What do people eat?


Would THIS face lie?
I love turnips. I love parsnips. I love rooooootabega. About the only veggie I don't like is lima beans, which isn't a veggie anyway.

Roast in the crockpot or GodPot, with root vegetables. Yum yum!

I am a roooooooootabega fan myself. I don't know why but I have just never cared for turnips. Lima beans are great!

My Dad had a 1950 roooootabega....I don't know why they stopped making them....They were kind of neat lookin with the pointy front and rear...OH, wait...nevermind..


I bowl overhand
Do you know what a parsnip is? Hmmmmmmmmm?

It's a SNIP that makes the cut.. or a better than average SNIP..

You can usually get good deals on the subparsnips..

Or it's a good snip.. an average snip..

A little better than a bogiesnip..

but not nearly as good as a birdiesnip..

and not even in the same league as an EagleSnip..
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Dream Stealer
I cannot eat lima beans..they are like disgusting tick bodies. like the blood ticks we used to squish. Cant do it. :barf: I cannot stand beets, either. No idea why people eat them.

Parsnips..slice them up and saute with sliced carrots butter and brown sugar...pretty good.

we had okra at my mom's one day and my SO goes.."what is that?" "okra" "OPRAH?" :killingme


New Member
I'll admit, haven't read the whole thread. I'll eat most any veggie except for kidney or lima beans. I think it's PTSD from when I was a kid. Back then we had to eat what was on the plate at supper or suffer the consequences.

Stupid beans used to make me gag and I went to bed early many a night when chili, bean soup or ham bone soup was the eats for the night.

I love most everything else now; turnips, squash etc. My fav is a big bowl of brussels sprouts with butter, some salt and a little parmesan. Everyone else in the house hates them. Also love fried cabbage with mushrooms and a bit of garlic.

If I had to eat those things as a kid I'd have missed my childhood due to being in bed early with a sore a**. That's how it goes when you grow up with Depression era parents!


Football addict
I was in Shoppers a while back and took my booty to the check out register and the Grocery transfer Technician (cashier) had no idea what an artichoke was. He held up the bag and said "What is this?". Same thing one day with an egg plant. Tonight at McKay's I had a parsnip, same deal.

So Boy has a pal staying over tonight and I made dinner and it included Brussels sprouts. He asked "What the heck are those?"

So all this came together in my head and now I wonder what people eat. Are vegetables at risk of becoming extinct from tables?
How come you never let me check your booty out?


Stretch's Mom
I love turnips. I love parsnips. I love rooooootabega. About the only veggie I don't like is lima beans, which isn't a veggie anyway.

Roast in the crockpot or GodPot, with root vegetables. Yum yum!

By the way GodPot fans... the GP is BACK! Not host-only anymore... yay!! So if you want one... hit me up. I am so happy I can't hardly stand myself.

