Unwanted Horses


New Member
:whack: I really need to remember to slow down when reading these things. If I had, I would have picked up on that. Sorry all.
Man power is a problem. Does anyone know where the money goes that is paid for getting licensed? :shrug:

Coming in late on this one....

The money generated by the stable licenses goes to the Maryland General Fund. We (Maryland Horse Industry Board) used to get general fund money every year for operational expenses. But, ever since the feed fund passed, they took away our general funds and we operate solely on the Special Fund. The Special fund pays for Rob Burk's salary, Bev Raymond (stable inspector), vehicle costs as well as the grants program. We tried to get the funds generated from licensing to come to the board to at least cover the costs of inspections, but it was a no-go in this nasty economy. The inspectors (Bev Raymond and Pegeen Morgan) DO follow-up on reported unlicensed stables and they have actually gotten many to comply with the law. A license can be withheld if the horses in the stable are in poor condition - animal control brought in, etc. It's really a good system, but YES, manpower is an issue. The two inspectors are responsible for inspecting every stable in the state as well as every veterinary clinic. They are on the road all. the. time.


Adopt me please !
I agree and I am not by any means FOR slaughter. I am FOR a way to humanely end the lives of the excess horses that no one wants (if we have no place for them to go and get quality care). Somehow, some way, we have to find a way to reduce the numbers of unwanted horses. Better they be put down humanely (here's the problem as it isn't always done humanely I hear) than starve to death or die from lack of medical care.

Per UnwantedHorses.org :

"In 2006 more than 100,000 horses were killed in this violent way in the three slaughterhouses still operating in the U.S. Thousands more were shipped to Canada and Mexico to be slaughtered there."

OVER 100,000 ! - OMG how is that possible? That's like a crazy number to comprehend. I hope that the good minds we have can come up with suggestions as to ways to SOLVE the problem, not just have a bunch of people debating slaughter, as usually happens, you know? In a perfect world all horses would have a good home.

Let's place blame where it lies. Closing slaughter houses was the dumbest move ever. I truely hope that is reconsidered, along with additional regulations on what goes, how it gets there, and what's done with it once it's there.


Well-Known Member
In theory the captive bolt should result in immediate unconsciousness if fired accurately. In practice – with a frightened, panicky horse inside the kill box – it’s hard to expect slaughterhouse workers to always “hit the target.” In those cases the horses may still be conscious when they are hung upside down and their throats cut. Once “bled out,” the horses are dismembered and processed into packages of meat

That quote is from Ark Rescue's link.

Someone tell me what part of the paragraph is most disturbing to them.


Well-Known Member
I think it's probably the fact that they don't appear to RETRY to render them unconscious, and merely go forward with the process anyway.

Ok. Good. I was asking because so many people get hung up on what happens after the animal is dead because it sounds so gruesome..but the animal is dead and doesn't feel a thing.

I was just curious what you'd say.


Adopt me please !
Here's something I had not thought about ......

saw this here:


"It’s About People, Not Horses

Ultimately, we realized that the unwanted horse problem is all about people, not horses. Too many people still see these animals only as a commodity, something that must be useful to have any value. Until that changes, we’ll always have an unwanted horse problem in America.

At least we know where to start.

Steve Smith and Alayne Marker"

Hmmm, but how many people are going to change the way they think about horses?

Ok. Good. I was asking because so many people get hung up on what happens after the animal is dead because it sounds so gruesome..but the animal is dead and doesn't feel a thing.

I was just curious what you'd say.