Vick goes to...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Vick will be starting at QB by week 6.

I'm sorry. It's one thing to bring Vick on board if you're real shaky about your starter but, to bring in a Pro Bowl caliber guy while you have a pro bowl caliber guy is just asking for the whole freaking thing to blow up in your face.

The only way I see them averting disaster is if McNabb gets hurt.


Nothing to see here
I'm sorry. It's one thing to bring Vick on board if you're real shaky about your starter but, to bring in a Pro Bowl caliber guy while you have a pro bowl caliber guy is just asking for the whole freaking thing to blow up in your face.

The only way I see them averting disaster is if McNabb gets hurt.

Wasn't McNabb instrumental in Vick coming to the Eagles??

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't drink

OK, well, assuming you did, what happens is this; you start drinking because it sounds like a good idea. 18 beers and 9 hours later, it's 5 am and life suddenly sucks serious ass and you look at yourself in the mirror and say "Why in the name of St. Brett did I do that?"


Nothing to see here
OK, well, assuming you did, what happens is this; you start drinking because it sounds like a good idea. 18 beers and 9 hours later, it's 5 am and life suddenly sucks serious ass and you look at yourself in the mirror and say "Why in the name of St. Brett did I do that?"

:killingme St Brett, eh??