

Adopt me please !
It's a great song and you know that men love to leave their beyotches before the holidays. :lol:

Speaking of men leaving ..... a gal I know of through a coworker got a large tattoo with her boyfriend's name in a very prominent place on her body. Well her boyfriend left her after about a year and moved on, so now she's stuck with a large tattoo that says CLIFF just above her breast.


Those guys aren't heartless, they're just cheap....there's a difference :lol:
I know guys that intentionally stay single from December to mid-February. :lol:
Speaking of men leaving ..... a gal I know of through a coworker got a large tattoo with her boyfriend's name in a very prominent place on her body. Well her boyfriend left her after about a year and moved on, so now she's stuck with a large tattoo that says CLIFF just above her breast.

I don't feel bad for her. She should have never done that. But, having CLIFF on your chest is hilarious. :lmao:
Speaking of men leaving ..... a gal I know of through a coworker got a large tattoo with her boyfriend's name in a very prominent place on her body. Well her boyfriend left her after about a year and moved on, so now she's stuck with a large tattoo that says CLIFF just above her breast.

Ahhh that sucks!

I actually have my husband's name tattooed on my ribcage and my name's on his chest :shrug:

I know guys that intentionally stay single from December to mid-February. :lol:

I'm sure they're probably gettin "free booty" from all those newly single chicks too, ha


Ahhh that sucks!

I actually have my husband's name tattooed on my ribcage and my name's on his chest :shrug:
Atleast you're married! She wasn't married to the guy. I've been married. I'm thankful that I never felt the need to have his name branded on me. :lmao:


Speaking of men leaving ..... a gal I know of through a coworker got a large tattoo with her boyfriend's name in a very prominent place on her body. Well her boyfriend left her after about a year and moved on, so now she's stuck with a large tattoo that says CLIFF just above her breast.



Well-Known Member
Look up the most popular songs from each era, 50's, 60's 70's etc.

Pick a few of each era. Add some Country. Throw in some line dances. Pick a few slow songs.

Think of a few songs that you remember being played at every single dance you've been to. Add them. (Poor some sugar on me, stroke it, You shook me all night long etc.) throw in a few christmas songs



She could always tell the men to dive under her CLIFF. She can say that she's a cliff diver. :shrug:


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Atleast you're married! She wasn't married to the guy. I've been married. I'm thankful that I never felt the need to have his name branded on me. :lmao:

They guy that does my tats refuses to do a lovers name, he says its bad luck and causes break ups.


Adopt me please !
Ahhh that sucks!

I actually have my husband's name tattooed on my ribcage and my name's on his chest :shrug:

Husband vs. Boyfriend makes a difference. Although I believe Cliff did propose to her, so she had every expectation that they would be getting married.


Well-Known Member
Definitely cant go wrong with Motown. Temptations, Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, Supremes,etc. My favorites are "I wish it would rain", "The way you do the things you do", "Bernadette" Reach out" "Sugarpie HOneybunch" "Tears of a clown", "Baby Love" :singer:


Well-Known Member
Kris, just think about most of the music you have heard at most wedding receptions, at least the ones that didn't get totally out of control, and throw in a few christmas songs.


mama to two
I haven't read this entire thread, but has anyone suggested classical music like some Mozart! Nothing like a little culture. :smile:

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