Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


PREMO Member

Pentagon leaks reveal Biden's Ukraine war lies and what may happen next

It could be President Biden is lying about our role in the Ukraine war much as past presidents lied. Certainly, some of the leaked intelligence suggests the war in Ukraine isn’t going as swimmingly as Biden and his administration have suggested.

Unfortunately, Biden’s apologists in the mainstream media focus on the leaker. That’s really only a small part of the broader story. If in fact the young Airman arrested is found guilty of leaking, he will pay a price. However, the real story is the content of the material shared across the internet. Does it paint a different story than what the Biden administration has told the American people? Is President Biden lying to the American people and if so, why?

The fact is many, if not most, of the products shared about the Ukraine war are finished intelligence reports, which paint a very different picture from that which the Biden administration broadcasts.


PREMO Member

It's Biden's War. And a Failed Counteroffensive By Ukraine Would Mean a Failure For Biden Too

The American people won’t have any problem assigning blame if things go south in Ukraine. This is Joe Biden’s war from end to end, from top to bottom. The wisdom of propping up a corrupt kleptocracy can be debated after the war is over. But with the coming Ukraine counteroffensive, we’re going to find out very quickly if Biden has gotten in over his head.


“If the counteroffensive does not go well, the administration has only itself to blame for withholding certain types of arms and aid at the time when it was most needed,” said Kurt Volker, the special envoy for Ukraine during the Trump administration.

In other words, why didn’t Biden give us F-35s and F-15s? And he could have thrown in a nuke here and there too. If we lose, it will be because Biden didn’t give us the weapons to make us a superpower.

And what of Europe if we lose? Might Biden be forced to get Zelenskyy to the negotiating table?


Well-Known Member

It's Biden's War. And a Failed Counteroffensive By Ukraine Would Mean a Failure For Biden Too

The American people won’t have any problem assigning blame if things go south in Ukraine. This is Joe Biden’s war from end to end, from top to bottom. The wisdom of propping up a corrupt kleptocracy can be debated after the war is over. But with the coming Ukraine counteroffensive, we’re going to find out very quickly if Biden has gotten in over his head.


“If the counteroffensive does not go well, the administration has only itself to blame for withholding certain types of arms and aid at the time when it was most needed,” said Kurt Volker, the special envoy for Ukraine during the Trump administration.

In other words, why didn’t Biden give us F-35s and F-15s? And he could have thrown in a nuke here and there too. If we lose, it will be because Biden didn’t give us the weapons to make us a superpower.

And what of Europe if we lose? Might Biden be forced to get Zelenskyy to the negotiating table?

If the war drags on into the next year, the democrats will plead for an agreement to end it if it effects poll numbers.


PREMO Member

In a similar vein, on Saturday, CNN reported that Ukraine’s counter-offensive could literally start “any moment.”

Maybe the Russians took all that seriously. Throughout last night, multiple independent sources reported “massive” land and sea missile attacks by Russia against Ukraine using both conventional and hypersonic missiles, launched at 5am local time.

As far as I can tell, the Russians apparently targeted ammunition and supply depots Ukraine had staged for its counter-offensive. If the Russians just blew up Ukraine’s force buildup for the offensive, this is going to put the Counter-Offensive back in the Ukrainian mud.

Corporate media is pretty quiet. The Wall Street Journal has not reported the strikes. The New York Times ran a hopeful story early this morning headlined, “Explosions Echo in Kyiv as Ukraine Prepares for Broad Russian Attack.” The first sentence indicated the Russians were striking targets in Kiev:

Explosions echoed across the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, on Monday as Ukrainian officials warned of a large-scale Russian missile attack.​

The Times said 15 of 18 incoming Russian missiles headed to Kiev were “shot down.” Online sources claimed those figures counted missiles that hit their targets as being “shot down.” Sounds about right.

But don’t complain. There’s nothing wrong with that. Ukraine has just re-defined the phrase “shot down.” Everybody’s doing it these days.

If Ukraine’s over-hyped counter-offensive blows up on the launch pad, that will probably be the end of the Proxy War in Ukraine. The U.S. military has other problems developing around the world and it can’t spend ALL its time and tanks frolicking around Ukraine.



PREMO Member
Pentagon Rejigging the Cost of Material to Ukraine

🚀 Last Thursday, the AP ran a story headlined, “$3 Billion Accounting Error Means Pentagon Can Send More Weapons to Ukraine.”

There’s a lot of good material in this story about the Pentagon’s crack-addled accountants, and how they slipped a few decimals like everyone does from time to time, but the fact is: this was no mistake. Like mafia accountants, what the Pentagon’s accountants did was go back and re-value all the weapons that have been sent to Ukraine so far at a lower “current value” (who knows) versus the weapons’ replacement value (what they paid for it).

