What am I missing about this???

Yes, our left wing president is about to declare a national emergency at 3pm today.

all orchestrated by the left wing MD Dept of Education....

I always wondered what it would be like when the house of cards built by the deplorables collapsed, I really didn’t think it would include blaming the left wing MD dept of Education 😂
You've seemed so frazzled and depressed the last couple weeks. Good to see you cheery and excited about something.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yes, our left wing president is about to declare a national emergency at 3pm today.

**** that. I want him to declare martial law. Shut down the elections, round up the progbots, and start putting heads on pikes.

I presume you are hermetically sealed in your cave so as not to spread this deadly virus, right?

Right, Typhoid Truby?


Active Member
**** that. I want him to declare martial law. Shut down the elections, round up the progbots, and start putting heads on pikes.

I presume you are hermetically sealed in your cave so as not to spread this deadly virus, right?

Right, Typhoid Truby?

I think you take the title for dumbest poster of all time. All i've seen you do is rage daily about anyone who disagrees with you. In that way you are very much like Trump.

Do you still not understand why this Virus is so dangerous? Do you still think it is a hoax?

Can you believe Trump has made you go full in on authoritarianism and you are now advocating he install himself as a dictator just like Putin? Did you ever think you would sink this low?


Fighting like a girl
**** that. I want him to declare martial law. Shut down the elections, round up the progbots, and start putting heads on pikes.

I presume you are hermetically sealed in your cave so as not to spread this deadly virus, right?

Right, Typhoid Truby?
Well Lousiana is already delaying elections, really starting to think this is a deep conspiracy by Trump to keep him in power by any means necessary, which means delaying the election



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
"Spitfire, post: 6127630, member: 82375"

It’s completely his fault.

No that is not true. Thursday's 10% drop can easily be laid at the feet of the President. However there are significant economic problems associated with this event and significant structural problems that make events like this worse.

1. Event problems: One cannot determine where a stock should be priced if one has no idea what the earnings of that company will be. At this moment, that is where we are. The other absolute reality is that almost ALL earnings out there are coming down...so stock prices must fall.

2. Structural problems: unchecked high frequency traders (so easily fixed) and the removal of the up-tick rule for short sellers (so easily fixed) put immense downward pressure on prices during a down cycle.

The reason the market is dropping is because the market is transmitting that it wants an a actual response here and not more Fed money flooding the markets.

As to Thursday's move, yes this is absolutely correct (except that everyone now wants both...fiscal and monetary stimulus). Trump's speech Wednesday evening was quite possibly the worst I have ever seen from a content perspective. As I have said many time in the past few days, his utter failure of leadership is once again, on display for the whole world to see. Instead of promoting assistance for the industries that are most effected, our dumbass President, made the situation worse for our airlines!!

How much money did Treasury Sec Munchkin toss at the short-term funding markets yesterday alone? In normal circumstances, all that Capital is great and markets respond positively.

That was the Federal Reserve. Markets responded positively yesterday morning and during the day to aggressive action and commentary out of Europe (and the overreaction on Thursday)...the end of the day rally was a relief that the President seemed to finally be taking this seriously.

But not now. Trumps actions and words suggest that he sees this as nothing more than an economic issue.

It’s not.

Actually Trump's action and words clearly state that he doesn't see this as a problem at all. Everyone of his idiotic off the cuff remarks has shown a complete disregard for the health of Americans and/or American business.


Well-Known Member
The study, co-authored by 9 members of the CDC Influenza Division, used an improved modeling approach which resulted in an estimated range of deaths from between 151,700 and 575,400 people who perished worldwide from 2009 H1N1 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.

The world did not shut down nor did it decimate the population. In fact, I can't recall any impact on my ability to go to concerts, parks, work, or there being any shortages of supplies.

You don't remember people fighting over getting their flu shot or the shortages of flu shots?

I think this whole thing is completely overblown...however, your statement suggests that 500,000 deaths is an acceptable loss so you can go to a concert. No wonder you people don't give a crap about 20 first graders getting slaughtered in their classrooms. It is all starting to make sense now.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Here's a summation of the COVID-19 deaths so far (here in the U.S.):

BLUF: of the 48 (so far), all except two were 69 or older and virtually all had (or believed to have had) preexisting health concerns. The one death of a person under 60 (a man in his 40s) resulted from serious preexisting health issues. One woman (60) died, but no details as of yet.

Keep calm and carry on by eating well, sleeping well, EXERCISING (if there are no reasons preventing it) to build up cardiac & respiratory fitness, wash hands, and keeping optimistic!

Despite whatever differences, disputes, and diatribes we may have and/or engage in I pray for all of you here on SoMD.com to remain healthy and hale.


--- End of line (MCP)


Well-Known Member
What exactly do they consider underlying health condition, being nonspecific like that is nonspecific.

I mean my plantar fasciitis is an underlying health condition.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
What exactly do they consider underlying health condition, being nonspecific like that is nonspecific.

I mean my plantar fasciitis is an underlying health condition.
I imagine something that has already or could compromise one's immune system.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
What exactly do they consider underlying health condition, being nonspecific like that is nonspecific.

I mean my plantar fasciitis is an underlying health condition.
In broad terms, it's diabetes, respiratory conditions (e.g., COPD, asthma), autoimmune diseases (the condition itself, but also where people are on biologics which suppress the immune system), heart disease/history of heart attacks. The commonality among these is a lack of strength/reserve capacity to "wait out" the virus.

--- End of line (MCP)
What exactly do they consider underlying health condition, being nonspecific like that is nonspecific.

I mean my plantar fasciitis is an underlying health condition.
When the virus attacks the lungs, it results in a thick, sticky mucus coating the lobes of the lower part of the lungs blocking oxygen. There is no cure so the body must fight off the virus resulting in the buildup of fluid. Those who's body is already compromised and battling other ailments are not always strong enough to ward off the virus. Look up some of the videos available showing the after-affect. You'll then understand the fight one goes through regardless of age. It's been described as being very painful and a sense of drowning.