valentines day...


wandering aimlessly
kwillia said:
I already know what I'm getting this year for V-day... a phone call from Daytona telling the how warm it is and how much he loves me and how he wishes I was there...:burning:
You should answer the call while in Barbados.


Lovin' Life
Cowgirl said:
Well, last year I made tool-shaped cookies for my BF because he's a mechanic. I made a wrench, vise-grips, an impact wrench, and some others. He liked them...said he never had tool-shaped cookies w/ pink icing before! I also made heart-shaped meatloaf for dinner and pink mashed potatoes! :lmao: The potatoes kinda freaked him out.

I think the mashed potatoes would have freaked me out too :lmao:

This year I had a glamor shot taken with me on a motorcycle. Just hope they turn out. I get them on Saturday.


I am so very blessed
I love Valentine's Day.

I'll make a homemade heart-shaped pizza with "I Love You" written in pepperoni. I'll also make some heart-shaped shortbread cookies, and get all snuggly with my very special honey.

I'll skip out on the card, though. I love him, and all that, but he ain't worth $4.50 for a stinkin' card.
I'm making 4 dozen cupcakes for my little ones to take to daycare and share. Then I'm making 2 doz cupcakes to take to work for the techs. Maybe I'll let hubby lick the bowl. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
mainman said:
I'm thinking about making my SO a spice rack out of baby food jars...

Thoughts? :confused:
Dear MainMan,
Who is your SO? :confused:

P.S. Sleuth says that it did not work. He had to wait how long to get :whistle:?


I'm Rick James #####!
I once baked an SO a heart shaped cake for valentines. We broke up a week later. I loaned the heart shaped cake pans to a friend and he baked a cake for his SO's B-day, a week later they broke up. A few months later I loaned the cake pans to a neighbor for her anniversary, two weeks later he filed for divorce.

Now I keep the pans on reserve and rent them out to hapless souls looking for a way out, or loan them to people I don't like. :yay:

And I sure as hell don't eat anything baked in them!

Lugnut said:
I once baked an SO a heart shaped cake for valentines. We broke up a week later. I loaned the heart shaped cake pans to a friend and he baked a cake for his SO's B-day, a week later they broke up. A few months later I loaned the cake pans to a neighbor for her anniversary, two weeks later he filed for divorce.

Now I keep the pans on reserve and rent them out to hapless souls looking for a way out, or loan them to people I don't like. :yay:

And I sure as hell don't eat anything baked in them!

They're cursed! :lmao: