Unhinged Progbots


Well-Known Member
How do you breath and walk at the same time ..... and non this was NOT in my Twitter Feed, wtf are you watching on twitter
Umm, I’m not talking about your feed man.

I follow folks on X and this particular situation was shut down after a few hours, Daisy (the dancers name) is a Swedish-Indonesian dancer who lives in Bali.

Then the influencers started posting vids…which you shared.

Wait…is that your game? These no name folks pay you to promote? Now it’s all making a heck of a lot more sense. Get a life man, you’re probably getting a nickel a post.


PREMO Member
Wait…is that your game? These no name folks pay you to promote? Now it’s all making a heck of a lot more sense. Get a life man, you’re probably getting a nickel a post.

You have NO IDEA how stupid you look making this tired accusation, across multiple accounts


Well-Known Member
You have NO IDEA how stupid you look making this tired accusation, across multiple accounts
This is my account, my only account.

The fact that you attacked me, not that you’re being compensated for posting, clears it up.