It does seem however that the bulk of the problem is not whether or not the windmills FAILED. They did - but they don't produce the overwhelming majority of the energy in Texas that natural gas does. From what I read, non-winterization of gas lines is the biggest culprit.
Second culprit would appear to be the way the entire state is wired - the grid itself.
This cold snap DOES however point out what we all ought to see - whether you want green energy or not - and that is that most green energy sources are at least now, not robust enough to withstand catastrophe. I mean, it DOESN'T MATTER if the failure of the windmills caused the blackouts - they STILL FAILED. It doesn't MATTER if the infrastructure is the problem - they STILL FAILED. If it had been there, the result WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE had Texas gone full tilt windmill (pun intended).
See, that's the thing - green energy has to have a backup and that backup is either fossil fuels or nuclear energy, both of which the cultbots hate even though they don't know why or understand anything about it. Nobody cares about coal and gas for its own sake; we care about it because it does the job.
AP took time off from reporting the "news" to debunk some meme supposedly going around that says it's a helicopter de-icing turbines in Texas when it's really from Sweden. The bots take this to mean that the turbines in Texas were ripping along just fine like superheroes come to save the day, and that's false. In FACT there were helicopters trying desperately to de-ice the turbines in Texas and get them back in action, and there are numerous photos and reports of it. It's just that this particular pic that AP decided to cherry pick wasn't one of them.
And that's why these Leftist disinformation outlets are evil. While AP didn't outright lie, it did mislead and manipulate. They count on the bots not clicking on the story to read that in fact the turbines in Texas did fail hard and were a contributing factor in the outages.
But I console myself after watching the cultbots deal with adversity, knowing that all their little pet feel-good movements will end up literally destroying their lives. They'll beg government to save them, and government will laugh right in their faces because it created their distress to begin with.