Gotta jump in on what I've been gleaning from JPC posts on other threads. Does JPC believe there is no hell, or just that it doesn't last forever?
Let's start with the latter...and I'm going to try to be brief, so allow me some latitude here.
If I "sin" against a dog, what are the consequences? Someone from PETA might scold me, or a fine might be slapped on me for abuse of an animal. If I commit the same offense, let's say hitting/beating, against a person, then the punishment and/or fine would be greater, agreed??
What if I hit/assault a police officer, judge, or the president? The consequences for those acts become greater and greater as I offend someone who is due greater respect.
So, apply this to our offenses against God. We hurt and assault Him with our sins repeatedly, so what is the appropriate punishment based on His infinite goodness, righteousness, etc? Infinite hellfire.
This all presupposes that the sinner is unrepentant, of course. I'm sure there are those who think His Infinite Love will save in the end, but that doesn't work either based on the aforementioned. Love demands discipline and justice, not a free for all.