Bruzilla said:
Do you honestly believe that if this law were enacted in Maryland that thousands, or hundreds, or even dozens, of people would be running out to Office Depot to get tablets so that they could write down the tag numbers of people they wanted to file false reports on??? Do you really believe that there are numerous people who are gleefully looking forward to patrolling the highways, intent on observing someone flicking a butt out the window? Do you really believe that there are going to be scores of dedicated butt-flicker catchers combing the roads?
Bruzilla, trust me on this. I would like you to come field my email for one day - just ONE day - and you would be a believer. There are more nutties out there than you think.
And I will venture a guess that the ONLY people who would call in a charge are nutties. How many of those "How's My Driving?" stickers do you see on trucks? And how many people actually call in and report one of them operating in an unsafe manner? None, that's how many, except nutball zealots that have too much time on their hands.
Plus, I'm surprised at you - you'd go for some John Doe being able to report someone, then that someone receives a ticket based on John Doe's anonymous word??? And this someone now has to prove they are innocent of an anonymous charge???
What if John Doe could anonymously call in speeders, then those speeders would be mailed a ticket based on that call? Would you go for that, too? People piss and moan about red light cameras, but at least there you have a picture, not just some motorist's anonymous word.