Stop it, Vrai, you're killing me
HilariousStop it, Vrai, you're killing me
To be safe, you should take ALL your money out, and wait for the market to recover, and buy back in!Hilarious
My 401k guarantees a Biden election.
My 401k guarantees a Biden election.
You get dumber by the minute. The drop in the markat has nothing to do about Trump.
He didn't cause it and he can't stop it until idiots stop being frightened and it regains it's losses.
It reacted to the fact that he sent mixed messages, claimed the virus was a hoax and did nothing to ready or reassure the public until it was too late.
You get dumber by the minute. The drop in the markat has nothing to do about Trump.
He didn't cause it and he can't stop it until idiots stop being frightened and it regains it's losses.
It’s completely his fault.
The reason the market is dropping is because the market is transmitting that it wants an a actual response here and not more Fed money flooding the markets.
How much money did Treasury Sec Munchkin toss at the short-term funding markets yesterday alone? In normal circumstances, all that Capital is great and markets respond positively.
But not now. Trumps actions and words suggest that he sees this as nothing more than an economic issue.
It’s not.
What If Trump Refuses To Leave Office And Also What If He Grows Fifty Feet Tall And Shoots Lasers Out Of His Eyes?
okYou get dumber by the minute. The drop in the markat has nothing to do about Trump.
He didn't cause it and he can't stop it until idiots stop being frightened and it regains it's losses.
Oh I get it.. Trump is a Moron because he got us involved in Syria.. armed terrorists to overthrow the sitting President in Libya while those same terrorists (the same ones that murdered our ambassador) abused and raped and murdered a sitting President. Sent billions to a country responsible for killing OUR soldiers.. sent guns to Mexico to arm the drug cartels, which were used to kill American Border Patrol agents..How can i be so crystal clear to some people as evidenced by your response while other like GURPS scratch and claw at any idiotic opinion piece and shred of evidence to suggest Trump is somehow a well educated rational leader.
Elect a moron get a moronic response to a pandemic and a run on the market.
Oh I get it.. Trump is a Moron because he got us involved in Syria.. armed terrorists to overthrow the sitting President in Libya while those same terrorists (the same ones that murdered our ambassador) abused and raped and murdered a sitting President. Sent billions to a country responsible for killing OUR soldiers.. sent guns to Mexico to arm the drug cartels, which were used to kill American Border Patrol agents..
Yeah, TRUMP is the Moron..
(b) This is a mix of the patently false, personal opinion, and mind-reading. So not helpful other than as an expression of personal frustration.(a) If we had a competent president who had a strong response the market would not have reacted the way it did.
(b) It reacted to the fact that he sent mixed messages, claimed the virus was a hoax and did nothing to ready or reassure the public until it was too late.
Missing the study's link...?The study, co-authored by 9 members of the CDC Influenza Division, used an improved modeling approach which resulted in an estimated range of deaths from between 151,700 and 575,400 people who perished worldwide from 2009 H1N1 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.
The world did not shut down nor did it decimate the population. In fact, I can't recall any impact on my ability to go to concerts, parks, work, or there being any shortages of supplies.
Missing the study's link...?
--- End of line (MCP)
Thanks.First Global Estimates of 2009 H1N1 Pandemic Mortality Released by CDC-Led Collaboration | CDC
First Global Estimates of 2009 H1N1 Pandemic Mortality Released by CDC-Led
Then go out there and get itThe study, co-authored by 9 members of the CDC Influenza Division, used an improved modeling approach which resulted in an estimated range of deaths from between 151,700 and 575,400 people who perished worldwide from 2009 H1N1 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.
The world did not shut down nor did it decimate the population. In fact, I can't recall any impact on my ability to go to concerts, parks, work, or there being any shortages of supplies.