What businesses should be replaced in Southern Md?


Well-Known Member
Since the what's missing thread is divided between people who want something more and people who don't want any more building, what businesses should be gotten rid of (possibly to be replaced with the new ones we want)?


Lem Putt
Since the what's missing thread is divided between people who want something more and people who don't want any more building, what businesses should be gotten rid of (possibly to be replaced with the new ones we want)?

Get rid of most of the cheap junk chinese food places.

Take those empty Arby's and put in Roberto's.

Replace all of the grocery chain seafood departments with a decent seafood shop with actual fresh fish, not freshly defrosted.

Replace the bowling alleys with modern facilities.

Get rid of the theaters. They're too nasty to fix up, and new ones would be ruined before too long.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
We have an over abundance of liqour stores.

But hang on a sec. For every new convenience/gas store or chain restaurant location that opens, at least one other goes bust and creates another vacant building. But even though new ones keep opening every year, when was the last time anyone saw a liquor store having a "going out of business" sale?



New Member
The real solution to the mess that St. Mary's has become is that too many new shopping centers open, the stores move to the new ones and junk stores move in to old. Don't let new Shopping Centers be built, foorce owners of existing SC to keep them up so that they won't go and become havens of junk. Look at St. Mary's Square, now a junk store where Mamtoth Mart was, Grand Union had so many stores before Food Lion which seems to stay. McKay's wanted to build there, could not get permission from owners, so built a new one down the street.
Instead of a Kohls standalone they should have moved into rebuilt old centers like Millison Plazza and St. Mary's Square.


Lawful neutral
Since the what's missing thread is divided between people who want something more and people who don't want any more building, what businesses should be gotten rid of (possibly to be replaced with the new ones we want)?

Replace all the Doctors here that have a difficult time speaking and understanding English with hot women nurses with huge hoo-ha’s that speak with German accents and believe in touch therapy.


Well-Known Member
That's because we have an over abundance of drunks.

I beg your pardon sir. I simple enjoy partaking of my favorite spirit beverages. Occassionally I do get a little tipsy and urinate in public but men seem to encourage this and even find it interesting for some reason.:confused: