I read a book in the 80's told from a muslim point of view. It was about the rift between muslim/christian (western) nations. In it, the narrator (a muslim) bemoaned the fact that western men allowed their women to dress like whores and thereby stir lust in the men which leads to general social disorder.
Now, if you extrapolate this out, it isn't that different than puritans or baptists or even catholics in the way they subjugate women or suppress libido to ensure a stable community. Basically, most organized religions realize folks want to screw all the time and stopping - or at least delaying that in some way is the only way to achieve balance & stable society. Has been going on for centuries, until the welfare state arrived (you pay me money to not work, give me a house, duh what am I going to stay at home all day & do?)
Anyhoo, when we export our "demented" video, music, et. al. to the rest of the world, the young teen boys & girls growing up in a desert hovel in the mideast & elsewhere start saying "Yo #####" & wearing thongs, mom & pop freak, the pendulum swings way far the other way and you end up with fundamentalist states. No big sociolological mystery.
So, before you go ragging on the mideast for treating their women bad, remember this is a big world, morals are different everywhere, and Janet Jackson's nipple caused a national freakathon in our "civilized nation". What do you think a camel rider who had never seen TV before felt like when they first got a TV, turned it on and saw Britney shaking her bootay?
Yes, with our way of life and mass media we have unknowingly threatened the basic tenets of their society. Does that make 9/11 right, no. However, whenever we have big time arguments about abortion, gay marriage, nudity on TV, etc. in this nation when it is no problem in other nations, how do we get off calling them backwards? Like Paul Harvey says, "walk a mile in their moccasins".