Vick goes to...


I know nothing
Freaking dog killer... geebus heist.

Are the Eagles Insane. Were they that worried when Kolb got hurt during practice that they didnt think AJ Feely could be a 2 string QB.


Football addict
One more reason to loathe the Iggles.

On a serious note, I think it was an interesting move that may pay off for the Iggles.


Supper's Ready
$1.6 million contract with a team option exceeding $5 million for a second year.
I was just joking with buds the other day that the Eagles should take him, the fans would let him know how they feel... :lol:

Good move on their part, and an excellent financial deal for the Iggles. Every team considering Vick seemed to be battling the PR, fans will get over his past quickly (unless he screws up...that's Philly for ya!) :lol:


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I bleed green but I didn't want Vick on my team.

I hear you. It would have reduced my interest in the Redskins a good bit out of shear disgust. However, there is far more reason to be cynical about that had it happened here than Philly. For you guys, TO was out of character. This is WAY out of character.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You'll love him by week 7.:lol:


PETA's Response to Philadelphia signing Vick - WTKR

In regards to the Philadelphia Eagles signing Michael Vick, PETA's official statement is as follows:

PETA and millions of decent football fans around the world are disappointed that the Philadelphia Eagles have chosen to sign a man who hanged dogs from trees, electrocuted them with jumper cables, held them underwater until they drowned in his swimming pool, and even threw his own family dogs into the fighting pit to be torn to shreds while he laughed. What sort of message does this send to young fans who care about animals and don't want to see them be harmed? PETA certainly hopes that Vick has learned his lesson and feels truly remorseful for his crimes--but since he's given no public indication that that's the case, only time will tell. At this point, all Eagles fans can do is cross their fingers and hope that they won't ever have to explain to their sons and daughters what a "rape rack" is and why their favorite player was using one, as Falcons fans once had to.

How the #### does anyone get past that? Some people are arguing 'hey, it's just dogs and far worse happens to people...'

Far worse than that?

Does this mean Blago should get to be governor again?

Should Spitzer get to go back to his old job?

Should Marion Barry get to be mayor aga...

Never mind.
Freaking dog killer... geebus heist.

Are the Eagles Insane. Were they that worried when Kolb got hurt during practice that they didnt think AJ Feely could be a 2 string QB.

I'm surprised people still think of him as a QB - that wouldn't even occur to me at this point. I always assumed that when he was signed, it would be with the thought that he might become a versatile offensive weapon playing a limited number of downs, and looking to make a couple big plays per game. It would seem to me that the notion that he could, in a pinch, serve as a backup quarterback, would be secondary - if not an afterthought.

PETA's Response to Philadelphia signing Vick - WTKR

How the #### does anyone get past that? Some people are arguing 'hey, it's just dogs and far worse happens to people...'

Far worse than that?

Does this mean Blago should get to be governor again?

Should Spitzer get to go back to his old job?

Should Marion Barry get to be mayor aga...

Never mind.

In these kinds of situations, people like to say things like, 'He made a mistake' and 'Everybody makes mistakes.' Well, I think we need to distinguish between different classes of mistakes. Some mistakes display a lack of judgment - some sort immaturity or lack of emotional control or intellectual prowess or something along those lines. And then, some mistakes necessarily tell us something about the nature of a person. There are some 'mistakes' that you can't make unless there is a fundamentally evil part of you - there are some mistakes that can't be explained by momentary lapses in judgment, they require a certain evil quality.

For instance, getting drunk in a bar and making an inappropriate sexual comment to a woman might just be a mistake - a failure of judgment, a show of bad form, a display of #######-ishness. But, raping a woman can't just be a mistake - it requires an evilness. It's not something that most people would be capable of doing, even if their judgment failed them. In order to be capable of doing that to someone, you have to be fundamentally evil inside.

Well, what Vick apparently did to those animals was evil. It wasn't just a mistake or a lapse in judgment. It required a certain degree of evilness. And that is something that is either there or it isn't. Typically, it doesn't go away - you just learn to control it because you realize that society has a different set of rules about what is appropriate; and, to the extent that your own instincts run contrary to those rules, you have to control them so that you don't face negative consequences for them. I don't care what anybody says, Vick's actions prove that he is evil - he may never commit those kinds of crimes again, but he has a nature which would allow him to - and most of us don't have the nature required to be able to make that kind of 'mistake'.

Please note, I'm not equating what Vick did to rape - except in the sense that each of those crimes requires certain natures, on the part of the offender, that aren't present in most humans.

On a less serious note, I really thought Cleveland would sign him - can you imagine the marketing opportunities?


They're out to get us
Freaking dog killer... geebus heist.

Are the Eagles Insane. Were they that worried when Kolb got hurt during practice that they didnt think AJ Feely could be a 2 string QB.

aha, so that's what happened? Was wondering since they had 3 solid QBs. That's a shame.

Someone please tell me that Baz is an Iggles fan. :lmao: