Whassup Friday nighters???


happy to be living
Margaritas are a super food. Tequila is made from the agave plant, so it's like vegetables. And you get fruit because of the lime. How can anyone take issue with fruit and vegetables? It's healthy - like a kale smoothie only tastes better.

Kale smoothies taste best with vodka so IS would like them!


Having Fun!
For Vrai & Bann...

Saw this on Facebook (of course I shared it) --- makes sense to me!

rehydrate margaritas.jpg


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
So what's up this Friday, everyone?

That is, if everyone survives the Tiki opening. :jet:

I'm not going to be able to make that, though.


Have to decide whether I'm gong to try to cross the bridge or not with Tiki bar and all. :shrug: Since it's Jay's last weekend home for awhile, might just order him his favorite Pizza. Yeah, I know it's carbs, but he deserves it once in awhile.


happy to be living
Have to decide whether I'm gong to try to cross the bridge or not with Tiki bar and all. :shrug: Since it's Jay's last weekend home for awhile, might just order him his favorite Pizza. Yeah, I know it's carbs, but he deserves it once in awhile.

Yeah, I am not certain I will be able to make it this Fri- depends on how much I get done around the house when I am not at work the next few days.
I hope if keeps raining so I can cross off moving the hose around the yard and watering all the potted porch plants :lmao:
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Jam out with ur clam out
Yeah, I am not certain I will be able to make it this Fri- depends on how much I get done around the house when I am not at work the next few days.
I hope if keeps raining so I can cross off moving the hoose around the yard and watering all the potted porch plants :lmao:

Im up in the air... kinda want to go to tiki... not sure if I really do...

... will have a long day on Sat.. taking the dogs to a Doggie Swimming pool so they can swim!!


Harley Rider
Friday is supposed to be a nice day but Sat-Sun-Mon are supposed to be rainy. Of course that won't stop the Tiki party. If CIP is the place (since I'll already be there) I'll get a table for how ever many plan to show up...unless someone comes up with a new place to visit. We still have a few in reserve for when "crab time" comes...:yahoo: