Who are the "Evil Doers?"
I think it was Chuck Colson that pointed this out...forgive me if I am being redundant:
The more our society accepts abhorent behavior, disgusting films, drug addictions, moral-free lifestyles.....
AND: the more that is seen over in the Moslem world.....
the more it recruits young mostly ignorant fanatical moslems who could care less about "liberty, rights, voting, constitution, equality, free trade."
All they care about is annihilating the Great Satan. Our bombs are making less terrorists than our loose living broadcast on Al Jazeera. We need to show moral backbone...and restore our "Goodness" ...then our gifts of freedom, benevolence, education,...will appear genuine.
(and for those who believe: God will reward us--"What ever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me...")
SIDENOTE: My former students have come back from service in Iraq and said they are sick of the slanted news that is our steady diet: It is horribly biased. Also: there is a huge ignorance factor over there in the Iraqi public; schools have been underfunded and propaganda HQs for decades...it will take a long time to bring the Iraqi people up to a standard of western intelligence.
ie: "The war is over...where is our electricity?????Make it work!"...dur.