Here’s how the Pentagon explained their brilliant idea that nobody ever thought of before:

“During our regular oversight process of presidential drawdown packages, the Department discovered inconsistencies in equipment valuation for Ukraine. In some cases, ‘replacement cost’ rather than ‘net book value’ was used, therefore overestimating the value of the equipment drawn down from U.S. stocks,” said Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh.​

Book value is what’s left after you depreciate the asset. And, it won’t just be $3 billion, either. They aren’t done re-calculating:

A defense official said the Pentagon is still trying to determine exactly how much the total surplus will be. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said the comptroller has asked the military services to review all previous Ukraine aid packages using the proper cost figures. The result, said the official, will be that the department will have more available funding authority to use as the Ukraine offensive nears.​

Here’s a simple example: Let’s say Nancy Pelosi tells you to go ahead and take $20 worth of ice cream from her freezer, and hands you her last shopping receipt. You can see from the receipt that it means you can only take a single pint of the special Swiss bourbon-cherry ice cream that Nancy likes. But then you say, hold on a minute, that ice cream is in a fridge. It lost value the moment Nancy’s butler loaded it in the Towncar. You figure Nancy would have to sell the unopened pints on Craigslist as used, for only $5 each.

So instead of just one pint, you grab yourself four pints, two of the Swiss bourbon-cherry plus two of the Argentinian sustainable-chocolate variety.

That’s exactly what the Pentagon is doing, except they’re grabbing F-16s, Patriot missile batteries, and cruise missiles.

Instead of pointing out the Pentagon’s kleptocratic creative accounting, corporate media is framing it as a slapstick narrative, a goofy “accounting error” or a silly mixup or something. You know, the million-dollar-toilet seat kind of thing.

Don’t buy it. They’re crooks, a thousand times worse than tax evaders, stealing from our military inventory, that’s all. Call it what it is.


PREMO Member
🔥 Consistent with other mendacious corporate media takes, the propagandistic New York Times ran a story yesterday labeling Russia’s victory in Bakhmut as only a “Pyrrhic victory,” meaning a costly win that accomplished nothing.

The long article quotes lots of armchair military experts explaining how useless Bakhmut was, even as a symbol of anything. It really makes you wonder what those idiotic Russians have been thinking. Then, only late in the article, in the second-to-last paragraph, the Times finally gets around to offering the explanation for the battle from the actual source — the decision maker, the chief of Ukraine’s armed forces, Zelensky:

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has long said that voluntarily ceding any territory, even for tactical gain, would be unconscionable given the abuses that Russian forces have perpetrated against civilians in occupied territories.​

But this deceptive retconning completely ignores everything Zelensky previously said, about how critical Bakhmut was, and how the Eastern Ukrainian city had to be held “at all costs,” lest it become a strategic launching pad for the Russians to win the entire war.

Here is just one headline CNN ran — only two months ago in March, straight from the source, Zelensky:

Needless to say, there’s no mention of the open road in yesterday’s Times article. And here’s another one, less than a month ago, which ran in the (obviously) Pro-Ukraine Kyiv Post, also direct from the source, Zelensky:

The New York Times thinks its readers are so dumb they can’t remember that the story was the exact opposite only a few weeks ago. In April, Bakhmut was critically important, but a few weeks later in May — after the Russians won — it suddenly became strategically meaningless.

Lying liars.

And, it IS always possible the NYT’s readers ARE that dumb.



PREMO Member
On Thursday, a reporter caught up with the septuagenarian, who promptly spilled the beans that he would not care whatsoever if Ukraine invaded Russia, let alone if they did so with U.S.-supplied weapons.

“Are you concerned that they will enter into Russian territory?” The Epoch Times’ Liam Cosgrove said of Ukraine.

“I’m not concerned. I wouldn’t care if they did,” Nadler said.

After the reporter explained that Russia could view this as a U.S.-backed invasion of Russia, the congressman was dismissive and even smirked about the intensification of the war.

Nadler also refused to say if he would condemn Ukraine if they used American-made F-16s to attack Russia.



PREMO Member

Zelensky Admits Fear of Trump 2024, Begs for More Patriot Missile Systems

Asked how he felt about Donald Trump, Zelensky admitted that he was more comfortable with dealing with Biden and that the return of a Republican-led government could end up being difficult for his war effort.

“President Biden is the president during a full-scale war and he has been more helpful to us than President Trump,” Zelensky told the interviewer, qualifying the statement by noting that there “was no full-scale war” going on while Trump was in office.

“In a situation like this, when there is support, you are afraid of changes,” Zelensky said. “And to be honest, when you mention a change of administration, I feel the same way as anyone… You want changes for the better, but it can also be the other way around.”

He also appeared uncomfortable with Donald Trump’s claim that he would be able to negotiate a peace settlement to the Ukraine War within 24 hours, adding that the 45th American leader did not seem to care that Ukrainian territory — namely Crimea — was being “occupied” by Russia during his presidency after being illegally annexed under the Obama administration in 2014.

