting, is the strident ideology and lack of political skill shown by Secretary of State Tony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. The president and his two main foreign policy advisers “live in different worlds” than the experienced diplomats and military and intelligence officers assigned to the White House;. “They have no experience, judgment, and moral integrity. They just tell lies, make up stories.”​

Tell lies and make up stories? Sounds like a snarky comment in C&C. Apparently some of the intelligence community is also chaffed about the whole Nordstream Pipeline Bombing thing and Biden’s lazy denials of having anything to do with it:

“There is a total breakdown between the White House leadership and the intelligence community,” the intelligence official said. The rift dates back to the fall, when, as I reported in early February, Biden ordered the covert destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea. “Destroying the Nord Stream pipelines was never discussed, or even known in advance, by the community,” the official told me.​

Now, what happens when you get sideways with the intelligence community? Chuck Schumer famously said they have a million ways of getting back at you. Like, say, leaking highly sensitive top-secret documents showing your so-called Proxy War isn’t going too well, for one example.



PREMO Member
đŸ”„ It’s not just me. Last night, Tucker Carlson also got it, he found the real story in all the noise. Tucker broadcast his monologue about the actual significance of this story: the constant lying and the illegal, unauthorized proxy war.

Fox’s most popular commenter correctly identified that the U.S. isn’t just helping out an underdog democratic government fight off an evil invader. This is actually World War III:

“The slides show that this is not Ukraine’s war. It’s our war. The United States is a direct combatant in a war against Russia. As we speak, American soldiers are fighting Russian soldiers. So this is not a regional conflict in Eastern Europe. This is a hot war between the two primary nuclear superpowers on Earth.”

Tucker also noted that the government’s internal records say the reverse opposite of the lies the U.S. government and its credulous cronies in the corporate media have been peddling for 14 months:

“The second thing we learned from these slides is that despite direct U.S. involvement, Ukraine is in fact losing the war. Seven Ukrainians are being killed for every Russian. Ukrainian air defenses have been utterly degraded. Ukraine is losing.”

Don’t listen to Tucker, he’s a Putin-lover!

Tucker also accurately concluded that, absent Congressional approval, the proxy war is radioactive-level illegal: “But Lloyd Austin has not been arrested for committing that crime,” Tucker said. “Instead, the only man who has been taken into custody or likely ever will be, is a 21 year old Massachusetts air national guardsmen.”

Here’s Tucker’s 10-minute monologue:



PREMO Member

Prize-Winning Journalist Reveals How Ukraine President, Officials Allegedly Embezzled $400 Million

The issue of corruption was raised during a meeting between CIA Director William Burns and Zelensky in January, according to the report. An intelligence official with direct knowledge of the meeting reportedly told Hersh that Burns delivered a striking message to Zelensky.

Hersh remarkably claimed: “The senior generals and government officials in Kiev were angry at what they saw as Zelensky’s greed, so Burns told the Ukrainian president, because ‘he was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals.’”

The investigative journalist lays out the scheme that is reportedly being used to profit Zelensky and Ukrainian officials: Embezzlement of U.S. aid for energy funds.

“What also is unknown is that Zelensky has been buying the fuel from Russia, the country with which it, and Washington, are at war, and the Ukrainian president and many in his entourage have been skimming untold millions from the American dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments,” Hersh reported. “One estimate by analysts from the Central Intelligence Agency put the embezzled funds at $400 million last year, at least; another expert compared the level of corruption in Kiev as approaching that of the Afghan war, ‘although there will be no professional audit reports emerging from the Ukraine’.”