Zelensky also reportedly used the interview as an opportunity to beg the West for more Patriot missile systems, claiming that his country currently does not have enough of the defensive weapons to protect both the frontline and civilians in cities.

“There’s currently one weapon capable of stopping some types of missiles launched by the Russian Federation against our civilian population, schools, infrastructure and energy system,” he said. “The only system in the world is the Patriot.”


Well-Known Member

Zelensky Admits Fear of Trump 2024, Begs for More Patriot Missile Systems

Asked how he felt about Donald Trump, Zelensky admitted that he was more comfortable with dealing with Biden and that the return of a Republican-led government could end up being difficult for his war effort.
And I am not sure when it became the conservative "side" of the war in Ukraine to NOT support them fighting one of our most intractable adversaries. The more they wear down Russia, the more precious resources Russia expends to keep the war going, the more unrest they risk within their nation, the more Putin is likely to topple, the more experienced troops he will lose.

This is effectively a proxy war with Russia - supply Ukraine and you drain an enemy.

That, plus it still remains the most devastating war currently being fought on the planet and the humanitarian crisis of war refugees easily matches anything we've seen in the Middle East. And despite unbelievable hyperbole by the Biden administration, it IS having a cost for the rest of the world as resources from both nations are being wasted in a war.

Trump may feel as many on the right do - that Russia was unfairly deprived of a region that is in fact, mostly Russian - the Crimean peninsula. Historically, it's been either independent - or belonging to Russia until the 50's. During the dissolution of communism, Crimea was very briefly declared an independent republic until Ukraine took over.

Now, all sides may claim they're in the right - prior to Crimean being part of the Ukraine SSR, Russia got rid of the native Tatars. But the people of Crimean are Russian. On the other hand, Crimea was part of Ukraine for nearly seventy years.

I've no doubt that if Trump has a peace plan, it's probably going to look like what the Russians want - all of the land where ethnic Russians and Russian speaking people dominate - Crimea - and the Donbas (Luhansk and Donetsk). This is a very rich region of Ukraine - it would be like us losing to Mexico and them claiming the Southwest including California.

If so, this is unacceptable on many parts - Russia has enclaves of ethnic Russians everywhere along its border - there are sections of ethnic Russians in the Baltic states - northern Kazakhstan - Moldova - parts of Georgia. The idea that ethnic Russian regions belong to Russia is the same argument Hitler used to annex regions in Europe. Hey - if you're ethnic Russian and want Russian government - then MOVE there.

Incursions into places like South Ossetia and Abkhazia - and now Ukraine - are proof that Russia is not at all interested in doing things legally - they concoct a slanted biased referendum for separation - and boom, in roll the tanks.

We can't allow that.


Well-Known Member
And I am not sure when it became the conservative "side" of the war in Ukraine to NOT support them fighting one of our most intractable adversaries. The more they wear down Russia, the more precious resources Russia expends to keep the war going, the more unrest they risk within their nation, the more Putin is likely to topple, the more experienced troops he will lose.

This is effectively a proxy war with Russia - supply Ukraine and you drain an enemy.

That, plus it still remains the most devastating war currently being fought on the planet and the humanitarian crisis of war refugees easily matches anything we've seen in the Middle East. And despite unbelievable hyperbole by the Biden administration, it IS having a cost for the rest of the world as resources from both nations are being wasted in a war.

Trump may feel as many on the right do - that Russia was unfairly deprived of a region that is in fact, mostly Russian - the Crimean peninsula. Historically, it's been either independent - or belonging to Russia until the 50's. During the dissolution of communism, Crimea was very briefly declared an independent republic until Ukraine took over.

Now, all sides may claim they're in the right - prior to Crimean being part of the Ukraine SSR, Russia got rid of the native Tatars. But the people of Crimean are Russian. On the other hand, Crimea was part of Ukraine for nearly seventy years.

I've no doubt that if Trump has a peace plan, it's probably going to look like what the Russians want - all of the land where ethnic Russians and Russian speaking people dominate - Crimea - and the Donbas (Luhansk and Donetsk). This is a very rich region of Ukraine - it would be like us losing to Mexico and them claiming the Southwest including California.

If so, this is unacceptable on many parts - Russia has enclaves of ethnic Russians everywhere along its border - there are sections of ethnic Russians in the Baltic states - northern Kazakhstan - Moldova - parts of Georgia. The idea that ethnic Russian regions belong to Russia is the same argument Hitler used to annex regions in Europe. Hey - if you're ethnic Russian and want Russian government - then MOVE there.

Incursions into places like South Ossetia and Abkhazia - and now Ukraine - are proof that Russia is not at all interested in doing things legally - they concoct a slanted biased referendum for separation - and boom, in roll the tanks.

We can't allow that.
We cannot allow Zelenski to invade Russia either and i believe that is his personal mission, to invade and conquer Russia.
Using our aid to do it.